After Yukishita Yonai’s birthday banquet, Mu Bai did not leave there, and Yukishita Yono left Mu Bai behind.

“Xiaobai, I said before that you can’t refuse my return gift.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai looked at Mu Bai and said.

Mu Bai’s natural things in his heart understood what Xuexia Yang Nai was thinking in his heart and wanted to do something, but it was precisely because of this reason that Mu Bai ~ stayed here.

“Xiaobai, promise me – one thing.”

Mu Bai looked at Yukishita Yang Nai and did not speak, and Yukishita Yang Nai said to this Mu Bai: “Our children inherit the Yukishita family. ”

Looking at the pleading look of Yang Nai under the snow, Mu Bai did not refuse to step forward and take Yang Nai under the snow into his arms.

Knowing that Mu Bai had agreed, Xuexia Yang Nai breathed a sigh of relief, and Yukishita Yang Nai was worried that Mu Bai was unwilling to agree to this matter.

In the other room, under the snow, Yukino looked at the ceiling, and there was some slackness in his eyes.

Yukinoshita Yukino knows what his sister is doing with Mu Bai now, and it is precisely because he knows that Yukishita Yukino has this sourness in his heart.

“It’s a nasty feeling.”

Wake up the next day.

Mu Bai looked at Yang Nai under the snow and was looking at himself with open eyes.

“Look at what?”

“Look at you, if I can look at you like this all the time, I won’t get bored no matter how long I look at it.”

Yukishita Yangnai’s words made Mu Bai complain: “It’s not like you would say, where did you learn it.” ”

“Don’t underestimate my sister, sister, I’m very active.”

Mu Bai felt a little funny about Xuexia Yangnai’s words, but Xuexia Yangnai didn’t care at all, and continued to say to this Mubai: “Xiaobai take Xue Nai with you, Xue Nai has long regretted it, let Yukino stay by your side.” ”

Mu Bai fell silent after hearing Yukishita Yangnai’s words: “You know that if you follow me, you can only be nameless, and from the moment Yukino refused, even if I wanted to, it was impossible to give Xueno a name.” ”

Mu Bai’s words were naturally understood under the snow.

“Is there no other way?”

“No, even I can’t make changes, because it’s related to the face of the family, I may not care about my own face, but the face of the family should be understood, the most important thing for people like us besides the country is the family.”

As soon as you hear this sentence,

Yukinoshita Yono sighed and didn’t say anything more.

“Even if it’s nameless, let Yukino follow you, it turns out that he won’t mind.”

When Mu Bai heard this, he looked at Yono under the snow with some surprise.

Seeing Mu Bai’s appearance, Yono smiled and said, “Why is it strange? ”

Mu Bai nodded: “It’s really strange. ”

“This is the price that Xiao Xue has to pay herself, and everyone has to pay for the choices they make.”

“It’s the same with me Xiao Xue, and Xiao Yuki Nai probably can’t look at anyone else except you, I don’t want Xiao Yuki to be alone for the rest of my life”

0 Ask for flowers 00 (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Will Yukino do it herself?”

“Xiao Xue Nai has made such a big change, what do you think is why Rotten Yukino made these changes?”

Mu Bai became silent when he heard this, and Xue Nai under the snow had indeed grown.

“Maybe for Yukino, this kind of growth is not what he wants at all.”

“Whether this kind of growth is learned or not, but now the result is that Yukino has grown and you are responsible for it.”

Mu Bai smiled a little bitterly.

“All in all, Xiao Xue Nai will ask you, don’t make Xiao Xue Nai sad, now Xiao Xue Nai is already 100% attracted to you, you should know this in your heart.”

Mu Bai smiled bitterly, what else could Mu Bai say.

“Then if there is nothing else, go find Koyukino, I want to get a good night’s sleep.”

Mu Bai couldn’t help but glance at Yang Nai under the snow when he heard what Yang Nai said.

“You really don’t spare any effort to drag the elementary school down.”

“What nonsense, I didn’t do it.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai glanced at Mu Bai.

Mu Bai saw that Yang under the snow was this model, so he got up and dressed and went out.

Looking at the room where he was left alone, Yono Yukinoshita whispered to himself: “Xiao Xuenai, you have to work hard, but I created such a good opportunity for you, if you can’t even grasp this, then it will really be a failure.” “。

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