After Mu Bai returned to the real world, Concubine Yingli contacted Mu Bai, and when Mu Bai came to the road, Mu Bai saw not only Concubine Yingli alone, but also a woman, a woman that Mu Bai was somewhat familiar with but had never seen.

Yukiko Kudo.

Concubine Yingli glanced at Mu Bai and then said helplessly: “I only promised to help her contact you, she said that she has any important information to exchange with you, you can discuss it yourself, you don’t have to worry about it because of me.” ”

Mu Bai nodded and then looked at Kudo Yukiko: “You want me to commit Kudo Yusaku, right, so simply in exchange for what you can exchange, can the information you said really arouse my interest?” ”

Kudo Yukiko has an unconcealed exhaustion on her face, obviously Kudo Yukiko has been running for Kudo Yusaku for a while, wanting to fish out the man Kudo Yusaku, but it is obvious how can Kudo Yusaku be fished out by Kudo Yukiko, even if a certain country behind Kudo Yusaku obviously does not want to fish Kudo Yusaku out.

For some countries, Kudo Yusaku, who does not have any use value, why should they fish Kudo Yusaku out, isn’t this nonsense?

“That country is now preparing a plan, the other party calls this plan 317 the dragon slaying plan, it is clear that they are targeting you.”

Mu Bai didn’t take this remark to Kudo Yukiko at all, and even felt a little funny.

“You shouldn’t think that just such a sentence can make me release Kudo Yusaku.”

Hearing Mu Bai say this, Kudo Yukiko showed a bitter expression on her face.

“I don’t know much, just a few words I got by accident.”

Mu Bai looked at Kudo Yukiko meaningfully, and then said to Kudo Yukiko: “Speaking of which, I’m curious how you found out about this phrase, I don’t think Kudo Yusaku is qualified to touch this kind of news, since even Kudo Yusaku can’t touch it, then you…” ”

Then Mu Bai looked at Kudo Yukiko meaningfully.

Kudo Yukiko’s face changed slightly, but the last Kudo Yukiko still answered this Mubai: “Because my original surname was Fujifeng, but this surname was split from the Fujiwara family, if you count according to generation, I should be Fujiwara Chika’s aunt.” ”

Mu Bai was a little surprised at this time, but soon Mu Bai realized one thing, this thing Fujiwara Chika did not tell himself.

Mu Bai’s heart had already begun to doubt Fujiwara Chika.

“Above the facts, but most people don’t know the existence of my vein now.”

Although he did not see Mu Bai’s expression change, Kudo Yukiko was not a fool, and immediately noticed that at this moment, Mu Bai’s heart definitely began to doubt Fujiwara Chika.

So Kudo Yukiko also explained, as for believing or not believing, it is not something that Kudo Yukiko can consider.

“Even so, how do you explain where you heard this news?”

Mu Bai looked at Kudo Yukiko with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes.

Kudo Yukiko glanced at Mu Bai and then said, “Actually, Kudo Yusaku is just used to cover up, and I am the one who cooperates with that gang.” ”

Mu Bai looked at Kudo Yukiko in front of him with interest.

“If you are the real master, then I can’t think of any reason for you to reveal your identity to save Kudo Yusaku, don’t tell me because you love Kudo Yusaku or something.”

Kudo Yukiko was silent for a long time before saying to Mu Bai: “This is what I owe him.” ”

Subsequently, Kudo Yukiko began to tell the story of being born in the Fujiwara family, the Fujimine family, Fujimine Yukiko was trained as a high-level spy, and this kind of advanced

CDD) simply means that they use their own bodies to obtain intelligence. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fujimine Yukiko is unwilling to accept such a fate, so Fujimine Yukiko resists.

However, Fujimine Yukiko’s resistance was obviously useless for the powerful family.

But it was at this time that Kudo Yusaku found Yukiko Fujimine at the time and made a deal with Yukiko Fujimine, through which Yukiko Fujimine avoided the fate of becoming a high-level spy.

And this deal was that Yukiko Fujimine married Yusaku Kudo at that time, and Yusaku Kudo used Yukiko Fujimine’s identity as a springboard to enter the core class of the Chinese ethnic group.

And then as this Chinese and a certain country…

“I’m not interested in the deal between you and Kudo Yusaku, now let’s talk about what you want to use in exchange for Kudo Yusaku’s safety, it’s just the information you just gave in that word, do you think this is possible?”

Kudo Yukiko smiled bitterly, obviously knowing in her heart that this was not possible.

“So if I exchange myself, I’m okay-looking, right, no worse than Yingli.”

Mu Bai did not answer with a hint of mockery on the corner of his mouth, and Concubine Eiri on the side looked at Kudo Yukiko speechlessly, shook her head and did not speak.

“If there is nothing else that can be used to impress my travel, then you can go back and let you go today for Fujiwara Chika’s face, but if I catch you with any proof, then you better be prepared yourself, don’t say fish out Kudo Yusaku, you go in with you and accompany Kudo Yusaku.”

Kudo Yukiko’s face changed.

“I know the whereabouts of the Neon royal family.”

Mu Bai’s face suddenly changed and looked at Kudo Yukiko, who pursed her lips: “Neon royal family, I know their whereabouts.” ”

Looking at Kudo Yukiko in front of him, Mu Bai’s smile gradually expanded, and then looked at Kudo Yukiko in front of him and said: “Yes, as long as you tell me the whereabouts of Neon those royal families, I will let Kudo Yusaku go.” ”

Kudo Yukiko seemed to take a breath, and then said to Mu Bai: “One word is a decision.” ”

“So let’s talk about it now.”

Kudo Yukiko directly said everything she knew.

After listening to it, Mu Bai replied: “I will ask people to confirm that if what you say is true, then I will let Kudo Yusaku release.” “。

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