Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Chapter 708 Ningguang: Teacher, If You Have A Time Machine, You Can Give It To Me!

"I should say long time no see, or first meeting, teacher!"

When Zhang Qing came to the office where Ningguang was, after Bai Xiao and the other three left, only Zhang Qing and Ningguang were left, Ningguang spoke first.

And what he said, if there were outsiders at the moment, he would definitely be shocked.

Because calling out the word "teacher" from the mouth of this woman, Ningguang, is amazing enough. You must know that Tianquan Ningguang is a businessman who makes many big businessmen look sideways and feel ashamed.

Here I have to mention what is Seven Stars.

The full name of "Seven Stars" is Liyue Permanent Discussion Committee, which is composed of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang Seven Stars. The power center is located in Yuehai Pavilion, Yujingtai.

But in fact, the selection of the Seven Stars is not a general election, but is controlled by big businessmen representing the seven commercial forces, that is to say, the so-called aristocratic families.

And Tianquan Ningguang is the first person to break this monopoly in the past few thousand years. She herself is a super big businessman. Take a sip.

So Tianquan Ningguang has always been the most special one among the Seven Stars, but most people are blinded by her glory and ignore her origin.

After Ningguang became the star of Tianquan, she did a lot of things, and changed Liyue a lot, so that Liyue, which was gradually solidified, became energetic again.

In fact, if there was no Ningguang, Yue Qi would have been withdrawn by the immortals long ago.

But now such a person, a person who is full of talent, means, strength and luck, can even be said to be terrifying, even respectfully calls a very young girl "teacher". What a shocking thing!

Zhang Qing randomly found a chair and sat down, and said calmly, "I can't afford to be called 'teacher', actually I haven't taught you anything, have I!?"

What Ningguang has learned is entirely based on her own opinion, and there is no need for anyone to tell her what to teach her. If there is an IQ test in this world, I am afraid that Ningguang's IQ will not be lower than that of Einstein, but she Just interested in how to make money.

Ning Guang smiled slightly when he heard the words, "No, I have learned a lot from you, and I have avoided many detours. I don't think there is anything wrong with calling you 'Teacher'."

"Don't be so clever, just say what you have to say, don't say anything at this time, just want to get together for a long time, even if you call me a generation, it's useless." Zhang Qing said with a sneer.

This girl is just thinking too much. When she is playing this kind of tricks, at least look in the mirror. If you are clear, she will believe everything you say, but you have a foxy face, and everyone will repeat your words. Thought.

Obviously, I taught her before that some methods vary from person to person. This "person" does not only refer to the opponent, but also herself. Have you forgotten it in the end!?

Ning Guang didn't care, "This... I'm sincere, and I don't need the teacher to do anything, as long as the teacher doesn't stand on my side, it's enough to stay neutral, right! A teacher who is not old in appearance!"

Zhang Qing shivered with black lines all over his head, "How grown up, don't speak in such a tone!"

She even used the tone of a little girl to play coquettishly, Ji Qing felt that she should be invited to exorcise Ning Guang.

Ning Guang smiled, restored her original voice and said, "I think teacher, you will like this, and it will remind you of the past, won't it!?"

"Don't make all these things, and let me tell you, if those guys know that you have something to do with me, hehe, it's definitely not a good thing. Maybe Gan Yu will not work hard in the future." Zhang Qingbai After glancing at the other party, he warned.

She didn't intend to deny it either, with Ningguang's wisdom, she might have guessed her identity long ago.

Just after so many years, her appearance is still the same as before, which is enough to explain the problem.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid." Ning Guang put away her smile and said, her eyeliner was all over Liyue, of course she knew what happened when Ying and Paimeng were looking for Gan Yu today, "If it's possible, teacher, what do you have? If you are an enemy, can you tell me!? I think I really need to know. 17

With this kind of person, even a good-tempered person like Gan Yu is like this, Ning Guang is really afraid that the other party's enemies will hurt him too much.

Hearing this, Zhang Qing looked up at the ceiling, and commented, "This chandelier is pretty good, especially the pattern on it, it is definitely from the hands of a master..."

"Teacher!" Concentrating on the forehead, "at a time like this, don't pretend to be stupid."

Seeing Zhang Qing's reaction, Ning Guang suddenly had a very bad premonition: This dog doesn't have many enemies, does it?

"Is it okay for me to put aside my previous relationship with you now!?"

Zhang Qing: "It's late."

"But you can rummage in the trash can, maybe you can find a time machine and go back in time to try."

"I knew..." Ningguang sighed.

"Don't worry, they can't beat me. If I hadn't refused to become the second Rock God, I would be the Rock King Empress at this moment." Zhang Qing comforted.

