“Good morning Commander Zhang Qing!”

"Good morning!"

After getting along for a period of time, Javelin and the other six have gradually adapted to the life of Zhang Qing's town guard. Of course, apart from simple work, Yixian will also arrange for Ning Hai or Ping Hai to go out on patrol when they go out. By the way, it is an alternative salary to bring them along.

In fact, there are only two kinds of special resources for ship girls in this world, one is fuel oil, and the other is special supplies that are used as a universal currency. It is no problem to refer to "JN coins" for short. The currency between these JN coins and ordinary people is It can only be exchanged unilaterally, that is to say, the coins between ordinary people cannot be exchanged for the transaction currency used between the ship girl and the admiral.

To use an example, it is actually similar to the spirit stones in the world of cultivating immortals. Whether the ship is repairing or consuming, it is actually consuming this special material, so it is really no different from spirit stones.

Because it is so important [It is impossible for Yixian to actually give money to Z23 and the others as wages.

However, for z23, a low-level free ship girl who usually only takes some errand tasks, it is rare to have a high-level ship girl who is willing to take her to level up. To be honest, it is more tempting than pure money. If you don't join the tutelary fort, this kind of service will not be available to Liberty Ship Girl.

Although there is no shortage of ship girls with high proficiency levels among the ship girls, the group of free ship girls is actually loose, just like everyone on the earth claims to be from the earth, but because they are all from the earth, they bother to take care of you Yes, that can only be imagined in a dream.

If you are not relatives, why should they take you!? Junior, if you take care of so many juniors, you will be exhausted!? Not to mention that they also need to run around to work and support themselves. How can there be time in the United States to care about you? !?

Therefore, the general free ship girls are in groups of twos and threes, or in the mode of lone wolf.

That is to say, because the destroyers are all children, they can all be gathered together at once.

Along the way, Zhang Qing nodded and greeted these girls who got up earlier than him, and then went to the bathroom, ready to wash up and tidy up his appearance. If Yixian said, he would slip out very early every day Zhang Qing's room was made like the old king next door, making Zhang Qing a little speechless.

However, Zhang Qing is thin-skinned, and Zhang Qing doesn't intend to force the other party. After the tutelary mansion is completely on the right track, he will show his relationship with Zheng Zheng. Isn't it right for the secretary ship and the admiral to have an affair!?

"Are you still used to it!?" After Zhang Qing came to the dining room and sat down at the main table, looking at the lively dining table, Zhang Qing couldn't help but smile and asked z23 and the others.

Previously, Ping Hai was the only one making noise, and the entire tutelary mansion was actually very deserted. Once Ping Hai went out to sea, there was almost no major movement.

It's good now, it's bustling.

The only pity is that this excitement can't last for too long.

However, Zhang Qing is confident that his tutelary mansion will be lively in the future, and it doesn't need too many, as long as all the warships from the Donghuang camp are built, it is enough. If there are too many people, he will not care Come.

Tianhou was a little shy and introverted, and hesitated.

22 Niang and 33 Niang are nodding their heads to show that they are very good. They are the two girls who have the deepest sense of identity. It is very easy to generate a sense of belonging.

Just nodding and smiling.

During this period of time, z23 followed Yixian as a little secretary, learned how to manage the tutelary mansion, and how to deal with various problems. He is the busiest person

Hearing Zhang Qing's question, she was stunned for a moment, fearing that if Zhang Qing didn't remind her, she would have forgotten that she was a temporary foreigner.

As for Lafite, he secretly drank a lot of wine collected by Zhang Qing, especially the baijiu brewed by Zhang Qing, and now he is still in a daze. When he heard Zhang Qing's words, his eyelids raised

With a blank look on his face.

Javelin raised his hands and said excitedly, "Get used to it, so this is the life of the tutelary mansion. I have never experienced Javelin before!"

Ping Hai looked at the javelin that he had been playing with all this time in a strange way, and asked, "Don't you know what life is like in the town guard's mansion!? I thought you all didn't like this kind of life, that's why you became a Where's Liberty Ship Girl!?"

As well-known ship girls, Javelin, Lafite and Z23 are very popular. If you reveal a little bit of meaning, I am afraid that many admirals will come to invite you. Although it is only a destroyer, since this type of ship can exist, it proves that It is necessary to exist.

"Ah!? This..." Javelin couldn't help but exchanged glances with z23 when he was asked this question, showing a wry smile.

In the end, z23 explained, "Because the number of ship girls that the admiral can contract with is limited...."

