Baixi County, Fuyang Hotel.

At this time, a group of people with long guns and short cannons gathered inside, all of them were of three colors. Among them, a white girl about 16 years old was facing a thin old man lying on the bed with a pitiful face. He said something outrageously.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'm Grena Beth, and I'm also a member of the International Love Association. The purpose of our Love Association is 'everyone gives a little love to make the world warm like spring'. Since we are in the Lighthouse Country The members of the association will send you back to Xiaguo, your hometown, and we members in Xiaguo will also be good people to the end and send Buddha to the west."

"I will definitely not let you have a home and cannot go back, and continue to live the life of a homeless man!"

After Greina spoke passionately to the ugly old man on the bed who had almost lost all his teeth, she turned her head to the camera or mobile phone behind her, wiped away the tears that did not exist in the corner of her eyes, and said, "I, Grena, although Just an ordinary girl from the Lighthouse Country, but my companions and I have been working hard for world peace and friendship."

"In the sixteen years since the establishment of the Love Association, we have been silently helping countless needy people who have been neglected by us. Love does not need to be restricted by national boundaries, nor can we turn a blind eye to people in need because of their low status."

"Everyone, even if you just stretch out your hand to help someone up, it is commendable, and it just requires a little kindness from you, why not!?"

"The old man in front of us now is called Li Zongren. Seventeen years ago, he resolutely came to the Liberty City of Lighthouse Country for his family to have enough food and clothing. study."

"But!" Greina's hand holding the microphone was trembling, and her expression became more fanatical and compassionate, "But...his heart to fight for his family even if he sacrificed himself is right!"

"In these years, because he didn't have a green card, he could only sleep on the street, use discarded old newspapers as quilts, and usually earn a living by washing dishes and doing chores for others, but he has never regretted it. To give the family a better life, to be able to come to the free city to live happily together, is he wrong!?"

"Look at his hands, they are no different from rough tree bark. Looking at his face, who would have thought that he is only fifty years old this year!?"

The cameraman cooperated very well to zoom in the lens so that more people can see the details of the old man's body. It is ugly, but it makes people feel more sympathetic. People are creatures that are easy to empathize with, even if they are iron-blooded Soldiers can't really stop crying, and they won't feel unbearable for a moment.

This is human beings, they can be cruel enough to make the most ferocious beasts fear them, and they can also be merciful enough to make ants despise them.

This is the most contradictory and responsible creature.

After the camera stayed long enough for everyone to observe clearly, when it turned back to Gleina's face again, this "brave" white girl put on an angry expression this time.

"However, I never thought that the Xia Kingdom, which has always talked about 'propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame', has five thousand years of civilization, and is known as the 'most humble' nation, has made me very disappointed and hopeless!"

"I have studied the culture of the Xia Kingdom, and the fact that I can speak the language of the Xia Kingdom fluently is the best proof. You must know that the Xia Kingdom language is known as one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. I don't think anyone will question it. !?"

"When I was studying the culture of the Xia Kingdom, I learned the words 'Filial piety is the first of every kindness' and 'A father for one day is a father for life'. Everyone is a pacifist, but at least they are all filial and good people.”

"But I'm disappointed. The people of the Xia Kingdom have always been talking about it. They are the nation with the least love."

"I am very glad that our Love Association has come, because with us, this barbaric country and this barbaric nation will integrate into the world family in the near future and change our bad impression."

As if hearing the people on the other side of the (caca) shouting "good", Grena showed a bright smile on her face, like the warm light of spring, warming people, at this moment she seems to have the light of Buddha Buddha.

She stretched out her hand and pressed it, as if to calm down the audience on the other side of the screen.

She said, "We in the Love Association, because we couldn't bear to see Mr. Li continue to live on the streets, lonely and lonely, without seeing his family, so we paid our own money and sent him back to his hometown, Xiaguo."

"However... our poor Mr. Li just wandered in another country, because of something, because Xia Guo officials did not help him find his family at all, poor Mr. Li can only continue to live his previous life , or even worse, because this is the country of Xia, and the conditions here are not as good as our world's lighthouse country!"

"Fortunately, it didn't take long for Mr. Li's situation to be discovered by members of our association in Xiaguo. With our help, we finally found out the whereabouts of Mr. Li's wife and daughter who had moved after several setbacks not long ago. , Just when we thought that the other party would be happy to see our husband and father return safely, the people of Xia Guo let us down again. Their faces and eyes were full of indifference, and they even lied, saying that they didn't know Mr. Li and Mr. Wu. got the wrong person!"

"How can this be!?"

Speaking of which, Greina turned the microphone to Li Zongren who was lying on the bed wearing a padded jacket and asked, "Mr. Li, can you be sure that Ms. Feng before is the wife you haven't seen for seventeen years!?

Li Zongren nodded bitterly, "I'm sure, although I haven't seen her for seventeen years, I have never forgotten her voice and appearance. I miss her every day and night in the Lighthouse Kingdom, because I love her." !"

