Originally, it was just an agreement between Mu Bai and Freya, but now it has indeed become a contract between Mu Bai and Freya under the witness of the gods.

In the council of gods in the Tower of Babel, the gods looked at Freya and Mu Bai, under the witness of the gods, Freya will liberate her divine will and charm to twist Mu Bai’s will, once Mu Bai is not able to resist Freya’s charm, then this time the gamble is Freya’s victory.

It’s just that if Mu Bai resists, then it is Mu Bai’s victory.

The gods looked at today’s protagonists, Mu Bai, who came from the Loki clan, and Freya, the main god of the Freya’s clan.

“These gods who like to watch the excitement are really a headache.”

Mu Bai looked at the rest of the gods and couldn’t help but complain, while Freya smiled lightly and said, “It’s okay, soon you won’t care about these 08.” ”

Freya’s purple eyes radiated a strange light, and Mu Bai said to Freya: “I hope you can keep your agreement, otherwise I will only be able to expel you from Eulari, and even repatriate you back to the Celestial Realm.” ”

“Do you think I’m going to lose?”

“You have no chance of victory.”

“Then let’s try it!”

The next moment, Mu Bai found that he actually had an impulse towards Freya, but then the next moment Mu Bai realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his current state.

Mu Bai immediately began to suppress his impulses. Freya’s mouth had a smile on her lips.

What is the embodiment of beauty?

The embodiment of beauty is to trigger the most primitive impulses and desires of others, Freya does not like this way of expressing beauty, but Freya is willing to show it in front of Mu Bai’s eyes.

As long as you can get Mu Bai, then all this is worth it.

Then soon Freya found that Mu Bai had gradually controlled her impulses, and Mu Bai’s original impulsive emotions had been controlled by Mu Bai under the witness of the gods.

Those gods looked at Mu Bai with wide eyes and incredulity, the original gods were still waiting for this Mu Bai to be ugly, after all, these gods all knew that they themselves could not be immune to the divine will and charm of the beauty god, but now…

Are the Mubai of this Nima a god or are they gods?

Mu Bai let out a turbid breath and watched Freya’s eyes become ancient.

Freya frowned.

Mu Bai’s current situation is obviously wrong, at the beginning Mu Bai could not resist his divine will, but now Mu Bai is actually directly immune to his divine will, Freya finds that she can no longer cause Mu Bai any impulse, is this normal?

Freya immediately looked at Loki!

“Loki, what did you do!”

Zhong Tan heard Freya question Loki subconsciously thinking that Loki had done something to Mu Bai, but Loki just spread his hands: “I haven’t done anything, if you don’t believe it, you can check it yourself, and Freya you know, I can’t be immune to your charm, so I can’t help Mu Bai.”

Although he said so, what Loki said Freya only thought Loki was a fart.

“The real reason is because of Mu Bai himself, I just updated Mu Bai before, and after the update, Mu Bai came out with one more skill.”

Freya’s gaze was fixed on Loki.

“If you don’t mind, can you let me see your ability values?”

Freya took a deep breath to calm the anger in her heart.

Mu Bai nodded: “But 820 or more, but I think the bet between me and the goddess Freya should be that I won.” ”

Freya bit her lip and then nodded, affirming Mu Bai’s words: “You won!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mu Bai, who got this sentence, was also relieved.

“Then, my ability value does not want to be displayed in front of all the gods.”

“Hey, no, we also want to know your ability value.”

The gods suddenly shouted.

“You all shut up for me.”

Freya instantly looked at those gods, Freya herself was in a very bad mood, now these gods are still looking for pain, how can Freya get used to these gods.

Those gods immediately shrunk their necks after seeing Freya’s fierce gaze, and they were still afraid of Freya’s gods.

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