Countless people were taken away from their homes by Jin Yiwei one by one, which directly made the already loud cherry blossoms suddenly become more cautious.

But fortunately, a live broadcast for Jeongjing cherry blossoms began.

The political spokesperson of Shigeyoshi took the stage, holding a copy of the speech in his hand, and began to tell everything that happened today.

“Here, Jinyiwei wants to clarify one thing, today’s Jinyiwei’s wanton arrest of prisoners, I think everyone present should have heard about it, then the thing I want to say this time is that the people arrested by Jinyiwei this time are a group of cult elements.”

What followed was the flickering of the spokesperson.

It doesn’t matter if the journalists believe it or not, anyway, the spokesperson himself believes it.

“Then there is another thing that I think is also something that everyone is very concerned about, that is, about the ghost time of Akihabara, this thing I can tell you here is true, but please don’t worry, because our great motherland Daming has sent special personnel to form the Spiritual Defense Province, I believe everyone should have seen the video of destroying the Earth Binding Spirit on the Internet, In that video, the person who eliminated the Earth Binding Spirit was the supreme governor sent by our motherland Daming to form the Spiritual Defense Province. ”

Mu Bai watched the live broadcast on TV in the Jinyiwei’s guardhouse, and said to the Jinyiwei Qianhu

“Did those people speak?” ”

“Not yet, but it is basically certain that the other party is indeed a ~ member of the Chinese ethnic group.”

“You know it’s not what I want to know, it doesn’t matter if these people are Chinese, what matters is that I want to know where those so-called royal families are.”

“The subordinate is incompetent, please punish the adult.”

Mu Bai shook his head and did not speak, and the live broadcast on the TV continued.

The spokesperson in the TV continued: “The next heavy cherry blossom all the supernatural people please report to the local police station independently, and then the personnel of the Paranormal Defense Ministry will verify, if you are really a supernatural person, then you can choose to join the supernatural investigation bureau, you can also choose to continue to live your ordinary life, but if you find any supernatural people using extraordinary power to harm people, then what awaits you will be the crusade of 200,000 people in the Daming Empire, please remember that I am the people of Daming, Even if we can’t contribute to Daming, at least we must not cause chaos to Daming. ”

However, at the next moment when the speaker finished speaking, a thousand paper cranes appeared directly, and then directly passed through the speaker’s body, and blood splattered out immediately.

Looking at the picture in the live broadcast, Mu Bai’s eyes flashed a fierce color!


The reporters screamed and fled, but a voice came from among the cranes.

“Daming is just an aggressor, we Yamato is the greatest nation, we will overthrow Daming’s rule over Shigeyaki, re-establish a country belonging to our Yamato clan, all the citizens who still carry the soul of Yamato, let us hold high the banner of resistance, say no to those who invade our country, Yamato onboard, the emperor onboard!”

However, no one responded.


What is that, hundreds of years have passed, and there is no difference between the current Chongying and a province of Daming, although it still retains a small government system, but most of the people of Chongying recognize themselves as a Daming person.

Now I don’t know where a paratrooper ran out, thinking that if he casually shouted two words, there is really a group of fools who will give their lives for the glory and wealth of the other party?

Please, it’s already the twenty-first century, not in ancient times, you shout casually and then someone will really believe you and rebel with you.

At this time, a picture suddenly cut in, and in the picture was a person with a dragon-shaped mask, and this person was naturally Mu Bai.

“Yamato? It’s just a bunch of stupid nobles who vainly try to restore, do you think that if you shout slogans casually, then someone will believe you, and then they will rebel with you? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mu Bai’s tone was full of mockery.

0 ask for flowers

“Even if I rebel with you, what is the benefit? Just for the so-called Yamato soul? At that time, you nobles will be prosperous and rich when they become famous, and then these of them will be buried in the green mountain by the hooded people? ”

Mu Bai’s tone was indescribably mocking.

“Use your life as a stepping stone for you to gain glory and wealth? To put it bluntly, you so-called nobles of the old times are unwilling to give up their original high life, so you want to restore, and now you fool a group of people to work for you, even if you really get away with it, and then you will not enslave those who work for you? When the time comes, they will become your slaves. ”

“Their descendants will also be your slaves, and you so-called nobles will lie on their bodies and constantly suck their blood and sweat like bloodsucking insects.”

“So you really don’t mean that someone will be stupid enough to rebel with you, no, no.”

Mu Bai’s words in this tone directly made the people who were watching the live broadcast confused.

Then there was the approval.

“What this man said is right, take your own life to fight for others to be rich, the other party is prosperous and rich, I am shrouded in Mag, and then the other party will enslave my descendants after becoming a nobleman, rough!”

“The shit Yamato soul, when Daming was not liberated, we commoners didn’t even have a surname, after Daming came, we had a surname and dignity, and now these shit nobles actually want us to work for them, and then continue to let them ride on our heads and shit and pee?”

The appearance of barrages one by one proves that Daming is popular in Chongying!

And that voice didn’t seem to expect it to be like this.

“You people of this group, you are not worthy to be the people of Yamato, I will kill all of you traitors.”

The voice behind him was furious.

Obviously, this result was unexpected by the other party.

And the corner of Mu Bai’s mouth under the mask showed a smile.

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