Yes, as z23 of Yusanjia, Javelin and Lafite can of course enter most of the tutelary mansions, and generally there will be no admirals to refuse, but they are different, all admirals hope that the stronger and more powerful they are. Okay, so under the premise that there are a lot of places, it is of course impossible to go to your own tutelary mansion regardless of seeing the ship's wife.

This is also the reason why the admirals in this world are not so keen on fishing boats.

It’s fine to build it, it’s luck, I admit it with tears, but when there is a choice, it’s really confusing to bring home a ship girl with low potential, this is a high-risk job, There are also many admirals who die in battle every year. Of course, if you want to survive, the stronger your ship girl is, the better.

At the same level, with the same equipment, some ship girls are inherently weaker than others, and this is an inevitable result.

And the ship girl in the Donghuang camp is the best example of this. Weakness is the original sin. It has nothing to do with character. It would be impossible to undo it any more, and even the admiral would not be able to do it if it was really done.

An admiral who gave up on following his mother-in-law would be called shameless no matter what the reason was.

Zhang Qing and Yixian looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes. I'm afraid they all forgot the existence of this kind of situation. It is true that Jianniang is a creature that attaches great importance to emotions. It is indeed possible to refuse to join the tutelary mansion with deep feelings, unless someone is willing to recruit all of them at once, otherwise they will choose to refuse.

In fact, there are many free ship girls that exist like this.

This is also an inevitable result. After all, reality is not a game. If it is really like a game that you can accept as many ship girls as there are unlimited, it will not be the end of the world.

"Then...do you plan to join the tutelary mansion? If we all recruit..." Yixian didn't expect such a surprise, to be honest

The existence of z23 and the others during this time has really lightened her burden a lot. The only shortcoming is that the combat power is not enough to go out on missions alone, but this is also normal. If z23 has the strength to be alone, they will not stay Already went back to deliver the task.

So listening to it now, it seems that there is a joke, Yixian really wants to keep him, other tutelary forts may consider various issues, but they are different here, if you say weak, what kind of ship girl is there? Can it be lower than Donghuang's data!?

As for the fact that the quota is full, other admirals may have it, but if Zhang Qing is concerned, Yixian will probably just wave his hands and say it is impossible. His boyfriend and commander are not false at all. An admiral who is not in good health is poor, and it is absolutely impossible for a full quota of more than a dozen positions, not to mention that the Donghuang camp does not have so many ship girls to fill him up!?

This........." z23 was a little moved, the suffering of the free ship girl can only be known after experiencing it, of course she wants to join the tutelary mansion, let alone get along with her during this period, although this tutelary mansion is a bit different from her dream But Yixian also taught her a lot, and she is quite satisfied with her life.

But this is not something she can decide on her own, so z23 turned her attention to her little friends and wanted to hear their opinions.

"Although my health is not good... and I often have a little trouble, if I really don't dislike it... I am willing." Tianhou said a little nervously.

Javelin pulled the dazed Lafite's little hand and said, "Javelin also likes here and everyone, so I have no objection, what do you think, Lafite-chan!?"

"Me!?" Lafite didn't understand why he was pulled up by the javelin, his body was a little shaky, and after standing still, he hiccupped, "One more... another bottle...

Zhang Qing covered his face, this little alcoholic probably drank all his wine secretly, although Zhang Qing is not very fond of alcohol, but he likes to make wine, so there are still a lot of wine buried in various places

Unexpectedly, someone could find it easily, is this a dog's nose!?

The two sisters 22 Niang and 33 Niang held hands and jumped up, "That's great, in fact (to get it) we already had this idea, but I'm afraid you won't like z23, so we haven't mentioned it!"

People like 22 and 33, who prefer watching TV and other entertainments to fighting, are really tired of running around outside. If it wasn't for survival, they would have been unbearable for a long time.

Now I am very happy to be able to join the base camp of my camp. Although I still need to work, I have a formal home and I can do things I like.

In fact, their psychological pressure has always been quite high. The three of them don't know that the three of them have dragged down the javelins. The main force, but it is also better than Liberty Ship.

This is all agreed! Cang?

Zhang Qing didn't expect to be able to accomplish the achievement of fishing a boat. As I said before, the chances of success and construction in this world are low, so I didn't expect it to be successful.

So it's time to turn!?

But since z23 and the others didn't refuse and planned to really join in, Zhang Qing immediately completed the contract with them and pulled them into his spiritual network

Now, Zhang Qing's tutelary mansion can be regarded as having 9 warship girls. Although they are still at the bottom of the tutelage mansions in the middle-level districts, they are not as appalling as dissatisfaction with one hand. Congratulations.

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