Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1089 Put Away The Heart Of The Virgin!

The Hogwarts kitchen has two new house-elves, Dobby and Winky.

Dobby was originally a house-elf of the Malfoy family, but this house-elf didn't know if he was hypnotized or brainwashed by some wizard. In short, he thought the Malfoy family were bad guys, and he thought Harry was a good guy. Has been helping Harry, rebelling against his master.

It's not that there is nothing unreasonable about awakening the consciousness of rebellion and pursuing freedom, but that he somehow believes that Harry is a good person, a good person who can be trusted differently from other wizards, which is a bit strange.

Of course, this awakened house elf is also a heartless guy. His help often makes Harry miserable. He does things according to his own preferences, and he rarely asks Harry if he can do things before doing things.

It's a bit like the artificial intelligence in some novels. When thinking about how to make the world peaceful and beautiful, the answer is to kill all human beings.

Therefore, it is very difficult for house-elves and humans to coexist peacefully and equally. There are many differences between human values ​​and house-elves. When you respect them, it is necessary to harm people's interests.

Another house-elf is Winky, a female elf.

She originally belonged to the Crouch family, but she was expelled by Mr. Crouch after the Dark Mark incident in the Quidditch World Cup, because "May 10" lost Barty Crouch Jr. for her, You must know that Barty Crouch Jr. is a fanatical Voldemort admirer, that is, a Death Eater.

What's more deadly is that Little Barty's identity is very sensitive. From outsiders' perspective, he is already a prisoner who died in Azkaban. If he shows up now, not only the mother who died for him will die in vain, but also his father, Crowe, will die in vain. Mr. Qi will also be punished and lose everything for this incident.

In Crouch's view, Winky's negligence almost cost his life, and it was because of her years of devotion to duty that she didn't kill Winky on the spot. From the fact that Winky came to work at Hogwarts, it also shows that Dumbledore probably also knew that Barty Crouch Jr. was still alive.

So the fact that Harry can become a warrior is probably something he expected a long time ago. It can't be that Dumbledore really took in a house-elf without asking!? He is also very proficient in instigmatism. can read other people's minds, he'll check out a house-elf with no human rights!?

In fact, the fake Moody felt that Dumbledore doubted him, and it was not an illusion. It was too much to think that Dumbledore could be fooled by the compound potion alone, not to mention that the friendship between Dumbledore and the real Moody was very deep. Moody He even joined the Order of the Phoenix. Little Barty had no way of knowing these things. He couldn't completely replace the other party.

Why Voldemort was still afraid of Dumbledore when he was at his peak? It was this old bee who was always smiling.

Therefore, Qing Zhang has always been quite resistant to making friends with Harry, knowing that there is shit, but going forward and covering himself is a disease.

Facing Hermione's reluctance, Ernie and others explained to Hermione the importance of house elves in the wizarding world to wizarding families. It can be said that even money can't be exchanged for wealth that can be passed down from generation to generation.

If a wizard family doesn't even have house elves, then it will be underestimated and considered a nouveau riche.

Susan Burns said at this time, "What's even more surprising is that they still need wages. They have a gold Galleon on a Monday and a day off a month."

In the Muggle world, Susan might be seen as a vampire and hung on a street lamp, but in the wizarding world, house-elfs are actually like machines in the Muggle world.

It is still a relatively powerful intelligent machine.

Can you imagine that after the development of science and technology in the future, you buy a smart home robot and go home, and the other party still needs your wages to work, you have to pay five social insurances and one housing fund, and even need vacations!?

So it's not without reason that Susan and the others were so shocked. Maybe some people think house elves are life, but the species are different, but for little wizards from wizard families, they are just intelligent robots.

Hermione didn't expect this to happen, she widened her eyes and asked, "No, isn't it right to pay wages!?"

Susan shook her head, "If wages are needed, why don't we hire a servant? In addition to being able to do magic, they can also be replaced by ordinary people or wizards, and paying wages means recognizing the status of house elves. Can you imagine a house-elf sitting in the position of Minister for Magic one day!?"

Hermione was stunned by the question. If one day, the house elf became the Minister of Magic, she would only find it absurd and unbelievable, and a little scared.

Yes, right to be afraid.

Who knew a house-elf who had been treated so badly for so long would ever protect humans!?

Maybe what happens to house elves now, but what about human masters then!?

Hermione was a little creepy, and she also had a deeper understanding of Qing Zhang's emphasis on "people who are not of my race, their hearts must be different" before putting away the heart of the Virgin.

If you really have extra love, why don’t you give alms to more people in need? There are still many people in this world who are living very hard. Even eating enough is a luxury. I need your help, but I only see outsiders and poor people of other races, this is not a disease of the brain, what is it!?

