Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

933 A Big Storm On The Silent Bridge!

The three of Zhang Qing didn't stay in Ziyuan Town for too long. Although they were a little curious about the secrets of Ziyuan Town, it didn't mean that they had to find out the truth. What's more, Miss Joy and the others in Ziyuan Town There was no sign of harming them.

So I believe that they are good people, they must have their own difficulties.

There is no need to break the peace and tranquility here in Ziyuan Town because of your temporary curiosity, and never think that you are special, that you can solve all problems by yourself, reality is not a game, and we are not the villain who sits in front of the computer and controls pixels God.

After bidding farewell to Ms. Joy, the three of them packed their bags and set off along the No. 12 road at the south exit of Ziyuan Town. After walking a long and not short dirt road, they came to the Silent Bridge, a relatively famous sightseeing spot in the Kanto area. ,In fact, the so-called Route 12 is the entire route including the Silent Bridge.

The Bridge of Silence is made up of mostly wooden bridges along Route 12. The left will be the end, while the right will continue south. After that, it will turn to the southwest to avoid the small island on the water, and then connect to the north-south wooden bridge in the west. When going from east-west to north-south, you will pass through some platforms.

On the whole, it twists and turns, a bit like the layout of a Chinese courtyard, and what is even more exaggerated is that this is a cross-sea bridge. Although it is a cross-sea bridge, it is a relatively large gap in the mainland of the Kanto area. The bridge built on the bridge can get to the other side faster without detours over mountains and ridges.

Even so, the total length of the Silent Bridge is close to 50 kilometers. You must know that the east-to-west distance of the famous Dongguan City in Guangdong is only 70.45 kilometers, and the north-south width is only 46.8 kilometers. From this, we can see how exaggerated the Silent Bridge is. Of course, it is a straight line. The distance is not that exaggerated, but I don't know why when it was built, it didn't choose a straight long bridge structure, but chose the current corridor-style building structure 377.

Because of the solid wooden bridge, at most it is possible to ride a bicycle on it, but considering the twists and turns around the terrain, riding a bicycle is not much faster, and it is easy to cause road rage, so most people still prefer to use the 11 road Bus, that is, feet.

If you walk as hard as you can without stopping, you will be able to reach the other end after about 10 hours of walking. There are two exits on the other side, which are the second half of the road directly to Dead Leaf City and the No. 15 road around the hunting zone. There is no place to stay at all, there will be no elf center, and there will be no small villages and towns, so even if it is really very suitable for sightseeing, watching the ebb and flow of the sea and the rising and changing of the sun, there are still not many people who really travel long distances Trek to come.

I don't know if it was because of running out of luck, but when the three of Zhang Qing came to the Silent Bridge, the weather started to turn bad, the sea water became choppy, and the dark sky indicated that a storm was coming.

But it's been less than half of the distance, three people should not be said to be four people, when leaving Ziyuan Town, Nazi seemed to finally muster up the courage to express her intention to travel together, Mei and Touko were originally unwilling, It's just that I don't know what Nazi said behind them, but in the end they actually convinced the two of them, holding hands like three good sisters

The four people trapped in the middle of the bridge at this moment can't turn back at all, unless Nazi and Zhang Qing are willing to teleport everyone back with them, but since it's a journey, and the process is also part of the cultivation, so Zhang Qing made an agreement early on , unless it is necessary or encounters an irresistible danger, he will most definitely not use this kind of laziness and cheating. Since Nazi chooses to join their team, of course she has to abide by this rule.

"I finally understand why this bridge needs to be built like this (caab)." Touzi pressed his hands on the peaked cap embroidered with the Pokeball pattern on his head to prevent it from being blown away by the strong wind. yelled.

Mei also grabbed the bridge railing with both hands, because she felt the shaking of the ground, perhaps because of her good figure, she was the most likely to lose her footing among the few.

"I understand too, but what's the use of saying this at a time like this!?"

Mei is almost speechless, is this the time to praise the bridge builder for his thoughtfulness!?

"If we don't think about it, we will probably fall into the sea because of the bridge collapse."

Indeed, the bridge builder didn't choose a straight structure for the entire Silent Bridge, because this kind of structure is prone to accidents in a big storm, and he also chose a section-by-section split structure, just to prevent problems in one place. The whole bridge went wrong, and it was easier to fix it afterward.

But now that they are standing on top and praising the professional skills of the bridge builder, isn't it a bit too careless of their own safety!?

Touzi wasn't worried at all, "Don't worry, it's just before the storm, it's not the time of life and death, even if it's too late, it's not like we don't have water-type Pokémon, we can still swim for a while after falling into the sea , can always find a foothold, no matter how bad it is, wouldn’t there still be Ah Qing and Na Zi!?”

As soon as Touzi's voice fell, light rain fell on his head, and the raindrops fell on several people's heads. After a while, the clothes on the four people were soaked, and I don't know if Na Zi was too observant of the agreement For this reason, she doesn't seem to intend to use superpowers to stop the rain from falling on her.

