Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1069 Many People Are Powerful, So Dumbledore Has To Kneel!

After all the students entered the auditorium and sat down at the tables of their respective colleges, the faculty members came in, and they filed in and went to the guest-of-honor table to sit down. The last ones were Professor Dumbledore, Professor Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim.

The Beauxbatons rose to their feet as soon as they saw their headmaster present. Several Hogwarts students couldn't help laughing when they saw this. But Beauxbaton's students didn't look embarrassed at all, and they didn't sit down again until Madame Maxime sat down on Dumbledore's left.

On the contrary, those hogwarts students who laughed were remembered by the Hogwarts faculty, and they would definitely make them know how to laugh when they look back.

After the principals of the two schools were seated, Dumbledore stood there all the time, and only after the auditorium gradually quieted down did he speak with a smile~.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and—especially—distinguished guests!" He looked at the foreign students with a smile, "It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Hogwarts .I hope and trust that you will find yourself comfortable and happy here."

A girl from Beauxbatons still wrapped her head tightly with a scarf, and after hearing Dumbledore's speech, she let out a sneer that was undoubtedly sarcastic.

This sneer caused many people to look sideways, but she didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with it.

Because in the eyes of Beauxbaton's students, Hogwarts is indeed neglecting them, if not, why let them crowd at the table of Hogwarts students instead of leaving a long table alone to show respect! ?

The reason why the students of Beauxbatons will sit on Ravenclaw's side is not because they like it so much, but because only Ravenclaw has the smallest number of students and can accommodate them

It doesn't feel too crowded.

It can also be seen from this that the three schools, no, it should be between the three countries, are not so friendly, otherwise the bloody competition like the Triwizard Tournament would not have been held hundreds of years ago .

"The Tournament will officially start at the end of the banquet." Dumbledore seemed really unaware, "I invite everyone to eat and drink to their heart's content, as if they were at home! 17

Immediately, the plates in front of everyone were filled with food as usual. The house-elves in the kitchen seem to be pulling out all the stops. This time the dishes were very rich, with some foreign flavors, such as Bouillabaisse.

As expected of a gourmet desert, the British food culture has always been bad enough. Qing Zhang didn’t even want to touch it. It should be said that it’s a good thing he didn’t look up to the stars and join the battlefield!?

As a picky eater, Qing Zhang still chose the Xia Guo cuisine, which is not very authentic, but at least it doesn't look poisonous.

So, ah, he hates all kinds of banquets.

Usually he can order food, but not like this.

After everyone had eaten, Dumbledore stood up again. A feeling of both excitement and tension seemed to pervade the auditorium, and everyone was quietly waiting for Dumbledore's next words.

"The moment has finally come." Dumbledore said with a smile on the upturned faces, "The Triwizard Tournament is about to begin. I want to explain a few words before bringing the box in

"——I want to explain our program of activities for this school year. But first, please allow me to introduce two guests, because there are still people who don't know them. This is Mr. Barty Crouch, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Magic Director."

"This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of Sports and Sports at the Ministry of Magic."

Following a burst of applause, the two people who were introduced also took their seats.

After they sat down, Dumbledore pressed his hands, indicating that everyone could stop applauding, and he continued, "Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly for the past few months. Arranging the hard work of the Triwizard Tournament, and now they will join me, Professor Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim as a panel of judges to judge the efforts of the warriors."

As soon as they heard the word "warrior", the students seemed to be more attentive. Dumbledore also seemed to notice their long-awaited, and he smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Filch, please bring the box up."

Filch, who had long been lurking in a corner of the auditorium, was also walking towards Dumbledore with a large wooden box inlaid with jewels in his hand. The box looked like it had been around for a long time. Qingzhang has never discovered anything new in this wizarding world. The wizards here seem to think that the older and dirtier the wizard, the better the taste, just like the moldy tuxedo that Filch is wearing at the moment.

"Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman have carefully reviewed the specific items of this year's Warriors competition." After Filch carefully placed the box on the table, Dumbledore continued after confirming that it was correct, " They also made many necessary arrangements for each project. There are three projects in total, which will be held at different times throughout the school year, and they will test the warriors in many different test their talents in magic —their guts and their powers of reasoning—and, of course, their ability to overcome danger.

Hearing the last sentence, the auditorium became silent, and everyone seemed to have stopped breathing.

"As you already know, there will be three warriors participating in the competition," Dumbledore said calmly, "representing a participating school. We will grade them according to the quality of each competition item they complete. After the three items are over, the highest score The warrior who will win the tri-wild cup. Responsible for selecting the warrior is an impartial Xuan Bazhe, it is the Goblet of Fire.

Having said this, Dumbledore drew out his wand and tapped the lid of the box three times. The lid creaked slowly open. Dumbledore reached in and pulled out a large, rough-hewn wooden goblet. The cup itself was inconspicuous, but it was filled with dancing blue and white flames.

"Cool, can it talk like the sorting hat!?" Justin gasped and said while contributing to global warming.

"No, maybe you can look forward to using it for barbecue." Qing Zhang suggested with a smile.

Dumbledore closed the box and put the cup on the lid so everyone in the Great Hall could see it clearly, as long as it couldn't speak or sing or dance.

"Every student who wants to be a warrior must put his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet." Dumbledore stepped aside so that everyone could see the Goblet of Fire more clearly Then he continued, "Anyone who wants to become a warrior can sign up within 24 hours. Tomorrow night, which is the night of Halloween, the Goblet will select the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools. Tonight , the goblet is placed in the foyer, and all students who are willing to participate in the election can touch it."

