After returning home, Yotsuya Miko and Zhang Qing continued to chat about the previous problems on the mobile phone.

Although they sometimes don't shy away from Lily Chuanhua and will talk about things in front of her, Yotsuya Miko and the others understand Lily Chuanhua, and in fact they just think they are just joking around.

In fact, many girls of this age in Sakura Country are more or less interested in tarot card divination or astrology divination. From time to time, three or two girls can be seen gathering together and playing this type of game , and then there was an exclamation.

But there may not be many people who really believe it completely.

Being interested in playing and believing in reality are two different things.

Just like some people like to watch Tiga Bump Man and say they believe in light, but when you ask them to say whether there is Bump Man in this world, most of them will be silent because they don’t believe it themselves, except for children of course.

So some things cannot be said in front of Lily Chuanhua.

Whether it's about the new homeroom teacher Yoshito Tono, or about the weird shrine I went to before, I can't say too much to Lily Chuanhua.

Yotsuya Miko knew that Hana was very afraid of listening to things like ghosts since she was a child, but "120" just didn't know why she was so scared recently, and she had to listen from the sidelines, which made Jianzi a little confused.

In the past, flowers would definitely run away.

Lying on the bed, looking at what Zhang Qing was typing on the other end of the phone, and told himself not to run to track down the shrine alone, he would find time to check it out.

Yotsuya sighed and replied: "You overestimate my courage too much, I have already realized the problem, how could I go!?"

"It was really an accident last time, if I hadn't been too scared and wanted to find a shrine to drive away the guy who followed Hana, I wouldn't have failed to discover such an abnormal place.

There was a quick reply from Zhang Qing: "Anyway, be careful. After I heard what happened at the shrine at that time, I felt something was wrong. It stands to reason that the three of us all prayed, but the other party just It’s only a part of fulfilling your wish, but it’s not right, and the other person’s words at the end, what “three times” refers to is also very interesting. If you are free for the time being, it’s best not to go out at night. I'm afraid you're being watched."

Zhang Qing's worry is not for no reason, because Yotsuya Miko is too special. Although she can see those ghosts with her godmother and mother-in-law and Ermutang Yulia, she does not have the ability for other psychics to see them. Naturally, the ability of "qi" cannot be commanded and used.

Or to put it this way, Yotsuya Jianzi has too little "Qi", which is at the same level as ordinary people, which also prevents her from learning the means of psychics in this world, because she does not have "Qi" herself. , and unable to see the "Qi" of others, under the double negation, it can be said that it is absolutely impossible to become an exorcist.

However, she has a pair of ultra-high-definition binoculars, and she can see terrifying existences that many psychics cannot see, which is very special in itself.

Not to mention, whether it's Mingming's mother-in-law or Ermutang Yulia, they all saw those ghosts, and those ghosts were also discovered, but none of them were entangled like Yotsuya Miko. There are two special features.

Now the three of them are praying together, but the thing that may be the "mountain god" responded to Yotsuya Miko alone. It also shows that Yotsuya Miko herself must have something special that she hasn't discovered, and it is very likely that she and her suddenly Being able to see ghosts has something to do with itself.

However, Zhang Qing did not explain these words to Yotsuya Miiko. He was afraid that after telling her, her already tense nerves would collapse directly because she could not bear it. You must know that an ordinary girl who has no self-protection ability suddenly finds herself in the middle of a pack of wolves. Among them, what a terrible thing.

And you have to pretend not to see those "wolves" every day. This kind of psychological pressure is definitely beyond the imagination of others. No matter how strong Yotsuya Miko is, there will always be a limit

Just because she realized this, Zhang Qing found some spells for her to learn. Even if she couldn't make herself stronger like practicing kung fu, she could barely protect herself. As for further allowing Yotsuya Jianzi to obtain extraordinary abilities, Zhang Qing has no choice for the time being, because other people in the misty space have tried it together, and the world is very different. It is also very difficult to cultivate internal strength, which is enough to show that it is basically unrealistic to turn that world into a martial arts world.

And cultivating immortals is even more difficult.

The superpowers in the forbidden world are actually magic in essence, and they are not humane, so they don't work.

