
With a snap of his fingers, the golden ripples gradually rippled, and the wine of God fell into Mu Bai’s hands and was drunk by Mu Bai, Mu Bai himself did not like to drink much, but the wine of God was an exception.

Although this thing can’t improve Mu Bai’s strength, it can restore Mu Bai’s magic, and more importantly, it tastes super good!

Even those who do not drink wine will be intoxicated by the wine of God.

Shozo Yuki and Kyoko Yuki looked at Mu Bai with a thick disbelief and a trace of panic and fear in their eyes.

“It won’t be long before the Empire side will announce the truth of the supernatural things and inform everyone in the Empire of the supernatural things.”

Shozo Yuki and Kyoko Yuki looked at each other and did not speak, the matter happened blind, this kind of thing Shozo Yuki and Kyoko Yuki will not continue to suspect.

“Little Wangye, you said that Hinai was hooked by someone?”

“Yes, Asuna’s soul has disappeared, and now only Asuna’s body remains, so Asuna is unconscious, and if Asuna wants Asuna to wake up, then it is necessary to find Asuna’s soul.”

Shozo Yuki and Kyoko Yuki looked at Mu Bai, a trace of fox doubt flashed in their eyes, but this trace of fox doubt was easily captured by Mu Bai, Mu Bai looked at Shozo Yuki and Yuki Kyoko and said: “I can help you find Asuna’s soul without any price for you.” ”

Shozo Yuki looked at Mu Bai, and his heart suddenly tightened.

Because there is no cost, often more.

“I originally came here to visit Asuna and talk about business by the way, but this kind of thing has happened to Asuna now, so let’s talk about it after Asuna’s affairs are resolved.”

Seeing Shozo Yuki’s appearance, Mu Bai explained, if he didn’t explain, Shozo Yuki didn’t know how much to make up his brain, and Mu Bai didn’t want any misunderstanding.

In fact, after Mu Bai’s careful consideration, Mu Bai found that it was actually the most suitable for him to cooperate with the Yuki family, originally Mu Bai was ready to use the helmet matter of the Sword Art Online as a condition for talking with Yuki Shozo, but the occurrence of Yuki Asuna’s incident made Mu Bai temporarily not plan to do these things.

“Well, then I don’t know what I need to do.”

Shozo Yuki thought about it, and then immediately asked Mu Bai.

Mu Bai looked at Shozo Yuki and shook his head.

“Don’t do anything, I will investigate privately, and I always feel that this behind-the-scenes person is likely to take the initiative to jump out, if someone says that they want to take care of Asuna and tell the two that they want to marry Asuna, then the person in eighty percent is the murderer.”

Mu Bai thought of a person, Nobuyuki Sugo.

After Yuki Asuna was liberated in Sword Art Online, the people in Sword Art Domain were liberated, and Yuki Asuna was intercepted, and it became similar to the current situation.

Of course, this matter may not be done by Nobuyuki Sugo, but if the other party and Yuki Asuna’s parents at this time propose to Yuki Asuna, then the other party is also ill-willed.

The faces of Shozo Yuki and Kyoko Yuki have changed, obviously Shozo Yuki and Kyoko Yuki both understand what Mu Bai means, if someone wants to marry Yuki Asuna at this time, then I am afraid that the purpose is the property of the Yuki family.

The other party can unknowingly seduce Yuki Asuna to take away his soul, so what about them?

At that time, if something happened to their couple and their son, wouldn’t everything in the Yuki family become that person?

The faces of Shozo Yuki and Kyoko Yuki changed, the two looked at Mu Bai and quickly thanked him, Mu Bai continued: “Then I will leave first, I will investigate first, as for the two of you, if someone proposes to Asuna, then please be sure not to act rashly, and then notify me.” ”

The two nodded repeatedly.

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

After Mu Bai finished speaking, he left, and the expressions of Shozo Yuki and Kyoko Yuki suddenly became gloomy after Mu Bai left.

“I’m afraid that the next world will change, and it is even likely that there will be a big reshuffle, if Mu Bai can really save Asuna, maybe we can consider deeper cooperation with each other.”

Shozo Yuki looked at Kyoko Yuki and said.

Kyoko Yuki did not speak, but in fact, Kyoko Yuki did not agree in her heart, because Kyoko knew that her husband was preparing to use Yuki Asuna as a tool.

Although she is strict with her daughter, Kyoko Yuki also wants her daughter to be happy.

Unfortunately, at the request of her husband, it was impossible for Kyoko Yuki to refuse.

Although it seems to Yuki Asuna that his mother may be the only one in the family, in fact, Yuki Shozo is, only handed over to his wife in terms of the discipline of his children, and the rest of the matter is all decided by Yuki Shozo.

After Mu Bai left, he went directly to Xiuzhiyuan Academy.

Now Mu Bai wants to find Yuki Asuna’s soul, and can only look around like a headless fly.

There is no clue that Yuki Asuna’s soul is missing, but Mu Bai can find someone to help!

Although the Yin-Yang Master of Huakaiyuan Yuzu is just a rookie in Mu Bai’s opinion, Mu Baijue’s Huakaiyuan Yuzu Luo may have some way, after returning to Xiuzhiyuan Academy, Mu Bai directly found Huakaiyuan Yuzuro, and explained the situation with Huakaiyuan Yuzuro.

After Yuzura of Huakaiyuan listened, Yuzura immediately understood Mu Bai’s intentions, so Yuzu said to Mu Bai: “There is a way to find the soul of Yuki-san, but if someone seals or sets up an enchantment to isolate Yuki-san’s soul, then it is very likely that I will not be able to find Yuki-san’s soul.” ”

“Whether it succeeds or not, try it first, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have any clue now.”

Although Mu Bai is strong, the problem is that Mu Bai really can’t do anything about this kind of thing.

Gilgamesh’s panel doesn’t have those skills.

Of course, Mu Bai can develop it, and this is not just the right way to use the Yin Yang Technique of Huakaiyuan Yuluo.

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