Suddenly, Mu Bai received a call, and when Mu Bai hung up the phone, he looked at Concubine Yingli and said, “Kudo Shinichi is dead!” ”

Eiri Princess had obviously thought about who killed Shinichi Kudo!

And the words spoken by Mu Bai at the next moment also made Concubine Eiri confirm the guess in her heart, and the person who killed Kudo Shinichi was Maori Kogoro, who had become a supernatural.

The expression on Concubine Eiri’s face suddenly became ugly, Concubine Eiri is not a fool at this time Maori Kogoro went to kill Kudo Shinichi, then the next one is afraid.

Looking at Mu Bai Concubine Yingli in front of him, he said to this Mu Bai: “I’m afraid of your next Maoli… ”

“Let’s take a look first, if he has no ill will towards you and Miss Moriran, then let him go, Kudo Shinichi is a dead man!”

Kudo Shinichi’s death Mu Bai does not care at all, who makes Kudo Shinichi’s family not counted as 01 is a person of the Ming Dynasty, Kudo Shinichi’s father Kudo Yu, as a py who licks his FBI beautiful father, has long taken his wife and son to join the nationality of the beautiful country.

So it doesn’t matter if Kudo Shinichi dies and doesn’t die, Kudo Shinichi is not a person from the Ming Dynasty, and Mu Bai will not care at all.

So Mu Bai naturally didn’t think about helping Kudo Shinichi take revenge, there was no need for that at all!

A foreigner is dead and dead, Mu Bai completely ignored the other party’s meaning.

“I guess Maori Kogoro should be here soon, do you need me to back away first?”

Concubine Yingli hesitated, and then said to Mu Bai: “So trouble you!” ”

Mu Bai walked to the side of the room, and Belmod also got up and left with this Mu Bai, leaving Concubine Yingli alone in the living room!

Concubine Yingli’s face was a little confused!

In the side room, Belmod asked this Mu Bai: “Will Maori Kogoro really turn into a supernatural and then come back to hurt Xiaoran and Concubine Yingli?” ”

Belmod still has some worries, who knows if this Maori Kogoro will hurt Maori after becoming a supernatural, in case if Maori Kogoro does not recognize the six relatives by then, then…

“Can’t die!”

Mu Bai’s faint words made the best grind the whole person bad, what is called not dying, what if you are injured?


Belmod looked directly at Mu Bai and said hetui~

Ignoring Belmode, Mu Bai just said lightly: “Here it is!” ”

With Mu Bai’s words, the whole air seemed to become cold!

Belmod was suddenly shocked in his heart and was ready to go out, but Mu Bai directly pulled Belmode, and then his fingers pinched a seal, and a charm suddenly flew out of Mu Bai’s arms, and then the charm turned into a mirror, and what appeared in the mirror was the scene where Concubine Yingli was in the living room!

Mu Bai, who mastered the slightest decision, naturally also mastered quite a few yin and yang techniques!

But it’s a pity that these yin-yang techniques are also average, otherwise Mu Bai would not have such difficulty dealing with those monsters in Fantasy Township, and he still needed to go to Lukoya to return to Avalon and the Uruk Cup.

However, there is no problem with these yin-yang techniques being used to do some simple things. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the living room, Concubine Yingli also felt a cold breath attack.

Then Concubine Yingli’s expression became serious, and soon an illusory figure appeared in front of Concubine Yingli, and the other party directly penetrated the door and the wall and appeared in front of Concubine Yingli.

“Mao Li, sure enough, you really became a supernatural.”

Maori Kogoro looked at Concubine Eiri and said: “Become a supernatural with me, Eiri, as long as you become a supernatural then you can gain power, you see that I have power now, Kudo Shinichi that little ghost has been killed by me, and the next as long as you and Koran become supernatural with me, then our family can be together forever.” ”

Concubine Eiri looked at Maori Kogoro and decisively shook her head in veto.

“Let’s not say that you are obviously very wrong now, even if what you say is true, I can’t become a supernatural like you, don’t forget that it’s just a supernatural, it will easily be suppressed by the Paranormal Defense Province, and you kill Kudo Shinichi, but if you do something to other people, then the Paranormal Defense Province will definitely not be able to let you go!”

Maori Kogoro was silent for a while, and then Maori Kogoro spoke: “As long as I give me a period of time, then even Mu Bai is not my opponent, and then this world will become my paradise, and become a supernatural with me, and our family has always lived together.” ”

Looking at Maori Kogoro in front of him, Concubine Yingli sighed and said, “It seems that you have become a little arrogant after becoming a supernatural. ”

Maori Kogoro saw Concubine Yingli’s appearance and knew that Concubine Yingli did not intend to become a supernatural like him: “It’s okay, you can’t understand me now, and after you become supernatural like me, you will be able to understand me 493.” ”

Maori Kogoro looked at Concubine Eiri and said!

“Let me kill you with my own hands, and then turn you into a supernatural.”

Maori Kogoro’s palm instantly turned into a sharp claw and grabbed towards Concubine Eiri.

“Looks like it failed.”

A voice sounded, and a hand grabbed Maori Kogoro’s shoulder and controlled Maori Kogoro!

Concubine Yingli looked at Mu Bai behind Maori Kogoro and asked: “Maori has not made a mistake yet, can he make Maori become a Buddha!” ”

“I’m not sure, but you can try it, as for whether it can succeed, then I don’t know, Concubine Yingli took a deep breath and said: “It’s okay if it is successful or not!” ”

“That’s good.”

Mu Bai looked at Maori Kogoro and then said: “You should be glad that you just killed a Kudo Shinichi, Kudo Shinichi is not from the Ming Dynasty, otherwise you would not have any chance at all.” ”

Mu Bai casually threw out a spell, and the spell suddenly fell on the body of Baoyou Kogoro and turned into chains, and the snake under Maori Kogoro’s feet appeared a five-pointed star magic array, and the chains were connected to that magic array!

Subsequently, Mu Bai began to overdo Maori Kogoro according to the method of exceeding the Yin-Yang Technique!

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