Although Justin Fenry was also from a Muggle family, he didn't think too much about it. He didn't care about house-elves at all, and he didn't feel sorry for them.

But after hearing what Susan said, I still exclaimed, "Oh my God, if there is such a day, I would never dare to come to school here, and my mother would not agree.

You must know that he was originally going to go to Eton College. When his mother learned that he decided to go to Hogwarts, he was very depressed. Later, after reading Lockhart's book, he slowly accepted it. To be honest, Justin is kind of grateful to Lockhart for being a liar, and his novels are really good.

Justin's mother was sad for a long time after learning that Lockhart's book would not be updated in the future.

Key Justin's mother knew that wizards in the wizarding world needed to be controlled by aliens, so it was impossible to let him study here. It was too dangerous to entrust his safety to a monster who was not human.

Qing Zhang was noncommittal about this. Seeing that Hermione didn't react too excitedly, he also knew that his hard work these years was not in vain. Unless he transmigrated and became a house elf, why would he sympathize with them and fight for more for them!? This Is it too idle!?

To put it bluntly, if Qing Zhang had really become a house-elf, the wizarding world would have been ruled by someone else long ago. How could he be so angry!? Serving your uncle!

As for getting along with each other on an equal footing, if you have read the history of magic, you will know that house elves are much stronger than humans, and they are inherently stronger than humans. If it weren't for the invention of the magic wand, which gave human wizards the power to resist, I am afraid that humans are now regarded as pigs and dogs. Yes, if you give them equality, it will soon be equivalent to liberating them [give them a chance to befriend human beings!? How stupid to have such a thought!?

Let’s talk about house elves being weak. First, let’s see how these house elves, who have never been taught or attended school, use magic. They don’t need to go to school to use magic. Easy, human wizards have to be afraid that their bodies will be separated..0

When the time comes, the house elves will unite to resist, what can human wizards do to resist!? They can even teleport inside me alive, which is impossible for human wizards. Just ask if you are afraid, this is much more terrifying than Voldemort Yes, there are quite a few.

If they look similar to humans, it’s fine if they don’t have reproductive isolation, but how do you want to merge with them like that? How do you live in peace!?

Qing Zhang put down his pen, took a sip of the juice on the table, and said, "Then they must be very unpopular with the ethnic group."

Qing Zhang felt that Dumbledore was a bit insidious. He gave wages and holidays, but in fact he didn't. Because these wages, Dobby had nowhere to spend them. In the end, he stayed outside Hogwarts, but no one would follow him. House-elves trade.

No one admits there are free house-elves at all, have you ever seen a mouse take money to buy things!?

As for the holidays, that's even more ridiculous. The other house-elves are working, but you are on vacation. Those house-elves naturally don't dare to feel dissatisfied with Dumbledore, but what are you, Dobby!?

At that time, in order not to be squeezed out, you still have to obediently help others. It’s just that people are working, and you are the enthusiastic Lei Feng helping others for free. In fact, you still have to work, and there is no holiday at all.

In fact, there is no need for holidays. The house elves in the kitchen are generally very leisurely except for preparing meals for meals. Although they have no wages, they are much better than the social animals in 996 outside.

So on the surface Dumbledore was a good person, but in fact he didn't agree with and pity Dobby at all.

After talking about the house elves in the kitchen, everyone talked about their dresses that day. Hermione was also a little distressed and didn't know what kind of clothes to wear. After all, she came from a Muggle family. She didn't know whether there were dress requirements for the dance party in the wizarding world , so I have been very sad recently.

Hannah and the others said that there are actually not too many rigid requirements, you can do whatever you like!? The wizards are very tolerant, like Filch who was wearing a moldy 1.6 tuxedo before!

Qing Zhang said, "If you really can't decide, you can actually go to Madam Mojin's gown store in Diagon Alley for consultation. Madam Mojin should have good suggestions, and if you choose well, she will make clothes It won't take too long either, definitely in time for the Yule Ball."

Susan and the others also nodded when they heard the words, "Yes, her house also accepts reservations for evening dresses and other clothing, and many wizard families will choose to go to their house.

Mastering a craft in the wizarding world is definitely a huge profit.

After thinking for a moment, Hermione nodded, "But we can't go there now, I'll ask Professor McGonagall later, maybe she has a way."

Qing Zhang smiled when she saw this. The Hermione before didn't think of disturbing Professor McGonagall at all. She has indeed changed a lot.

"What are you looking at me for!?" Hermione blushed when Qing Zhang stared at her.

"It's nothing, I just imagined how you look in beautiful clothes, it must be very beautiful." Qing Zhang grabbed each other's hand and said seriously.

"What did you say all of a sudden, really..." Although Hermione said so, everyone was very happy to see the smile on the corner of her mouth.

Hannah and the others were fed a mouthful of dog food, and they were all full immediately, and they left one after another. .

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