But don't worry too much, at least for now, there is nothing in this world that gives Zhang Qing too much sense of crisis, and as long as the foggy space exists, there will be a solution to the problem one day, there are so many in the world , showing infinite possibilities.

In addition, after discovering the effect of jade pendants, Zhang Qing has also given some attention to this aspect. Jade may be a very good medium for storing "Qi". Zhang Qing plans to get some jade back by himself, and prepare some self-defense for Yotsuya Miko and the others. equipment.

It's just a waste of effort. After all, Zhang Qing is doing sculpture for the first time. It is impossible to succeed the first time, let alone engrave formations on it. It is too difficult for him. In the misty space, I found Ming Yuan, the ancient monster, to learn, so after coming and going, I didn't do it well.

But it's coming soon.

"If you go alone, I'm a little worried. If you don't mind it, nothing happened so far, and the other party hasn't come to me..." Yotsuya saw the long text from Zhang Qing After the text message, I was a little moved, but also a little worried.

Because the "mountain god" in the shrine at that time gave Yotsuya Miko a feeling that she had never experienced before. Just standing in front of the other party made Yotsuya Miko feel extremely small and couldn't breathe smoothly. A seed called "fear" was planted in my heart.

The other party is definitely the most powerful existence she has ever met, and if it is really a "mountain god", then it must have enough power to be called a "god".

Although Zhang Qing is very strong in Yotsuya Miko's eyes, there is still a huge gap between her and "God" in her heart.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to investigate and I won't take any risks." Although Zhang Qing felt that his current power was enough to destroy a small country, he was not arrogant enough to think that he was invincible. He didn't know much about the details, he found that he was indeed harmful to ghosts, but he also didn't know why..0

So maybe there really exists in this world who are not afraid of him and can deal with his ghosts. After all, the world is different, and whether the abilities of other worlds can take effect on all the ghosts in this world is also a question.

Although the "gods" of the Sakura Kingdom are mountain ghosts in Zhang Qing's view, after years of offering incense, they are not "gods" but also "gods". Maybe they really have some powers of "gods" Yes, so he did not lie, he is really just going to check it out before making another plan.

"In short, be careful, your safety is equally important [I don't want anything to happen to you!" Yotsuya Jianzi said again.

She really fell in love with Zhang Qing, and she was also afraid of losing him, especially because of her own reasons, so she would regret it for the rest of her life.

"Of course, before you marry me, I won't die so easily." Zhang Qing teased, intending to divert Yotsuya Miko's attention so that her nerves would not be too tense.

..." Seeing this message, Yotsuya Miko blushed instantly, and replied with a series of ellipses.

Why is this guy saying such things all of a sudden!?


Over there, Yoshitani was so confused by Zhang Qing's sudden words that he couldn't think about anything else. After Zhang Qing replied to Yoshitani, he looked up at Mount XX at dusk.

With his amazing eyesight now, even the satellites in the sky can be seen clearly, but he is standing at the foot of the mountain, unable to see the Sanhu Valley Shrine on the top of the mountain.

"There is indeed a problem..."

Yes, after school today, after sending Jianzi home, Zhang Qing rushed here by car, intending to check out that weird shrine, for fear of delaying, and something he would regret later, he didn't want to imagine The protagonists of some novels do not talk about things as one thing, and have to procrastinate, and then eventually lead to a catastrophe, and regret it for the rest of their lives.

Those protagonists may become more powerful and kill the big boss because of this explosion, but Zhang Qing absolutely does not want the same experience to happen to him. He is a coward himself. Does he need to sacrifice his parents, relatives or even lovers to gain power!?

Of course not, even if there was no fog space, he wouldn't want that kind of power.

After Zhang Qing put the mobile phone into his trouser pocket, he bent his legs, and after a little animal force, he even shot up the mountain. The trees blocked in the middle were all avoided by him with amazing reflexes. Take advantage of it to accelerate again.

I came to the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye, but I still didn't see the deserted shrine before.

There are trees all around, let alone the shrine, and there are no traces left after the demolition. It can be foreseen that the reason I said to Lily Chuanhua before, I am afraid that those netizens will soon go back and say no possible.

Immediately, I felt a headache, and I am afraid that I can't hide this matter for too long.

"Where the hell!?"

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