Mu Bai is not opposed to Concubine Ying’s ideal of letting Mao Lilan go to Olari to become an adventurer, but Mu Bai must make it clear to Concubine Yingli that becoming an adventurer is not a peace of mind.

“I have to make it clear to you that becoming an adventurer does not mean that Maori can rest easy, and that there are many dangers that come with becoming an adventurer.”

After hearing what Mu Bai said, Concubine Yingli shook her head and said, “Although Olali is dangerous, she is at least safe under certain circumstances, isn’t it?” ”

For this point, Mu Bai had to admit that what Fei Yingli said was indeed right, compared to Olali, the only danger was in the dungeon.

Although the danger in Olali’s city cannot be said to be none, it is equivalent to none, after all, there are no dependents who dare to do things in Mingzhengda.

Those dark factions are now in the dungeon, as long as Maori Lan joins a slightly more reliable dependent, then there will basically be no problem.

“You can talk to Mao Lilan first, if she has no opinion, I don’t object, I will help Mao Lilan find a dependent, of course, you can also find it after you understand it yourself.”

Then Mu Bai said goodbye to Concubine Yingli and left.

After Mu Bai left, Maori Lan and Belmode came back~.

Neither Mao Lilan nor Concubine Yingli mentioned Mu Bai’s meaning, and Concubine Yingli directly told Mao Lilan about Euler-Li.

Mao Lilan nodded after listening to Concubine Yingli’s words: “I understand, I will go.” ”

On the other hand, since Mu Bai had promised to solve Kudo Yusaku’s matter, it was natural that he would not cheat Concubine Eiri.

Mu Bai directly let people bring Kudo Yusaku to the guardhouse of Nishikiwei, under the greeting of Nishikiwei, Kudo Yusaku directly explained everything honestly and clearly, and his own Kudo Yusaku is not a hard bone, so in the face of Nishikie’s torture, the function is almost clear even what underwear his wife Kudo Yukiko is wearing today.

But what Namu Bai didn’t expect was that Kudo Yusaku was actually Chinese, no wonder Kudo Yusaku liked to lick the FBI’s py so much

After getting what he wanted, Mu Bai directly asked the people of Jinyiwei to directly throw the evidence of Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Yusaku’s framed concubine Yingli and Mao Lilan directly in front of Twilight XIII.

In this regard, although Twilight XIII said that he had a certain friendship with Kudo Yusaku in the past, the evidence of today’s functional Yusaku is placed in front of Twilight XIII, even if Twilight XIII wants to pull Kudo Yusaku, he does not have that ability.

Soon, Kudo Yusaku’s questioning, interrogation, verdict, and imprisonment were directly in place.

After solving Kudo Yusaku’s matter, Mu Bai called Concubine Eiri and told the other party that the matter had been solved so that the other party did not have to worry anymore.

After solving the matter of Kudo Yusaku, Mu Bai did not go to Olari again.

Instead, he found the group of old monsters in Fantasy Township.

“When will you be able to solve the affairs of the eight Yi Yonglin of the Chinese race, and the eight great snake entrenched in Mt. Fuji is also, and those gods of Gao Tianyuan have stayed long enough.”

Bayi Yonglin’s face was called a black, Mu Bai simply regarded Bayi Yonglin as an iron tool man, and Bayi Yonglin almost couldn’t resist wanting to fight with Mu Bai.

“I’m already preparing for these things you said, don’t rush me, and where the princess has gone.”

Penglai Mountain Kaguya has not contacted Bayi Yonglin for a long time, and Bayi Yonglin can’t find Penglai Mountain Kaguya, if it weren’t for Penglai Mountain Kaguya being a Penglai person, Bayi Yonglin would wonder if Mu Bai secretly clicked Penglai Mountain Kaguya.

“Penglai Mountain Kaguya, you don’t have to worry, I will bring Penglai Mountain Kaguya back after a while, now you still have peace of mind to finish all the things I explained.”

Bayi Yonglin looked at Mu Bai, and even couldn’t help but wonder if Mu Bai had caught Penglai Mountain Kaguya to threaten him, otherwise it seemed that he had disappeared so coincidentally last month and he couldn’t be contacted. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, Bayi Yonglin knew that there should be no problem with her own princess, after all, even if her own princess could not win against Mu Bai, but if she wanted to run, Mu Bai should not be able to catch her own princess.

0 ask for flowers

And Mu Bai really didn’t have to do this.

“I told you to complete these things as soon as possible, and then there are other things that you need to do, which is also good for you.”

Bayi Yonglin looked at Mu Bai and sneered and said, “What other benefit can you give me.” ”

Mu Bai ignored the eight intentions Yonglin and left directly.

This made Bayi Yonglin feel the urge to capture Mu Bai back and beat Mu Bai fiercely.

She Eight Yi Yonglin is not Mu Bai’s subordinate, Mu Bai does not give this face at all, really not worry about her Eight Yi Yonglin directly picking the pick?

In fact, Mu Bai said that he was giving Bayi Yonglin a benefit, in fact, he wanted to try to see if he could let Bayi Yonglin go to Olali to learn to give God’s favor, if Aunt Yonglin could do it, then congratulations to Bayi Yonglin from now on will become a tool person.

Moreover, Bayi Yonglin is also from Penglai, even if he puts more blood, he can’t die.

Simply a top tool man.

If Bayi Yonglin knew what Mu Bai was thinking, Bayi Yonglin would definitely not care about anything, and the direct person took his bow and shot Mu Bai’s head all over his face.

After leaving the Forever Pavilion, Mu Bai came to the House of the Lost.

“Arala, Brother Mubai, you came to me here, and you can’t help but want me to recommend a pillow seat.”

Yayunzi looked at Mu Bai mockingly, but unfortunately Mu Bai glanced at Yayunzi and said: “If you are still ready to continue talking to me like this, then feel free to you, but if you come to me later, then it is not so good to talk.” ”

Yayunzi’s face changed, and then the gentleman looked at Mu Bai and said, “Okay, little brother, then what do you want to talk about.” ”

“You should have been faintly aware that you are gradually losing your effect, and you should know what the consequences will be once you are useless.”

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