Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

370 Kiana: I'm Sleepwalking! ? I Do Not Know How! ?

Someone who was remembered by Zhang Qing from Gensokyo World also sneezed at this time.

Although she didn't know who was speaking ill of her behind her back, she didn't care too much. Seeing Qiyana who was pulled into the dream world by herself, Sirin smiled.

"Hang Si Si Si..."

"Lost little girl, welcome home~!"

"Who are you!?" Kiyana looked at the opposite person vigilantly, unable to see the other person's figure clearly at all, and St. Freya Academy seemed to have become very weird.

"I am the ghost of your past, the nightmare from which you cannot escape."

The mysterious female voice seemed to be close to her ears, and sometimes seemed to be far away in the sky. Even Qiyana had the feeling that someone was blowing in her ears, but the black shadow was very far away from her.

It made Qiyana a little annoyed.

"What strange things are you talking about!?"

"You can't escape, I will be here waiting for you to come again, you finally come back here..."

Kiyana saw the space around her suddenly become blurred and distorted, and the black figure seemed to be getting further and further away, so she couldn't help stretching out her hand and shouting, "Wait, who are you and why are you saying these inexplicable words to me!"


"Wait, explain clearly..."

"Qiana Kiyana...Great, you finally woke up!" Mei cried with joy as she looked at Kiyana who finally opened her eyes.

"Me...Mei!?" Kiyana looked at Mei, Bronya, and Teresa around her in confusion, and she seemed to be lying on a hospital bed in the infirmary.

"Hisss! It hurts so much, why am I here!?"

Qiyana covered her aching head, her mind was full of doubts.

At this time, Fu Hua also came over, "Student Qiyana, you really don't remember anything!?"

Teresa also stepped forward full of worry, "You have suddenly passed out for the third time this month, Kiyana..."

"Yeah, I passed out suddenly while walking, which scared us to death!" Mei explained, wiping away her tears.

"I fainted!?" Kiyana was a little confused, "Wait, you said it for the third time, what's going on!? I don't remember such a thing!?"

Several people looked at each other, and Bronya tilted her head and looked at Qiyana, who didn't seem to be lying, and asked, "Are you sure!? I slammed my face on the food while eating breakfast, don't you Remember!?"

Qiyana shook her head, "I... I don't even know why I came here suddenly, I remember I was reviewing, and then fell asleep when I was tired, and then... ......"

Qiyana thought of the absurd dream just now, shook her head, and stopped thinking about it, and told others that the content of the dream was also very strange.

After Fu Hua and Teresa looked at each other, they couldn't help frowning deeply, "That means, student Qiyana, you have been sleepwalking before!~||?"

"Mengmeng...sleepwalking!?" Mei looked at Teresa and the others in surprise, "But obviously Kiyana was normal at that time..."

Suddenly Mei is not sure, is it really normal!? Perhaps it is because of sleepwalking, so it looks the same as usual!?

Bronya asked, "How's the physical examination going!?"

Teresa said depressedly, "There is no problem at all, but it shows that Qiyana's health is a bit too much, and her body functions are much stronger than when she entered school...

Is this typical overeating!?

All of a sudden, everyone in the ward fell silent, not knowing what to say.

"Anyway, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell us, don't hold back, or don't take it seriously, Jizi is already lying on the hospital bed, you can't add to the mess, you know!?"

Since returning safely from Jiuyou, Teresa has conducted a comprehensive inspection of several people not only three times, but there is nothing wrong with it, and there is nothing wrong with Leiden Mei, the third Herrscher. But something went wrong suddenly, making Teresa almost a Muggle.

How could it be possible for members of the Kaslana family to be more prone to problems than others? was the last to die.

How could something happen to a member of such an unreasonable family and a super bloodline owner who combined two races!? Teresa couldn't understand.

It is precisely because she is at ease with Qiyana that she allows her to follow her to set out the mission ahead of schedule.

Otherwise, based on the situation of other students, I am afraid that they will not be able to come back if they follow the mission, because the resistance has not yet been cultivated.

What annoyed Teresa even more was that someone from the Destiny Headquarters had been sent over for some reason, and Rita would arrive at St. Freya Academy in a while.

Teresa had a feeling that it must be Grandpa's idea, and it seemed to be related to Qiyana.

She has a criminal record. Kiyana, who was imprisoned when she was a child, seemed to be planning to do something bad and angered Siegfried, so Teresa was naturally very wary of her grandfather Otto's people. It is obvious that Rita is Otto's person, and she is still a very trusted subordinate.

At the same time, there is Leiden Mei, the third Herrscher, on my side, and Teresa is even more worried.

