When Mu Bai walked out of the hot spring hotel, he unexpectedly saw Twilight Thirteen standing on the side with an embarrassed face, and then the empty silver just saw Mu Bai come out and ran towards Mu Bai, Mu Bai couldn’t help but wrinkle his brows slightly when he saw this scene, and then looked at Mu Mu Thirteen with a trace of questioning in his eyes.

Twilight Thirteen, who was stared at by Mu Bai, showed a wry smile.

“Not long after we left, he woke up and said he was going to jump out of the plane if we didn’t bring him back. ……

After Mu Bai heard it, he immediately sneered: “Then you brought it back, I’m curious how stupid you are to do such a thing, won’t you control ~ her?” ”

Twilight smiled bitterly.

Kong Yinzi looked at Mu Bai and asked anxiously, “What about my junior brother, how is my junior brother!” ”

“As an undead soul who has died, the nine-headed dragon Bayi has already gone where it should go, I did not destroy the soul of the nine-headed dragon Bayi, and at the last moment the nine-headed dragon Bayi – became a Buddha himself.”

The empty silver seemed to have been drained from all its strength.

Mu Bai looked at the empty silver and said to Twilight Thirteen on this side: “Go to the hot spring hotel to get a video, and then he will give her that video, and then take her to the police station to obstruct the office and detain her for fifteen days.” ”

Mu Bai’s eyes suddenly became strange when he looked at Twilight, such a cute girl, you actually want to send the other party to the bureau for fifteen days, are you still a person?

And what is more important is that the other party’s junior brother has just passed away.

Mu Bai ignored Twilight Thirteen’s strange gaze, and his expression was still calm: “Is there any problem?” He quickly coughed dryly, and Twilight Thirteen shook his head decisively.

“No, please leave it to me, Chief Mu Bai.”

Subsequently, Mu Bai left straight away and no longer paid attention to the empty silver and Twilight Thirteen, but when he left, Mu Bai asked Twilight Thirteen to pay more attention to the empty silver, don’t let the empty silver think of doing something stupid, after all, anyway, the nine-headed dragon Bayi asked Mu Bai to help take care of the empty silver before leaving, Mu Bai said that it was not a special care, but it was still okay to just let the Twilight Thirteen pay attention to them.

After dealing with the affairs of the hot spring hotel, Mu Bai rushed back to Tokyo, because another supernatural incident occurred on this side of Tokyo!

The rift woman appeared again, and this time the other party appeared openly in public, Mu Bai must solve the rift woman in the shortest possible time, otherwise it is easy to cause turmoil in this society.

Back in Tokyo, Mu Bai immediately rushed to the scene of the crime.

At the same time, before Mu Bai arrived, Yuluo of Huakaiyuan had already arrived at the scene, but because Yuluo of Huakaiyuan did not have an official identity above the surface, he could not enter the crime scene!

However, after Mu Bai’s arrival, Yuluo naturally no longer needed to worry about these problems.

Among the yellow lines that were pulled out, Mu Bai took Huakaiyuan Yuluo to check the killed person, and then Mu Bai asked Huakaiyuan Yuluo: “Is it possible to find this rift woman in a short time.” ”

Yuzu Kaiyuan: “I try to find out this rift woman as much as possible, but because there is no medium, it is likely that there will be a possibility of failure.” ”

“It’s okay, you do your best.”

For what Huakaiyuan Yuluo said, Mu Bai naturally understood, and Huakaiyuan Yuzuluo is not an official person, Mu Bai is strictly speaking, this is in a private capacity to ask for the help of the other party, Huakaiyuan Yuluo is willing to help Mu Bai, this is love.

Soon, Yuzu began to track down the rift woman with the Yin-Yang Technique.

But it’s a pity that Huakaiyuan Yuluo still failed, and he was not able to succeed, and Mu Bai did not mind this, but comforted Huakaiyuan Yuluo.

“It’s okay, don’t take it to heart, I can understand this thing.”

Huakaiyuan Yuzu pursed her lips: “I’ll try again.” ”

“Do your best and don’t force yourself.”

Hanakaiin Yuzu uses the Onmyojutsu once to find out the whereabouts of the Rift Girl!

But unfortunately, the yin-yang technique is still ineffective again.

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Huakaiyuan Yuluo was unwilling to continue, and Counselor Wang Mubai did pat Huakaiyuan Yuluo’s shoulder.

“Enough, no need to force yourself anymore.”

Hearing Mu Bai’s words, Yuluo was a little unwilling, but helpless.

Mu Bai said to Yuluo in the flower opening courtyard: “Yuluo, you come with me, I am going to find someone to help, if there is a other party, it should not be too much of a problem to find the rift girl.” ”

Hearing Mu Bai say that he was actually going to find someone to help Hua Kaiyuan, Yuluo was a little surprised, and then asked this Mu Bai: “President, do you know any other Yin-Yang Masters?” ”

Mu Bai smiled and shook his head: “Come with me, you will know by then.” ”

A trace of doubt flashed in Huakaiyuan’s eyes, but he didn’t continue to say anything.

Mu Bai took the flower opening courtyard Yuluo to an ancient house by car!

Before Yuluo entered the Huakai Courtyard, he suddenly became creepy: “President, here…” ”

Mu Bai looked at the appearance of Yuluo in the Huakai Courtyard and chuckled and said: “The Lord of the Charm and Dragon, the Slippery Head Ghost Nuliang, the headquarters of the Nuliang Group!” ”

Huakaiyuan Yuluo looked at Mu Bai dumbfounded.

Mu Bai smiled and walked into this ancient mansion, and Yuluo looked at Mu Bai’s back and then gritted his teeth and followed.

Mu Bai, who entered the ancient house from time to time, saw one monster after another, and Yuzu Luo was tense and full of vigilance against these monsters.

However, when those monsters saw Mu Bai, they just smiled indifferently, and seemed to be completely unconcerned about Mu Bai’s appearance.

Soon, Mu Bai met the general general of the Nuliang group, Nu Liang Slippery.

“I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon, this time there is something to find me.”

“I need to find the whereabouts of the Rift Woman, I think it should be more convenient for you to find each other than me, the existence of the Rift Woman has affected the daily life of this world.”

Looking at Mu Bai, Nu Liang Slippery Scoop asked Mu Bai, “What good do I have!” ”

“I can take in the Nu Liang Group on behalf of the Ministry of Paranormal Defense!”

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