After getting Mu Bai’s helper, Mrs. Yukinoshita immediately asked her eldest daughter Yukishita Yono to return to Tokyo with Mu Bai to discuss cooperation with Togetsu.

And compared to his youngest daughter, his eldest daughter is undoubtedly quite reassuring to Mrs. Yukinoshita.

“Xiaobai, tell me if you like Yukino.”

“Yono, would you like a woman whose heart is not hot~?”

Xuexia Yang Nai’s expression stiffened for a moment, and then said to Mu Bai with some lack of strength: “Xue Nai just drilled the horn tip for a while, give Yukino some time, Xue Nai will definitely figure it out.” -”

When Mu Bai heard what Xuexia Yang Nai said, he couldn’t help but show a smile.

“Yang Nai, do you believe this sentence yourself?”

Yukinoshita Yono wanted to say that he believed it, but thinking about his sister’s character, Yukinoshita Yobai smiled bitterly, and then couldn’t defend his sister!

Once Yukishita Yukino hates someone, it is difficult to reverse the impression.

And Mu Bai is among the ranks of snow under the snow.

“Yukinoshita Yukino’s heart is cold, I can’t cover Yukinoshita’s heart under the snow, so, you ask me if I like Yukinoshita Yukina, my answer to you is no, the reason why I am helping you now, on the one hand, is because of the friendship between my mother and Aunt Ayano, and on the other hand, your Yukinoshita family still has the value of use.”

Yukinoshita Yono complained: “You said so clearly, you don’t worry at all that I have a bad impression of you, and when the time comes, all your plans will fail.” ”

“No, because you’re a bad woman.”

Xuexia Yang Nai looked at Mu Bai, with a cold face, but suddenly smiled and said to Mu Bai: “How do you know that I am a bad woman.” ”

Mu Bai ignored Xuexia Yang Nai and did not speak, but Xue Xia Yang Nai looked at Mu Bai, and then leaned into Mu Bai’s ear and said: “Sister, I, this time will not give up to Xue Nai, so Xiaobai you have to prepare, Gongdou, sister I am very good at it.” ”

Mu Bai smiled when he heard this and didn’t speak, Gong Dou?

That also depends on whether Mu Bai is willing or not.

If Mu Bai is not willing, then what can Yang Nai under the snow do?

Seeing that Mu Bai was unmoved, Yang Nai immediately pouted, and then rolled his eyes, looked at Mu Bai and said: “Sister, I don’t have a place to live in Tokyo, so Xiaobai, can you take my sister in?” ”

“There are many hotels in Tokyo, I will help you arrange them.”

“Xiaobai, can you rest assured that my sister and I will go to the hotel alone? In case something happens, my sister and I, a weak heroine, are really finished, it’s better to let my sister and me live in your house. ”

Mu Bai directly turned a deaf ear, Yang Nai under the snow was a little troubled, looking at Mu Bai in front of him and couldn’t help but complain coldly: “You look like this, sooner or later you will lose my sister my oh, you know that now my sister… ”

“Need me to give Aunt Ayano a call?”

Yang Nai under the snow suddenly shut up, and looked at Mu Bai’s eyes and couldn’t help but bring a trace of resentment.

“You’ve never been like this to Yukino.”

Mu Bai stared out the window and stopped talking, Yang Nai under the snow is also helpless, this little brother of his own really can’t move, is she Yang Nai under the snow so unattractive?

After arriving in Tokyo, Mu Bai directly arranged a place for Yukinoshita Yono to live, and then Mu Bai asked Yukinoshita Yono to contact Engetsu Gakuen by himself.

After that, how to cooperate between Xuexia Real Estate and Yuanyue Academy is not Mu Bai’s business, and Mu Bai does not want to interfere in this kind of thing.

However, considering that he still needed to say hello on Yuanyue’s side, Mu Bai still called Yuanyue’s Xue Chexian Zuoweimen, and after talking about the matter of the Xuexia family, Mu Bai was ready to hang up the phone.

But on the other end of the phone, there was an invitation from the left guard of the Zoemon of the Sixen Cherry Immortal.

“Soon after the far moon will be the annual residential training, if you are interested, come and see, Erinai and Alice are also looking forward to your arrival.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mu Bai immediately thought when he heard this sentence, but then agreed.

0 ask for flowers


After thinking about it for a while, Mu Bai decided to take a look, after all, Yuanyue thought that although those students had different levels, they could also taste it.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Bai did not go to Xiuzhiyuan to attend classes, although it is a bad custom to take the lead in skipping class as the president of the student union, but the right is not used, if it is not used, what is the use of the right.

There is also that Mu Bai has not found new treasures in the past two days, so Mu Bai plans to find a place with more personal traffic, maybe he can find one or two treasures.

The more treasures, the stronger Mu Bai’s strength will be, and the more confident Mu Bai will be in dealing with future changes.

Now that the gods and ghosts have come out, Mu Bai is afraid to imagine what it will become in the future.

So it’s time to prepare early.

Speaking of the place with the most traffic, Mu Bai immediately thought of the intersection of Shibuya.

But a sudden message caught Mu Bai’s attention.

“Kasumi Shiko-sensei’s new bookmark sale?”

Mu Bai thought for a while, and then decided to go to this place, after all, it is a bit silly to simply stand at the intersection, it is better to go to this Xia Shizi teacher’s book signing party!

Of course, it is more important to see Xia Shizi, after all, this is Xia Lao fat.

For Xia Lao Fei, Mu Bai Na has been famous for a long time. It’s just that I haven’t seen Xia Lao Fei.

I took the train directly to Akihabara, and then bought a light novel written by Shiwa Kasumigaoka in the bookstore where the signing party was about to begin, and Mu Bai read it when he was idle and bored, anyway, if a treasure appears, Mu Bai will feel something.

Just looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s love metronome, how to say it, Mu Bai felt a little funny, purely relying on Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s own brain to write a novel full of innocence.

“I haven’t experienced love, so the content of this light novel is basically moaning without disease, worrying about giving new words, well, how to describe it? Pain literature? 1。 ”

Mu Bai did not find that after a person with a mask next to him heard his words, he directly stopped the person.

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