Fu Hua is silently observing Qiyana's current state, and is also thinking about whether Qiyana's current problem is related to the Herrscher consciousness in her body. Could it be that she woke up after being exposed to Chi You's powerful Houkai energy!?

Seeing Qiyana with an innocent smile on her face, Fu Hua rarely frowned, a little irritable.

She can predict that once the Second Herrscher wakes up, Qiyana's happy life will be gone forever, and it may even be a question of whether she can exist

Facing everyone's concern, Qiyana said helplessly, "But the only thing I feel uncomfortable now is the pain in my head, what's going on!?"

Looking at his bandaged head, he found that Anna was quite stuffy.

Bronya hugged the Hoombu doll and said with a blank face, "When you were leaving school, you passed out while walking, and then your head hit the lamppost, making a loud noise.

Mei also said helplessly, "Yeah, Bronya and I were terrified at the time, you know, you bleed a lot..."

Qiyana didn't die in the hands of her Herrscher consciousness, but died in such a ridiculous thing, Mei could feel the rage of the third Herrscher consciousness in her body, and almost lost control at that time.

"Woo...won't you be disfigured!?" Qiyana covered her head with some worry, and wrapped it tightly. Qiyana was not sure where the injury was, and she was numb from the pain. , if the wound is deep, it may leave a scar. As a girl, Qiyana still doesn't want to be ugly.

Sirin watched silently in the depths of Kiyana's consciousness. If it wasn't for Kiyana who fell asleep so fast that she couldn't wake her up, why would she treat her like this!?

To be honest, Sirin didn't even know how she did it in the original plot. Laziana was as easy as a dream, but this guy was still asleep after falling into a dream, and couldn't wake up at all, so she was very puzzled.

She tried many times before finally making the other party sober, and finally able to finish the lines!

This work is really tiring! Sirin suddenly didn't want to continue. This was completely different from what she imagined. Kiyana didn't follow the plot at all.

I always feel that she and Kiyana are more like Xier now, what's going on!?

Something must have gone wrong!? She clearly has the script in her hand, so why does she feel like she doesn’t have it!?

Just when Miss Sirin was feeling depressed, Zhang Qing from Conan World was also having a headache.

Aunt Miyano Shiho was successfully brought back. At first, she wanted to prevent the other party from being called Hui Yuan Ai, but now she learned that there might be other traversers, and they existed outside the boundary. Zhang Qing couldn't help thinking about it.

Is it better to keep the original and hide it?

Otherwise, if Hui Yuan Ai didn't show up, all fools would know something was wrong.

Miyano Akemi didn't know that her boyfriend was worrying about her sister. She was very happy to finally be able to break away from the organization with her sister and live a normal life.

The only problem is that the younger sister is getting smaller. Of course, this problem is not a problem in Miyano Akemi's eyes.

To be honest, Miyano Akemi didn't expect her boyfriend to do so many things for her, and she was depressed for a long time because she heard that the other party found a substitute who was very similar to her, but it turned out that Zhang Qing had escaped her golden cicada in advance The preparations, complaints and anger have been replaced by emotion.

Now that her younger sister is back by her side, Miyano Akemi couldn't be too happy.

`Forget it, why don’t you go back to Xia Kingdom..." Zhang Qing finally came to a conclusion, what does it matter what timetraveler (Zhao) he is, or anything else, has anything to do with him!?

As for the winery and Conan, hehe, only fools participate, let them play by themselves!

Instead of staying here and playing house with this group of people, it is better to go back to Xia Kingdom and live a normal life!

After figuring it out, Zhang Qing was very happy. Although he was somewhat worried about the so-called existence outside the world, this is not ancient times. In modern society, something strange really happened

It is impossible to hide it, and the best solution will be when the time comes.

There's no need to let yourself stay here sullenly for a guy who doesn't know whether he exists or not.

Knowing that Zhang Qing plans to return to China, the two sisters are very happy. They have long wanted to leave here. Nehong is the headquarters of the black organization. God knows if they will be discovered. found possible.

And with the style of gin, I'm afraid he would rather kill the wrong one than let it go.

But Zhang Qing didn't seem to plan to leave here before, and Mingmei and the others didn't dare to mention it. They didn't expect the accident to come so suddenly.

Immediately overjoyed.

After wiping off the lipstick mark that Mingmei had kissed on her face, Zhang Qing said dumbfoundedly, "There's no need to clean it up now, it's too late, and it's not too late to come back tomorrow!"

【The author has something to say: They are all small paragraphs, just to explain the situation in some worlds, not big chapters!】.

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