Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

691 Xiaoyu: Someone Always Comes To Confess Suddenly, It's So Annoying!

Liyue is like a painting every moment.

Small bridges and flowing water, mountains and mountains, fishing boats singing late, children playing and chasing after each other, the years are quiet and beautiful.

Zhang Qing walked on Feiyunpo, this is the most prosperous area of ​​Liyue Port, every inch of land is expensive, and most of the people who come and go are luxuriously dressed people, even sloppy adventurers will tidy up their clothes when they enter here.

In fact, it doesn't matter how you dress, and no one here will drive you away, as long as you don't wear the king's new clothes, it's just that people, such strange creatures, will be affected by the atmosphere of the environment. Influenced, will do something spontaneously.

Whether it is Xinyuexuan, the most authentic "Moon Cuisine" restaurant in Liyue Port, or Liuli Pavilion, the most famous and authentic "Glass Cuisine" restaurant that specializes in mountain delicacies, they are all located in the center of Feiyunpo. It is opposite the General Affairs Department, and the two are close, so they will naturally compete unconsciously.

"The mountain's rare flavors are shared with you. It is as beautiful as glass and has a long aftertaste"

The couplets on both sides of the door are really simple and easy to understand, popular and at the same time seem to be the finishing touch and implication.

It seems to come from the hands of a famous artist.

"Welcome to [Liuli Pavilion], how many guests!? Do you have a reservation!?"

When Zhang Qing approached the gate of Liuli Pavilion, he was very politely stopped by the waitress named Li Cai at the gate "San San San".

In fact, it wasn't the first time Zhang Qing came here, but the number of times was not many, and the waitress probably hadn't been born at that time, so it was only natural that she couldn't recognize herself.

However, the business here is still very good as always, no matter what time you come, you need to make a reservation, and you have to make a reservation three months in advance.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that it only entertains a few tables of guests every day. In fact, if it is compared, the passenger flow is not even a fraction of Wanmintang, but the income of people in one day is equal to the total income of Wanmintang for several months. The cooking skills of the master and Xiangling are not good, even if it is really about cooking skills, there are very few people in Liyue who can beat them.

But this kind of thing is like this. Cooking skills may be very important, but sometimes the psychology of being taken advantage of is also very important, just like those Michelin restaurants in my previous life. Is it really delicious!? Probably a large part of it is because It’s just a psychological effect. Take steak as an example. For Xia people who are used to eating vertically, is undercooked beef really delicious!? If so, our ancestors would not cook it and eat it raw Wouldn't it be more convenient!?

Hygiene and health are one thing, aside from these things, it may not be really delicious. In another environment, if the same chef and the same ingredients are placed on a street stall, I am afraid that they said before, "You don't understand, steak should be The guy who said "medium-rare is good" will never say "delicious".

"I was invited by Hall Master Hu of the Past Life Hall." Zhang Qing said.

Li Cai took out a small book and opened it, then nodded, beckoning Zhang Qing to go inside, "Guest, please!"

As soon as he entered the door, the first thing he saw was a large screen that blocked the entire lobby and the outside. A male waiter stood there and politely asked Zhang Qing to come in.

Going around the screen, Zhang Qing walked in. There was only a long table inside. Hu Tao was sitting there early on, playing with a ceramic tumbler in boredom. When he heard the movement, he looked up and saw Zhang Qing arrived, and immediately showed a bright smile, " Come and sit wherever you want."

As he spoke, he pulled away a chair beside him, motioning for Zhang Qing to take a seat.

Zhang Qing was not polite, sat down, looked at the other vacant seats, and asked, "Didn't you call other people!? It's a waste."

When Hu Tao heard the words, he said, "Lao Meng and the others shied away and were busy with work. That guy Zhong Li said that he came here yesterday and he won't come again for a long time. He said that delicious food takes time to cook. , he is not a chef, I really don't understand..."

"By the way, you haven't met Zhongli yet. He is one of our guests in the Pastoral Hall. He looks so young, but his personality is like an old antique. He knows everything but doesn't care about anything. If you meet him in the future, You must be able to recognize it immediately."

Zhang Qingxin said: He may not just want to see me.

It's still the same, saying that I haven't changed at all, and he himself is still not the same.

Whether it is Liuli Pavilion or Xinyuexuan, although reservations need to be made in advance, for some aristocratic families or big businessmen, no matter whether they will go or not, they will make early reservations for a certain time period on a certain day, just to entertain a certain person. Some more important guests or friends, so Zhang Qing can't say that it's a waste of people, because it's already reserved.

"That must be a very interesting person." Zhang Qing echoed.

"It's not interesting, but if you have any questions, you can basically get the answer." Hu Tao commented, "By the way, see what you want to eat!? I haven't ordered yet!"


