Following the feeling that Mu Bai came to the street, looking at the vast number of people in the flow, Mu Bai’s eyes twitched.

There are probably too many of them.

But fortunately, there was a secret connection between the king’s treasure and the treasure, and Mu Bai finally found it along with his feelings, and Mu Bai saw a person not far from Mu Bai.

A young man, Mu Bai felt that the other party’s body had treasures, but suddenly Mu Bai found a question, that is, how did he get treasures from the other party’s body?

The previous treasure from Ai Hayasaka’s body was because of KISS, could it be said that this time Mu Bai was going to kiss a man?


Mu Bai resolutely refused, impossible, Mu Bai would definitely not agree.

It seems that Wang Zhibao does not want to see Mu Bai kiss a man, so Wang Zhibao tells Mu Bai that as long as he touches the person who sleeps the treasure with magic power, he can take the treasure back.

Mu Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the results were not too bad.

Mu Bai’s heart breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, the result was not too bad, if it really had to deteriorate, then Mu Bai would really rather give up some of the treasures.

But fortunately, the worst doesn’t happen.

Mu Bai walked towards the young man, and then slapped the hand with magic power on the other party’s shoulder, and instantly Mu Bai recycled the treasures in the other party’s body.

“Hello, may I ask, how does this place go.”

Mu Bai took out an address and asked the other party.

The other party glanced at it, and then showed Mu Bai the way, and Mu Bai thanked him and left.

After leaving, Mu Bai immediately checked what treasure he had got.

Devil-breaking red rose?

Seeing this treasure tool, Mu Bai instantly thought of the man with two brushes.


Then Mu Bai felt that a force was injected into his body, and for a moment Mu Bai obviously noticed that his panel had changed, Mu Bai’s panel before was only D, but now Mu Bai’s panel is already C, although it is only C-, but Mu Bai is full of confidence in becoming stronger.

Finding the treasure by yourself can not only increase the power and level of the king’s treasure, but also increase the ability value of your own panel, isn’t this double happiness?

However, I don’t know if the next road to find treasures will be difficult.

However, just as Mu Bai was about to go back, suddenly Mu Bai smelled a smell of blood on the tip of his nose.

Although this smell of blood is very light, but after the current Mu Bai’s strength has been improved again, Mu Bai’s five senses have been improved, so this smell of blood Mu Bai is still clearly smelled.

Originally, Mu Bai didn’t want to care, but perhaps because he had just increased his strength and then developed a confused confidence, Mu Bai Ghost made a god walk towards the source of the bloody smell.

As you get closer, the smell of blood will be greater.

After Mu Bai came to a dark and remote alley, Mu Bai saw a male who died a little miserable, saying that the other party was a little miserable because a large part of the blood and flesh on the other party’s body was gnawed.

Half of the face is left with only white bones, and the chest and stomach have been disemboweled.


Mu Bai looked around, found no trace of the murderer, and then turned to leave.


The next day was the weekend, and Mu Bai originally planned to sleep well, but what he didn’t expect was that Mu Bai was woken up at seven o’clock in the morning.

Looking at the two policemen standing at the door, Mu Bai frowned.

“Is there something going on?”

Looking at the two policemen in front of him, Mu Bai asked calmly.

“This is our documents, may I ask where you were during the period from eight to nine o’clock last night?”

“Walking the streets of Tokyo.”

“So have you seen this person?”

The police officer took out a photo from his chest pocket, which was a man, and if Mu Bai was not mistaken, the other party should be the unlucky bastard who had even half gnawed his face last night.

“I didn’t see it when I was alive, but I saw it after I died.”

The two police officers immediately looked at Mu Bai, and Mu Bai also said directly to the two: “He was dead when I saw each other last night.” ”

Hearing Mu Bai’s words, the two police officers immediately said to Mu Bai: “We hope that you can cooperate with us to go back and investigate.” ”

“I went out for a walk last night and found that the other party was dead, just like this, as for cooperation, there is no need, if you want to ask a count of the Daming Empire to go back and cooperate, then you must first submit an application to the Daming cabinet, and only after the cabinet approves can you have the right to ask me to cooperate.”

The two police officers at the door looked at Mu Bai in disbelief, seemingly not believing that Mu Bai was a nobleman.

“Regarding my identity, you can go to investigate, if there is nothing else, please go back.”

The two police officers were a little confused whether Mu Bai was really a nobleman, so they hesitated for a while and left, and then called their top boss and asked the other party to investigate whether Mu Bai was really a nobleman.

In the police station, Twilight Thirteen, who received the report from his subordinates, almost jumped up all of a sudden, and investigated the case and found the head of a count?

Although it has not yet been determined whether the other party is really a nobleman, but basically no one will impersonate a nobleman, pretending to be a nobleman is a felony, and he is also a count, so Twilight Thirteen hesitated, and then decided to check Mu Bai’s identity, but this check almost did not make Twilight XIII have a heart attack.

Mu Bai himself is a count of the Daming Empire, his father is a duke, his grandfather is a prince, and his mother is the county lord of a prince of Daming.

Looking at the series of dense networks, Twilight Thirteen’s whole person was not good.

And Mu Bai in the apartment also lost the idea of continuing to sleep in.

Mu Bai didn’t have any thoughts about the policeman who found his head, Mu Bai just felt that the man who was eaten looked a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it.

But after thinking for a while and not thinking about it, Mu Bai gave up

I took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, then baked two slices of bread for breakfast, and just after eating, the doorbell rang again.

Mu Bai opened the door, and then saw a middle-aged man wearing a beige trench coat and very obese.

“I’m very sorry, I’m sorry to interrupt, I’m the Metropolitan Police Department’s Criminal Department Search Section 1 forcibly convict search the third department of the police department.”

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