Loki is not surprised that Mu Bai can actually give birth to his own child with the goddess, and if this matter is guided by the other gods of Olali, it will definitely be a frying pan!

There are not many people and gods in love here, but it is a pity that there can be no love crystallization between people and gods, otherwise those even gods cannot conceive children, how did this guy Mu Bai do it.

Loki suddenly showed a lewd smile on his face: “In other words, we also want to try to give birth to a child, otherwise…” ”

Mu Bai directly refused with an expressionless face: “I’m not interested in women who are flat than me!” ”

Loki’s face suddenly darkened, looking at Mu Bai in front of him, he was unhappy, and his eyes were almost directly saying whether your kid wanted to find fault.

Although Loki said that he didn’t care much about these things, well, he actually cared very much, Mu Bai said it directly in front of Loki now, this TND is completely not giving Loki face, really think Loki has no temper?

“In short, do what you have to do, find out who is behind it, and you don’t have to worry about the rest, uh, you know what I mean.”

“If you want us to do things, it can also be beneficial, or this matter is not just a matter for us alone, you should also help me share some ~.”

“I don’t need you to say more about this, I naturally know what to do, but Loki, you better think about how to find out who is behind the scenes.”

“This matter is not only for the Loki family, and you can’t get rid of this trouble.”

“You find someone, I am responsible for leveling, the division of labor is very clear, isn’t it?”

Loki’s eyes narrowed: “You can think about it, the previous Dionysus will be counted, if this time again…” Then the consequences are unpredictable. ”

“I don’t care about that.”

“You don’t care, but it’s me who will be in trouble then, you bastard.”

A malicious smile appeared on Mu Bai’s face: “Isn’t this what you asked me to solve?” Then after I solve it, naturally you will be responsible for cleaning up the mess. ”

Loki Sheng took a breath, afraid that he would wait for you and didn’t hold back, and then he killed Mu Bai.

“You said this slut, I fought with you.”

The final landing still did not hold back and rushed towards Mu Bai.

Then Mu Bai directly pinched the face that landed on the ground with one hand and casually threw Loki out.

Of course, Mu Bai was very intimate in using ingenuity and did not hurt Loki, but this insulting behavior directly made Loki explode.

“You, you, you actually dare to fight back, I and you are not finished, I tell you, you are dead, Mu Bai, I tell you that you are dead.”

“Shut up you, go and find out who is behind this matter, if you don’t check, then I will take someone directly away, anyway, I don’t have to deal with this matter, it’s you who is really embarrassed.”

Loki’s face darkened completely.

“I wrote down this hatred!”


Which god is bored behind this kind of thing, Loki obviously can’t guess, but not guessing Loki doesn’t mean that he can’t find a way.

This time Loki is in the morning Freya, after all, as the double king of Eurali, Freya still has a lot of news channels that Loki does not know, so it is probably right to find Freya and can do things for nothing, why don’t Loki do it.

This matter is related to Mu Bai, Freya should not think about it, but she doesn’t know how far Freya will do.

However, unexpectedly, when Loki asked for help, Freya did say something like this: “Loki, white is not a good thing, especially the self-righteous kind who thinks I will definitely help.” ”

Loki looked at Freya and spread her hands.

“And if something does happen, it’s not a bad thing for me.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Freya’s eyes flashed with playfulness.

“Hey, hey, you’re not playing real, I’ll tell you that if this guy Mu Bai is really killing God, then I can’t handle the consequences.”

Seeing Freya’s appearance, Loki hurriedly said.

“Then hand over Mu Bai to me, and I’ll settle it.”

The corner of Loki’s eyes twitched wildly, Freya, the dead woman, still did not give up her plans to dig into the wall.

“So Loki, since he is unwilling to give up and wants to be a white, where in this world is there such a good thing.”

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