Ning Guang waved his hand, "Stop talking, I don't even dare to think about such a terrible future."

Just like Gan Yu, Ningguang absolutely doesn't want to see her teacher become the next rock god, otherwise Liyue will really be finished by then.

Even relying on the teacher-student relationship, she will be much more relaxed, and she doesn't have to worry about losing everything if she is not careful like she is now.

No one knew better than her where she was sitting, how many people were staring at her, and how many people wanted to pull her down.

In fact, the current rumors and rumors in Liyue Harbor are attacking Liyue Seven Stars on the surface, but Ningguang knows that they are actually attacking her alone. It is true that fools are taking the lead here, but there are also some rich and famous families in Liyue who are contributing to the flames , otherwise how could it be known so quickly and so easily in the whole city.

It's not that Ningguang is nostalgic for the power and position of the so-called [Tianquan Star], but that only by becoming a rule-maker and breaking the rules can she display her talents and continue to build her own business empire, otherwise those who hinder her in the process will How many, even using official power to devour their own everything, is there.

Only she who came out from the bottom understands how corrupt Liyue is and how serious her class is solidified.

In the past, there was still a Dijun on her head, so it would not have turned into a too bad situation, but now that the Dijun is gone, she, the star of heaven power, has to be let go, otherwise, with those people's methods, Li Yue might It will reproduce the style of Mond's aristocratic era.

You say Keqing, Ningguang believes that Keqing will not go along with others, but what is the use of only one Keqing!? Who can she stop!? Who can she change!?

Maybe it would be better to let the immortals destroy the seven-star system at that time, even if it makes Liyue mess up for a while, it doesn't matter.

Zhang Qing:

Wicked disciple...... Can't you just think of being a teacher!?


Just then, someone knocked on the door.

At the same time, Baishi's voice came from outside, "Master Ningguang, the other two guests you asked Senior Gan Yu to invite have arrived.

"Well, you guys entertain them first, I'll be here soon." After Ning Guang told the Baishi outside, she looked at Zhang Qing again, then the teacher will go with me to meet those two interesting people. Is it your guest!?"

Zhang Qing rolled his eyes, "Don't you know that I have known them for a long time!?"

"No need, you'll bring them here anyway, I'll just wait here. What!? Are you afraid that I'll rummage through your stuff!?"

Zhang Qing squinted his eyes, "Isn't there some pornographic book hidden away!? You're also at this age!"

Ning Guang smiled and said, "No, I'm still a child, but teacher, you are already grown up. If you want to be a student, I will introduce you. I know a lot of people!"

"Let's go! Let's go!"

"Then I'll excuse you first!" Ning Guang didn't care, but with a triumphant smile, he opened the door and went out. Bai Xiao, who had been waiting outside for a long time, came to Ning Guang's side and leaned into his ear He whispered what Keqing had said to Ying and the others.

Ning Guang was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "The age of immortals has passed, if even Liyue Seven Stars dare not face up to this point, what will happen to Liyue's future!? It really looks like what she would say..."

After Ningguang left, Zhang Qing leaned on the back of the chair and cursed in a low voice: "Stinky girl, you're really not cute at all, it's been like this ever since..."

"Sure enough, it's more fun to tease stupid children."

Noticing a certain side of the wall covered with paper, especially the largest one with a circle drawn with a red ink brush, making it look like a treasure map, Zhang Qing shook his head

Commented, "It's too obvious, but (Wang Zhao) just now is very suitable for dealing with those two little guys. It's just such a clever trick at this time, tsk tsk... this stinky girl, I don't know It should be said that the emotional intelligence is low or high."

Treating everyone as a business opponent is really exhausting.

"Hey, Zhang Qing! Why are you here too!?"

Without making Zhang Qing wait too long, the door was opened again, and Paimon's bluffing voice rang out loudly.

Zhang Qing waved his hand, "Oh, long time no see you two, did you miss me!?"

Seeing the puzzled faces of Ying and Paimeng, Zhang Qing reminded, "Didn't I tell you that!? There is no place in Liyong that I can't go to, how about it!? I'm not lying!"

Paimon crossed his arms and said, "Tell us, you are actually one of the seven stars of Liyue!"

"It's not!" Zhang Qing made an "X" with both hands, denying Paimon's wild conjecture.

Ying looked directly at Ningguang, and told Fluorescent with his eyes that if this guy came uninvited, please be sure to throw him out, and the way of free fall is the best.

Ning Guang: "You two are free to treat this place as your own home."

Ningguang didn't seem to get Yingying's heart at all, and said polite words directly.

Ying and Paimeng looked at each other, and suddenly began to worry about whether they would fall into another big pit after waiting. .

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