At four o’clock in the afternoon, Shinomiya Kaguya walked down from the car and came to Mu Bai’s apartment building, and Mu Bai’s also happened to come down from the upper floor.

Seeing Mu Bai, Shigong Kaguya’s face suddenly showed joy.


Looking at Mu Bai in front of him, Shigong Kaguya shouted at Mu Bai.

“Well, Kaguya, are you ready?”

“Yes, everything is ready, the guild president, the four palace family has prepared a two-hundred-year-old ginseng.”

Mu Bai nodded, then looked at Shinomiya Kaguya in formal clothes and said, “Very beautiful, Kaguya.” ”

Hearing Mu Bai’s words, a red glow appeared on the face of the fourth palace Kaguya, and he was very happy that Mu Bai could notice that he had put on a little makeup today.

You must know that the four palace Kaguya on weekdays has always been in a state of plain face, and today in order not to be compared in front of the two daughters of the snow family, the four palace Kaguya specially made up.

After all, for the two daughters of the Yukishita family, Shinomiya Kaguya also knows how beautiful the other party is.

Whether it is the eldest daughter Yukinoshita Yono or the second daughter Yukinoshita Yukino.

But fortunately, Shinomiya Kaguya secretly rejoiced in his heart, Yukino that woman under the snow is a stupid white sweet, and he doesn’t have to care about the other party at all, as long as he pays attention to the yōno under the snow.

“President, let’s go now.”

“Wait a minute.”

Mu Bai looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, who wore his long hair, stepped forward with a smile, and then tied the long black hair of Shigong Kaguya into a double ponytail.

“This look of Kaguya looks much cuter, although the appearance just now is cold, but sure enough, I still hope that Kaguya can be more cute, of course, it is only the best for me to be cute, and it doesn’t matter if it is cold to others.”

Shinomiya Kaguya’s face turned slightly red, and then said to Mu Bai: “President, are you confessing this?” ”

“Well, no, just a little advice to my fiancée.”

Hearing Mu Bai’s feet, Shinomiya Kaguya was a little unwilling: “President, it doesn’t matter if you don’t need to quibble, after all, we are an unmarried couple.” ”

“So I’m just complimenting my fiancée.”

Shinomiya Kaguya: “… ”

It’s so angry, it’s clear that the president has already made a marriage contract, but why is the president unwilling to confess to himself?

The cat roared in the heart of the fourth palace Kaguya, and Mu Bai looked at the fourth palace Kaguya in front of him with a hint of a smile in his eyes, and the fourth palace Kaguya in front of him was really cute.

Of course, Mu Bai knew that Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to confess himself, but Mu Bai deliberately hung the appetite of Shinomiya Kaguya, and he just did not meet this need of Shinomiya Kaguya.

“Okay, then now we should leave for Yukinoshita’s house, Kaguya.”

To be honest, Mu Bai actually didn’t want to go to Xuexia’s house, and it was precisely for this reason that Mu Bai chose not to answer when Xuexia Xuenai called, Mu Bai knew that Mrs. Xuexia invited her to Xuexia’s house to thank Mu Bai for her kindness, in fact, I am afraid that it is still the old matter to be brought up again, for the marriage contract.

Glancing at the Four Palaces Kaguya sitting beside him, Mu Bai shouted that the Four Palaces Kaguya was in order to completely make Mrs. Yukishita die.

The original Yukishita Yukinoshita selected by Mrs. Yukinoshita refused herself, the opportunity is only once, and if it were not for the fact that Mrs. Yukoshita and Mu Bai’s mother were Yukiyi Jinlan, this opportunity would not have been the turn of the Yukinoshita family.

Although the Yukishita family deserves to be the first in Chiba Prefecture, but…

Only the wealthy families who have entered Tokyo or Kyoto are considered top giants, and the Yukoshita family is obviously not a treasurer, and the Mu Bai family wants tickets, and they can choose a first-class chaebol like the Shinomiya family, rather than a second-rate family like the Yukishita family.

It is completely because Mrs. Xuexia and Mu Bai’s mother are Yueyi Jinlan, so Mu Bai’s mother decided on the Xuexia family, plus Mu Bai himself is not disgusted with Xuexia Xuenai, and the family side only wants a stepping stone, and it does not matter how the other party’s forces are, so there is no opposition.

But Yukinoshita Yukino refused, Mu Bai can refuse Yukino under Yuki, but Yukino under Yukino can’t refuse Mu Bai, and if the opportunity is missed, it is impossible to have it, not to mention that Yukino himself refused.

Now even if Yukishita Yukino agrees, Mu Bai himself is willing to accept Yukishita Yukino, and the family behind Mu Bai will not agree, although the two only verbally agreed, but Yukishita Yukino’s refusal also makes it absolutely impossible for the family behind Mu Bai to agree to marry the Yukishita family.

So Mu Bai didn’t answer the phone before to save the other party’s face, Mu Bai didn’t answer the phone, this matter passed as if it didn’t happen, and the face of the Xuexia family was saved.

But after three phone calls in a row, Mu Bai understood Mrs. Yukishita’s determination, so Mu Bai answered the phone and agreed to Mrs. Yukishita’s invitation.

But this time, Mu Bai called out the four palaces Kaguya together, so Mrs. Xuexia also understood what Mu Bai meant.

To be honest, Mu Bai felt that he really worked hard to preserve the sisterhood between his mother and Mrs. Yukoshita, but if the result was to develop into the worst possible appearance, then he could only say sorry.

“Miss Kaguya, President, there is a fog ahead for unknown reasons, it is likely to affect the arrival time, do you need to inform the Yukinoshita family in advance?”

Mu Bai was stunned, and then looked out the window, and then he was really white!

It’s evening, and it shouldn’t and can’t be foggy…

“What time is it?”

“A little after five.”

When Mu Bai heard this, he suddenly said: “So it is, when the devil is in time!” ”

When the time of the devil, the people of Shigezakura like to call the period before dusk “the time of the devil”.

They firmly believe that this is a cursed time, that all evil spirits and ghosts will appear in the sky at this time, and that those who walk alone on the road will be deluded and lose their souls.

“President, are you saying that we have encountered a supernatural event?”

“Well, the probability is yes, just looking at this scale, it seems that more than just a youkai can have this scale, Hayasaka, drive slower and move on.”

“Yes, President.”

The driver is none other than Ai Hayasaka, Kaguya’s exclusive maid.

As the car slowly moved forward, Mu Bai and Shinomiya Kaguya obviously noticed that the rest of the vehicles on the road slowly disappeared, and they had been driving for so long, but they had not left the range of the fog, which was very wrong.


Suddenly, Mu Bai opened his mouth and let Hayasaka Ai stop.

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