Mu Bai turned his head to look at Yuluo in the Huakai Courtyard and asked, “Yuzu Luo, have you heard of this kind of thing?” ”

Yuzu shook his head: “I’m sorry President, I’ve never heard of this kind of youkai, not even similar to me.” ”

“Then you say that it will be a new youkai, just like a rift woman, and the rift woman is also a newly born youkai, then will this kind of yokai be the same.”

“It’s possible, but no one knows if it’s true or not.”

Mu Bai then turned to Concubine Yingli and asked, “So how much of that number is left now?” ”

Concubine Yingli’s face was a little ugly, and then she said a number: “Three!” ”

Mu Bai glanced around and then said to Concubine Yingli: “Then look in the mirror once, and then let me take a look.” ”

Concubine Yingli took a deep breath and then nodded.

For Mu Baifei Yingli, I still believe it, after all, it is the supreme governor sent by Daming’s side to form the Spiritual Defense Province, so Mu Bai’s strength should be very strong, and if the strength is not enough, it is impossible to become the supreme governor of the Linyi Defense Province.

Concubine Yingli nodded, and then took out a make-up mirror from her bag.

Mu Bai and Huakaiyuan Yuluo stood behind Concubine Yingli.

Then Fei Yingli pointed the mirror at herself, and the next moment the reflection of Concubine Yingli in the mirror showed a weird smile on her face, and then said a number: “Two!” ”

Mu Bai obviously saw that from the mirror, a trace of black fog often fell on Concubine Yingli’s body. After those black mist haunted Concubine Yingli’s body, Mu Bai obviously sensed that something had been taken away from Concubine Yingli’s body.

The sense of presence is taken away!

“Did you find anything? Yuzuro! ”

Huakaiyuan Yuluo nodded and said: “That monster probably wants to replace the concubine Yingli lawyer, just now the other party took away should be the existence of the concubine Yingli lawyer, once all the existence is taken away by the other party, then the concubine Yingli lawyer will also disappear, and the other party will officially appear in this world~.” ”

Mu Bai nodded: “This guess of yours is exactly the same as mine. ”

“But President, we can’t catch the guy in that mirror.”

Of course, Mu Bai knew what Huakaiyuan Yuluo wanted to say, and Mu Bai knew that wanting to solve this monster was probably not something that Mu Bai and Huakaiyuan Yuluo could solve now.

“Wait a minute, I’ll call and ask.”

Mu Bai walked to the side and picked up the phone to dial his home.

The phone just rang and came Lukoya’s voice!

“This is Mu Bai’s family, may I ask who are you looking for.”

“I don’t believe you don’t know what happened to me here, so I asked directly, how to solve that youkai.”

On the other end of the phone, Lukoya suddenly heard a distressed voice: “Oh, I don’t understand what you say.” ”

“Is it? Since this looks like this, then I’m going to hang up. ”

Mu Bai did not hang up the phone after speaking, because Mu Bai knew…

The next moment, Lukoya’s voice came from the other end of the phone: “Wait a minute, it’s really not cute at all, that youkai only needs this look, that look…” That’s it! ”

Mu Bai hung up the phone directly after listening to what Lukoya said.

Then Mu Bai came back to Concubine Yingli and said, “I need your cooperation from lawyer Concubine Yingli.” ”

“There is no problem, how can I cooperate.”

Concubine Yingli was frightened by the contents of the mirror, so she heard that Mu Bai needed his own cooperation to answer immediately.

“Don’t worry, it’s not too difficult!”

“You only need a hair from lawyer Fei Yingli, and at the same time, you also need some blood from lawyer Fei Yingli.”

“Okay, then what else is needed.”

Concubine Yingli decisively agreed, and at the same time asked Mu Bai if there was anything else he needed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“No need.”

Then Mu Bai looked at Yuluo in Huakaiyuan and said: “Yuzu Luo, use a stand-in to turn the hair and blood of Concubine Yingli’s lawyer into a dummy using your Yin-Yang Technique. ”

“No problem.”

In a short time, Yuluo of the Flower Open Courtyard was already ready for everything, and Mu Bai looked at the dummy summoned by the Yin-Yang Technique used by the Flower Open Courtyard Yuluo.

“Lawyer Fei Yingli, please point the mirror at that doppelganger.”

Concubine Yingli looked at the double who was exactly like herself, with a hint of shock on her face, but fortunately, after hearing Mu Bai’s words, he immediately came back to his senses.

Then he pointed his own make-up mirror at his own doppelganger.

Then the one gradually became spiritual, but then the original expressionless face of the doppelganger also began to become vicious: “‘Damn it, damn it, I’m going to kill you!'” ”

Mu Bai snapped his fingers, and Wang Zhibao’s treasure suddenly ejected a red magic spear.

The sharpening gun instantly nailed the doppelganger dummy, Concubine Yingli, to the ground.


The other party screamed and black fog continued to emerge, and finally the doppelganger gradually returned a piece of paper, and Mu Bai’s devil-breaking red rose was also taken back into the king’s treasury by Mu Bai!

Mu Bai said to Concubine Yingli: “It’s solved, then now you look in the mirror again!” ”

Concubine Yingli breathed a sigh of relief and looked in the mirror again, but the next moment…

The concubine Yingli in the shop once again showed a strange smile.

“One (Wang Hao)!”

Concubine Yingli had a terrified look on her face, while Mu Bai frowned.

After closing the makeup mirror in Concubine Yingli’s hand, he said to Concubine Yingli: “Wait a minute.” ”

Picked up the phone and kept calling: “Give me an explanation!” ”

The same is true of the Lukoya on the phone, and the whole dragon is not good winter.

“That, I didn’t expect the other party to be so cautious.”

Mu Bai ignored Lukoya’s explanation: “Then tell me how to solve this matter now.” ”

Lukoya: “That, that…” ”

“If you don’t want to be kicked out of your house by me.”

“I’ll come over right away to help you solve it, please wait.”

Mu Bai hung up the phone and said, “Someone will come over, wait a minute.” ”

“Good, okay.”

Concubine Yingli still had a hint of shock on her face.

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