"I am very sorry. I was absent for seventeen years, and I did not make a good husband and father, but now that I am back, I want to make up for all this. I will double the compensation to their mother and daughter, even if they don't recognize me, I As long as I can look at them every day from a distance, it is enough to see them well.

"Thank you for arranging all this for me. If they don't want to recognize me, I will too. Thank you..."

This expression of affection is moving. The so-called "the prodigal son will never change his money". Although Li Zongren was wrong, he abandoned his wife and daughter, and has not given a penny to the family for so many years, but what is wrong with him!? You just lost a husband A father, and he has no home, no wife, no daughter, and he can't even return to his hometown. Now he wants to come back, is it wrong!?

"Woooo, it's really touching. Don't worry, Mr. Li, our Love Association will definitely help you to the end. As Ms. Feng's legal husband, you should have half of everything in the family. This is stipulated by Xia Guo's law. We It's just business as usual, and I don't think anyone can say it's wrong!"

"And don't you have the heart to let your wife and daughter miss your existence in the future life!? This is too sad. If the family cannot be neat and tidy, it will be the saddest thing in the world. "

"'re right, I can't be selfish, let my daughter-in-law be a child without a father in the eyes of others, and a woman has to work to support the family, the family must be a mess, without me they live It's also a mess, thank you, I will continue to persevere." Li Zongren seemed to have a clear understanding.

"Okay, we'll go to the hospital later. It's not okay for Ms. Feng to pretend to be sick. We must face the reality. If there is a fire, the family will go home and close the door and make a fuss. There is no need for this. Her emotions agitate us. I can understand, but she should arrange Mr. Li's board and lodging for you anyway. She is so angry that Mr. Li must teach her well in the future. You have lived in the lighthouse country for many years, and you have received Influenced by our free, democratic and noble atmosphere, Ms. Feng and the others will definitely be able to change and become better."

Greina was talking boastfully while touching herself, "Speaking of which, Mr. Li, your daughter Li Zimu is also my classmate. Because you have not been around these years, she has been discriminated against in school. I have seen her several times from afar. She gives people the impression that she is introverted and afraid to speak up. I think because of the single-parent family, she is probably an autistic patient. This requires you, Mr. Li, to take good care of her and open her closed heart. of."

"The roles of parents and mothers are indispensable, so I hope that Mr. Li will be tougher later, and not compromise because Ms. Feng pretends to be sick to avoid this real problem. The child can't wait. I also want Li Zimu to become Kai’ang has a good living environment.”

"I will...'s all my fault for letting her have only a mother for so many years." Li Zongren sighed long, with a face full of loneliness and regret.

White Creek High School.

"Internet violence!?" Xia Rou and the others looked at the male police officer in shock.

The male police officer nodded, "Yes, classmate Li Zimu and her mother have been subjected to cyberbullying for a while, you may not care too much about it, so you don't know, and now her mother is so angry that she has been admitted to the hospital. We just found out about it.”

Perhaps because it was only a small-scale splash on the Internet before, except for some fans who followed Grena Beth's personal account, it didn't make much noise in the society of Xia Kingdom, so even Baixi County Few people know about it.

However, the Naluoshizi Love Association, where Greina belongs, also has many members and brain-dead fans all over the country. The number may not be many, but there are not many. A while ago, someone knocked on the door in the middle of the night or did something to scare When it came to Li Zimu's mother, it affected her sleep quality, and even when she went out, she encountered people pointing at her nose and swearing some nasty words, or deliberately knocked her down, and then laughed.

Not long after, Ms. Feng Xi was admitted to the hospital. Li Zimu's mother was like this, and Li Zimu's daughter was even less likely to be clean. Every day, someone private messaged or hacked her phone, and the screen was full of "unfilial daughter" "Ugly" and other words, there are even threatening letters, and they are written with the blood of unknown animals.

Just ask a teenage girl, where did she suffer this kind of torture? What's worse, the court of the Xia Kingdom also accepted the complaint from her scumbag father, demanding that their mother and daughter must take him back. As a daughter, she is even more They have the responsibility to support their parents, and the family property is the joint property of the husband and wife. Because there is no divorce, if they refuse to take Li Zongren back, it is illegal and they will be punished. As the party at fault, Li Zongren will be compensated. and so on.

Under repeated blows, a teenage girl might have already collapsed.

My own mother worked so hard to raise her as a father and a mother, and now life is finally getting better. The scumbag father who abandoned them came back and took everything they had. It turned out to be their fault.

Xia Rou and the others wanted to ask what happened to this world!?

Looking up at Li Zimu who was still in a stalemate with the lobbyists above, Xia Rou and the others didn't know what to say for a while.

The male police officer also sighed, "So this is difficult..."

"It would be fine if we could find Grena Bess in time, and let her stop her... well, if we acted with love, we would be able to relax a bit, but now... trying to persuade her has become a difficult task. "

Is there something wrong with the court!? Yes, but wicked.

The law is the lowest moral bottom line. As a result, many people only see the legal provisions but fail to see the moral boundaries. No matter how you think about it, it is a kind of retrogression, but this is not something that a small policeman like him can change. .

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