The three girls are wet, their clothes are completely attached to their skins, revealing their graceful body curves, so Zhang Qing has to choose to look away and don't dare to look at them, don't look at him often sleeping in a tent with Mei and the others , but other than that, he didn't actually make too many outrageous moves.

It's not that Zhang Qing is really slow to understand the friendship in the eyes of the two girls, but because he has two lives, he is not sure what kind of "like" the two girls of fifteen or sixteen years old mean. Do they really have plans to block happiness for the rest of their lives!?

What should I do if I just made a wrong judgment on the spur of the moment!? So Zhang Qing plans to wait a few more years, wait for Mei and Touzi to grow up a little longer and mature their minds, and then look again!

As for Nazi, perhaps because of some inherent impressions, he had a hard time believing that the other party was a simple girl. He always felt that the other party had other plans and was Team Rocket. Moreover, Nazi's face usually didn't show too many emotional fluctuations. up.

So in general, it's all for the sake of friends or acquaintances, so Zhang naturally won't carelessly stare at it.

Regarding this, Mei, Touzi, and Nazi were very speechless. They wanted Zhang Qing to see more, "A man of virtue dies for his confidant, and a woman is the face of a man who pleases him." People's gaze is more painful~!?

Fat Ding had already slipped into Zhang Qing's backpack when the wind was blowing, his two little paws were lying on the edge of the zipper, and his big kawaii eyes were cautiously and curiously looking at the outside. The situation is changing.

If she hadn't been afraid that she would be blown away because she was a ball, she would have stood on Zhang Qing's head, waved her little hand, and asked the sky, "Who is responsible for the ups and downs?"

The sky is not fat, and the ages are like a long night.

What is a skin god, she is also a fat god!

"Ahhh..." Because of the rain, the wooden board under her feet became more and more slippery. Mei Yi, who was standing a little unsteadily because of the shaking, screamed in fright, waving her hands wildly .

Zhang Qing grabbed it, so that the fat girl did not fall.

"You have to practice your footwork in the future." Zhang Qing suggested.

At the same time, he also looked at Touzi. As for Nazi, Zhang Qing didn't know whether to let her participate, because Nazi, as the former owner of the gymnasium in Golden City, has a family background, and she doesn't need to be reminded of her professional knowledge. , perhaps when I was very young, I have received relevant training.

Unlike Zhang Qing and the others, even Zhang Qing saw Mei and the others' distressed appearance at this moment, and realized that as a trainer, he not only cares about training Pokémon, but also needs a strong body as a trainer, otherwise there will be many battles. There is no way to participate, where can I command Pokémon battles.

It's not like Nazi can use superpowers to protect herself from the aftermath of the battle.

Seeing that Zhang Qing just glanced at her and then looked away without making an invitation, Na Zi's eyes flashed a trace of disappointment, but she quickly hid it up. She is used to disguising herself with indifference, and it has long been cultivated to hide her inner emotions. It became a habit, that's why he looked like a paralyzed man with nothing.

In fact, Nazi is very active in her heart, otherwise, in the original plot, the ghost stone brought by Xiaozhi would not be too funny to laugh so much that she could not continue to fight.

Of course, Mei and Touko didn't have any objections, especially when they noticed that Zhang Qing and Nazi were not too embarrassed in the same situation, they knew that they did have some flaws, and they needed to make up for them as soon as possible.

Forget about Zhang Qing, who has already been identified as a "monster" by the two of them during his journey, and Na Zi, a girl with super powers of the same age, can maintain balance and move forward slowly without using super powers. The girl who refused to admit defeat made up her mind to catch up [and this also proves that as a trainer, you really need to practice yourself.

Zhang Qing naturally has no reason not to be able to see the details that Mei and Touko can see. This is also the reason why he did not invite Na Zi to practice in this area, because in Zhang Qing's view Na Zi has indeed mastered it, just like When Hokage learned to climb trees, Haruno Sakura and Naruto practiced with Sasuke, and they didn't improve much at all, but it was a waste of time.

"Hurry up and go as far as you can before the real storm arrives, so at least we won't be stuck in the middle." Zhang Qing simply grabbed the hands of the two women to make them stand firmly behind.

As long as they go far enough, if there is a problem with the bridge, they can still swim to the shore with the physical strength of the water-type Pokémon, and when the storm comes, it is indeed very unwise to stay in the center of the bridge. up.

When choosing to go back and return to Ziyuan Town along the road, or go forward to reach the next location, Zhang Qing chose to go forward, even though they are actually closer to Ziyuan Town at this moment.

When faced with a choice, retreating is often an expression of cowardice. The so-called closer is actually not too close. The reason why you choose to retreat is because you lack courage. Of course, this retreat is nothing, but you have developed this kind of If you get used to it, when faced with any choice in the future, you will only avoid it again and again. In the world of Pokémon, especially as a trainer, this is very bad.

"En." Mei and Touzi responded without hesitation.

Instead, a group of people braved the wind and rain and accelerated forward. As time went by, the wind seemed to become stronger. .

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