Yes, Kudo Shinichi’s father and mother have long been an immigrant beacon country, and Kudo Yusaku likes to hold the FBI’s smelly feet, so why didn’t Kudo Shinichi go to the FBI for help, but came to them?

Concubine Yingli looked at Mu Bai with an extremely gloomy expression on her face and asked, “Can you tell me what the reason is?” What is Kudo Shinichi trying to do behind it? ”

“The reason is simple, Kudo Shinichi probably doesn’t want to involve his parents in danger!”

After hearing this sentence, Fei Yingli laughed directly: “He doesn’t want his parents to be involved in danger, so let us suffer danger instead of his parents?” ”

Mao Lilan was even more bloodless, because Kudo Shinichi’s affairs fell into despair, plus this time because of his own reasons to kill his father, Mao Lilan is now almost desperate in his heart, Mu Bai noticed Mao Lilan’s mood at this moment and said to Mao Lilan: “Remember, your father is dead now, but your mother is still alive, she still needs you not to do stupid things, understand?” ”

Concubine Yingli trembled violently after hearing Mu Bai’s words, and then Concubine Yingli looked at Mao Lilan and found that Mao Lilan had death intent in her eyes, and Concubine Yingli immediately stepped forward and slapped it!

A crisp slap sounded in the morgue.

Concubine 517 Yingli looked at Mao Lilan in front of her and said to Mao Lilan: “Maori Kogoro protected with his own life, you didn’t let you take the initiative to seek death, do you understand?” ”

Then she cried bitterly, and when Concubine Yingli saw this look, she walked over and held Mao Lilan in her arms!

Mu Bai looked at the orphan and widow in front of him, but not only had the slightest emotion in his eyes, but said to the concubine Yingli and Mao Lilan in front of him: “If you don’t want revenge, but want to continue crying, then I don’t mind you continuing to cry, but if you want revenge, then wipe your tears away.” ”

Hearing Mu Bai’s words, Concubine Yingli and Mao Lilan instantly wiped away their tears and looked at Mu Bai!

“Tell me who killed Maori Kogoro by, only in this way can I find the person who killed Maori Kogoro, and then you can go to take revenge.”

Mao Lilan wiped away his tears, and then began to tell Mu Bai about the process of today’s murder of Maori Kogoro!

After the other party finished speaking, Mu Bai fell into deep thought, and then Mu Bai picked up the phone and dialed out!

On the other end of the phone (abdf) came Belmoto’s voice: “What’s the matter with calling me?” ”

“Maori Kogoro was killed today, investigate if the distillery did it!”

Belmode’s expression changed instantly!

“So is Xiaolan okay?”

Compared to that Maori Kogoro, Belmode cares about Maori Lan.

“Mao Lilan is fine now, I’ll tell you after I go back to the specific things, now you better go and check whether this matter has anything to do with entanglement!”

“Got it, I will give you news in the shortest possible time, Xiaolan will ask you not to let her have an accident!”

After Belmode finished speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone and went to inquire whether today’s incident was done by someone from the winery.

Mao Lilan looked at Mu Bai with a trace of doubt in his eyes!

“Remember that murderous maniac you saved in the kingdom? The other party is now taken in by me! ”

“At the same time, the other party is also a member of the black-clad organization, but now he is my spy!”

Mao Lilan and Concubine Yingli looked at Mu Bai with a strong shock in their eyes!

“Then let’s wait for the news and see if the other party can bring me any good news!”

Concubine Yingli and Mao Lilan did not speak, just stood aside!

About ten minutes later, Mu Bai received a call from Belmode.

“This time it was done by ginjiu!”

Hearing this name, Mu Bai’s eyebrows slightly provoked, Mu Bai remembered that he had seen a relationship diagram before crossing over Gin Wine, and then other organization members of the distillery, and it turned out that in addition to Gin Wine, all TND was a sage! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mu Bai hugged his arm and fell into thought, this guy of Gin Wine can be described as loyal to the organization, but unfortunately there are either spies or waste in the organization, except for Gin Jiu, other people…

As long as you solve the ginjiu, then it is easy to deal with other people, and even if you want to destroy that organization, it is not a difficult thing!

“I’ll deal with this matter, I’ll inform you after I catch someone, as for you now, let’s deal with the aftermath of Maori Kogoro first.”

After glancing at the body of Maori Kogoro, Mu Bai turned and left the morgue of this hospital!

After leaving the hospital morgue, Mu Bai directly contacted Jinyiwei to investigate, the whereabouts of this person in Heizawajin!

Mu Bai remembered that the identity used by Qin Jiu to disguise was this one, and Mu Bai also asked people to investigate the black vintage Porsche.

It didn’t take long for Mu Bai to get Jinyiwei’s answer to find the information, and through the monitoring, he also found out where the black Porsche was parked.

After coming to their residence with clothes on, Mu Bai asked Jinyiwei, who was in charge of surveillance, “People are inside?” ”

“The other party just didn’t come out inside.”

“Seal off here, don’t allow a single fly to fly out!”

Basically, as long as the gin wine is solved, then the black organization is basically completely finished, after all, the gin wine is the only pillar of the black organization, even the gin wine has been arrested, then those spies and waste in the black organization will not be long before the black organization can be completely broken!

Mu Bai took out one charm after another, and the subsequent charms were turned into thousands of paper cranes by Mu Bai, and those thousand paper cranes flew towards the surrounding area!

“You still know Yin-Yang Technique?”

It was Yamabuki Otome who looked at Mu Bai with a surprised look in her eyes!

Mu Bai actually knows Yin Yang Technique, is this reasonable?

Without answering Yamabuki Otome’s question, those thousand paper cranes directly disappeared into the land after arriving at a certain place, and then formed an enchantment in an instant!

In order to avoid the gin wine running away at that time, Mu Bai can be said to have taken a lot of pains!

“Go in and arrest someone!”

After arranging everything, Mu Bai shouted to the people of Jinyiwei.

In an instant, a group of people from Jin Yiwei rushed directly in, but it was obvious that if Gin Jiu was caught so easily, it would not have been outside for so long.

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