Finally, the two people of Alice and Xinhu Crimson were coaxed to leave, and Mu Bai had time to look at the room in front of him and look for the location of the altar.

That is, now Mu Bai’s Gilgamesh’s template level is not high, otherwise if you have the skill of the all-knowing and all-powerful star, relying on this skill Mu Bai can see through the truth to a certain extent!

Although the all-knowing and all-powerful star does not equal all-knowing and all-powerful, it also has the ability to see everything, so it is not a problem to find a small altar.

And Gilgamesh also has clairvoyance, as Caster’s crown candidate, Gilgamesh’s clairvoyance can see through the future, which is a great improvement for Mu Bai, but unfortunately Mu Bai does not.

Whether it is an all-knowing and all-powerful star or clairvoyance, Mu Bai now does not.

So Mu Bai can only look for it little by little.

But fortunately, Mu Bai’s eyes can see abnormalities.

Those with a black aura, Mu Bai was basically sure that there must be something wrong with that place.

After destroying everything in the entire room, Mu Bai searched again and did not find the altar.

Mu Bai pinched his chin and showed a trace of doubt in his eyes, what happened?

Why didn’t he find the other party’s altar, could it be said that his guess was wrong?

This thought appeared in Mu Bai’s mind, but soon Mu Bai negated this speculation, everything here has already explained that the other party is a head lowering master, but the question is where is the other party’s altar, can it be said that the other party’s altar is not located at home?

After Mu Bai cleaned up all the dirty things here, there was no such disgusting breath in the air at this time, and after walking out of the room, Mu Bai looked at Alice who was waiting outside and said: “Let’s go, go back first, we are in the wrong place.” ”

Mu Bai said to Alice and Shinto Scarlet.

Xinhu Crimson’s face changed, and he looked at Mu Bai and said, “What do you mean by coming to the wrong place?” ”

“The other party’s altar is not here, we need to go somewhere else to find the altar.”

Shinto Scarlet looked at Mu Bai and said, “So, isn’t Miss Erina, still can’t wake up?” ”

Mu Bai’s answer confirmed Shinto Scarlet’s guess.

“You’re right, you didn’t destroy the altar, unless there is some opportunity, Erina, you won’t wake up, so if you want to save Erina, you must destroy the fear, but…”

Mu Bai didn’t say anything, but Mu Bai knew that Alice and Shinto Akatsa knew what they were talking about.

For a moment, the mood of Alice and Shinto Crimson suddenly sank to the bottom.

“So where are we going to find the altar next?”

“Let’s go back and talk first, inform the others about the things here, and then make decisions, investigate where the person who lowered his head is coming and going, and then investigate one by one.”

Both Shinto Crimson and Alice Tsukiri both looked a little heavy, and both of them knew very well in their hearts that it was probably lower to wake up Erina.

Alice looked at Mu Bai: “Xiaobai, you must wake up Erina, I haven’t defeated Erina’s nasty ghost, so Erina’s nasty ghost must not have an accident.” ”

“Don’t worry, even if it is to be able to let the Shinra Group gain a foothold in Shigecherry, I will spare no effort to help Erina wake up.”

Hearing Mu Bai’s words, Alice said to Mu Bai: “When Erinai wakes up, then Erina’s halberd and I will invite you to be our judges.” ”

Mu Bai agreed with a smile, and then Kazuki Alice and Shinto Scarlet returned to Yuanyue.

Before Mu Bai could speak, Alice said it directly.

Although he did not watch it with his own eyes, hearing the resurrection of those shriveled baby corpses that Alice said was already a group of people in the Tsutche family shuddering.

“The altar is not where it is, so if you want to find the altar, then you can only look for it again, but focus on investigating the traces of the daily behavior of the descendant, it should not be difficult to find the altar, if you really can’t find the altar, then you can try to use the second method.”

Xue Chexian Zuoweimon nodded: “I will immediately launch a relationship to investigate where the other party enters and exits, then the next thing will continue to annoy Xiao Wangye!” ”

“Don’t get in the way, after all, collect people’s money and eliminate disasters for others.”

“Although it is a transaction, as long as it can save Erina, I will feel the family sense of five inside.”

“Then you guys go investigate, I’ll go take a break first.”


At a station in Tokyo, a cute-looking girl stands on the side of the road.

A car stopped next to the girl, and then the door was opened, and Chika Fujiwara, a fat woman with a bow, got out of the car, looked at the cute girl and said, “Yuzura, you are finally here.” ”

Huakaiyuan Yuzu, a genius Onmyoji girl of the Huakaiyuan clan.

“That, Sister Qianhua, please let me go if you can.”

The Onmyoji girl who was held by the fat woman with a bow said a little embarrassed.


Fujiwara Chika smiled cutely, and then said to Fujiwara Chika: “Yuzu, to introduce you, this is Shinomiya Kaguya, and this is Kaguya’s maid Hayasaka Ai.” ”

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Yuzura Huakaiin and said to Yura with a smile on his face: “Welcome to Xiuzhiyuan Academy, I welcome you as the president of the academy, and at the same time, I hope that you can completely eliminate all the spirits in Xiuzhiyuan.” ”

Hearing Shinomiya Kaguya’s words, the dull look on Yuzu Yuzu’s face suddenly disappeared, and then Huakaiyuan Yuzura looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and said: “I will do my best to eliminate all the monsters and spirits in the Shuchiin Academy.” ”

Fujiwara Chika looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and complained and said: “Kaguya, you look too serious like this, it will scare Yuzu, but Yuzu, the matter of Hidechiin is entrusted to you, there are many youkai encountered in the previous Shuchiin Academy, and Kaguya’s maid Ai Hazaka met once.” ”

Twice, actually.

Hearing Fujiwara Chika’s words, Ai Hayasaka said secretly in her heart.

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