On Aozang Mountain, a tall and slender woman was walking on the way to the top of the mountain. Her temperament was indifferent and alienated. Even in this deep mountain and old forest, she seemed to be like smoke drifting away at any time. She had long white hair like a waterfall, and her hair was occasionally exposed. The sharp and murderous aura is bound by the red rope.

"Master." After reaching the top of the mountain, the woman saw a crane standing on the edge of the cliff looking into the distance, she saluted respectfully and shouted.

Zhen Jun, who is very good at chatting, turned around and looked at the person who came, "Shen He, you are here, come here."


Shen He obediently walked over, and came to Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Feng's side, waiting for the other party's orders.

Master Liuyun Borrowing the Wind saw that she was only focused on himself, indifferent to everything around her, and was not even curious about what he was looking at before, so he couldn't help shaking his head secretly, the slight hesitation in his heart had already made a decision at this moment.

"Shen He, how long have you stayed in this mountain with your teacher!?"

..." Shen He didn't answer right away this time, but it wasn't that she resisted answering this question, but she was just thinking about how to answer this question.

It is obvious that normal people can easily give answers to questions in the first place, but when it comes to her, it takes a lot of thinking and reasoning.

Years and months are not remembered in the mountains, but they are forgotten too thoroughly.

For a fairy like Liuyun Borrowing Wind, who has lived many lifetimes and has rich experience, it is nothing, but Shen He is a human being at this age, and the road of cultivating immortality will come to an end. , I'm afraid this is not a good thing.

"If you can't answer it, let it be. The reason why I called you here this time is because your senior sister hasn't come back for a long time. I want you to go and have a look and help the child by the way. It's not a good thing to be too brave. You It’s been a long time since I’ve walked in the mundane world, let’s experience it by the way, you need to be free from the world of mortals now, rather than stay in the mountains and practice behind closed doors..0"

Originally, I didn't want to say the last sentence, but when I think about Gan Yu and Shen He's temperament, Liuyun borrows the wind and Zhenjun is afraid that she won't make it clear, and these two people will misinterpret her intention

If you think too much, you might as well explain why.

Shen He was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that he would be driven down the mountain when he was summoned this time.


"Okay, okay, I've made up my mind as a teacher. You pack up and go straight down the mountain after a while. As a teacher, I will only say your senior sister in advance, "If you have any questions, just call her."

Liuyun interrupted Shen He by waving his wings with Feng Zhenjun, and then flew away with flapping wings.

Just when Shen He was in a daze, she flew back again, "By the way, don't look for that old bastard who pretends to be tender, and don't listen to her, you can only believe 30% of what she says, don't be foolish enough to think that if she is nice, you can get close to her." …”

Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to babble and exhort him, deeply afraid that his good apprentice would go out for a trip, and when he came back, he would either become a super autistic child, or be assimilated into some weird person.

That old thing is notoriously unreliable, and has no face or skin, and can do anything. When you think she is doing good things, you must be doing bad things. I was deceived back then I had to go around and thought she was a "good person".

It's okay if she's not interested in you, but once she's interested, she won't have good intentions.

"However, if something really happens that is difficult to solve, you can still find her. Sometimes she is very trustworthy."

Shen He: "...

Master, should I go to Baixiaorumeng Zhenjun, or not to go to her!? Make it clear, don't fly away!

You said too much too fast, I can't remember for a while, can you say it again!?

Flying away, Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing the Wind did not return to her cave, but flew towards Qingyunding, wanting to chat with Zhenjun and the others. She always felt that something would happen in the near future. The reason why she suddenly let Shen He go down the mountain.

"Could it be that old thing is planning to do something 0.2 again!?" True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind muttered.

However, after flying all the way to Hulao Mountain, they still couldn't find those two guys. Master Liuyun borrowed the wind and felt even angrier, "Abandoning me again, where did you go for a walk together!?"

This feeling of being squeezed out really made the crane's beak hard.

"Hmph, I'll make you look good in the future!" After leaving a vicious sentence, True Monarch Liuyun borrowed the wind and flew away.

Several members of the Treasure Bandit, who were poking around, breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the big crane fly away.

"Are we really going to dig treasures here? It feels like we are trying to die. The big crane just now is not the fairy here, is she warning us just now!?"

"But we've all come here, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing if we returned empty-handed!?"

"Is life more important than Mora!?"

A few people pondered, and it seemed that they were all important.

Suddenly one of them said unwillingly, "But, I made an agreement with Xiaoyu before leaving, and I will go back and marry her after this trip."

"Me too.

"Me too.

"What a coincidence, our partners are all called Xiaoyu!"

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