"However, in order to prevent underage students from being tempted, after the goblet is placed in the hall, I will draw an age line around it. Anyone under the age of seventeen cannot cross this age line." See Many students looked eager to move, and Dumbledore directly poured water on the flames in their hearts.

"Finally, I would like to remind every student who wants to participate in the election that this competition is not a child's play, so don't participate rashly. Once a warrior is selected by the Goblet of Fire, he must persist in the competition to the end. Whoever puts himself Putting your name into the quilt actually forms a contract that must be abided by, an artifact. Once you become a warrior, you are not allowed to change your mind. Therefore, please think twice and make sure that you really want to participate in the competition wholeheartedly. Throw your name in the quilt again. Well, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed.

"Good night everyone."

The banquet ended like this. After returning to the dormitory, the students were still talking about what happened just now, and even the little Hufflepuff badgers were a little too excited.

"You said, is there a way to cross the age line set by Professor Dumbledore!?"

"What's the matter, don't you still think you can't participate, didn't you hear Dumbledore say that it's dangerous!?"

"No, of course I'm not qualified, but we still have Qing Zhang. Wouldn't it be a pity if we lose our qualifications because of our lack of age!? Maybe this is the only one in our life.

Once, I don’t know if there will be another chance in the future!? Cedric doesn’t need to worry, but do you think this is unfair to our little Qing Zhang!?”

Seeing the little badgers huddling together, Qing Zhang sighed. He is the party here. When you say that, don’t you respect his opinion!?

"Right! Not fair! Why can't our Hufflepuff twins go together!?"

"That's right, that age line is simply embarrassing us on purpose."

0 for flowers...

Even the first-year freshmen got emotional and raised their fists and shouted loudly, almost saying "Down with the capitalists".

At this time, Cedric Diggory came to Qing Zhang and patted him on the shoulder with a wry smile, "It's a pity indeed, but let's stop it, the age line was set by Professor Dumbledore. There may be some punishment."

Cedric is also used to being called Hufflepuff Twins, although he feels that if he is the same age as Qing Zhang, he can't compare with him at all, and he is only two or three years older than him.

Qing Zhang squeezed the space between his brows, "It's useless, they won't listen to persuasion now, and Dumbledore won't give too much punishment, and when someone from other colleges, especially Gryffindor, starts tomorrow, When they see the end, they will calm down."

"That's it, that's good. By the way, if you want to participate, I can try to help you vote in it. It may be useful." Cedric actually feels a little sorry for Qing Zhang, after all Qing Zhang is Really outstanding, no worse than his senior students, and Hufflepuff can really do it, there are really only two of them who are excellent in all aspects

If he is not selected, then Hufflepuff really can only watch from below. Although low-key, Hufflepuff also wants to be honored.

Qing Zhang raised his head and looked at Cedric, who didn't seem to be joking. Sometimes he wanted to tell the other party not to participate in the election, because he might die, but such words hurt people no matter whether he borrowed divination or not. , is equivalent to making Cedric a deserter, and it is impossible to agree anyway.


"What's wrong!?" Cedric didn't understand why the junior stared at him suddenly without saying a word.

Qing Zhang finally shook his head, "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about how it will end if both of us are selected, the professors should be very distressed too.

Cedric couldn't help laughing, "Haha, I'm afraid it will be a real headache, especially our dean Professor Sprout. But if you say that, I'll take it as your agreement. To be honest, it's really only me I'm too stressed out by myself."

Qing Zhang shrugged, "As long as you don't feel that doing so will reduce your chances of being selected.

Cedric also shrugged when he heard the words, "Same."

After speaking, the two went to their dormitory, leaving behind those little badgers who were still mobilizing in the common room, and they planned to gather enough people to vote together at night, Lian Qing· Zhang also did not expect that these honest children would one day plan to


Hopefully, we won't see a bunch of little old men tomorrow.

It’s not about voting for the president, the more votes the winner is, I really don’t know why it’s so easy to get excited!? Quantitative changes can’t really lead to qualitative changes!?

Or the law does not blame the public!?

In fact, there is a reason why the little badgers are so excited. Who told Ron and the others to always speak ill of Cedric, because Cedric seems to have captured Cho Chang's heart

, and even some boys from Ravenclaw didn't like it, which caused Hufflepuff to be ridiculed by the three major colleges for a long time, especially Cedric in Quebec last year.

During Diqi's match, many players of the academy team lost face.

Now the little badgers of course hope that the Warriors come from their own academy. If there is one more candidate, it will naturally increase the winning percentage. If it is not true that there is no one who can stand up to Qing Zhang and Cedric

students, maybe there will be a few more to share the risk together.

In short, the position of warrior must not be given up to other academies.

The Hufflepuffs have nothing else but a large number of people. The little badgers decided to show those who look down on them how powerful they are.

The total number of people at seven ages does not believe that the magic power in Dumbledore's casually set age line is so long-lasting.

Perhaps with such attention, no one thinks that this is something that cannot be done.

Some time ago, Professor Moody proved it. Using the Imperius Curse on students continuously, even a senior Auror couldn't hold him back. There was such an example in front of Hufflepuff students

Feeling absolutely impossible to fail.

This is also what Qing Zhang did not expect. His previous unintentional actions made the little badgers feel that they had grasped the truth. .

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