Panxing Sect.

In the empty corridor, Xia Youjie yawned and stretched.

Ziyuan held the document beside her, hesitated several times, and finally couldn't help but said:"Master Xiayou, is it necessary to do this?"

She also saw the ingredients of the curse in it.

Not to mention the countless third- and fourth-level curse spirits, there are even dozens of quasi-second- and even second-level curse spirits.

Such a number is enough to form an army of curse spirits that cannot be underestimated, and can even cause a lot of trouble to a semi-first-level curse master.

And such an army of cursed spirits was actually given to Xia Chuan for free, allowing him to directly slaughter and feed himself indiscriminately.

"Well, don't worry. Xia Youjie still kept stretching:"It's just this amount, don't underestimate my magic spirit background.""

"And don’t you think that’s fun?"

"Don't think so. Ziyuan shook her head and said rationally:"Judging from what that person said, I don't think the other person will join the Panxing Sect. This is a losing business for us.""


Xia Youjie sighed helplessly, and quickly narrowed his eyes again:"But let's take a look at the follow-up first. Eyes that can evolve...may have unexpected results."

"ah! Sure enough, it’s here!"

The clear voice of a girl came from not far away.

Two girls soon appeared from the corner of the veranda in front and ran towards Xia Youjie.

One was a yellow-haired girl who was as bad as usual, and the other was a reserved and well-behaved black-haired girl..These two people are the two adopted daughters adopted by Xia Youjie after he turned black.

Nanako and Mimiko

"Why are you here?"

Xia Youjie asked the family members he recognized very gently.

"I heard that Mr. Xia You is calling for a magician. He is a high school student and came over to have a look."

"Is that guy awesome?"

"Don't worry about whether he is powerful or not, he is definitely not as powerful as the adults!"

"I am very sure of that!"


Feeling the trust of the two women, Xia Youjie smiled and said nothing, and turned to ask Ziyuan next to him.

"How long has it been?"

"It's been half an hour."

Xia Youjie crossed his arms and looked into the venue where Xia Chuan was.......It's been half an hour!

Does the evolution of that guy's eyes actually require such a huge curse?!

Xia Youjie sighed in his heart.

The curse power in the body can feel those curse spirits quickly disconnecting from themselves, and it is obvious that the other party is still eating continuously.

But it is precisely this that is enough to conclude that Xia Chuan's eyes are not ordinary! at this time.

A terrifying curse erupted from the venue where Xia Chuan was.

A breath of curse that is enough to make one's heart palpitate sweeps across


Shion, Mimiko and Nanako couldn't help but feel shocked.

At this moment, cold sweat was dripping from the temples of the three of them, and there was unbelievable shock on their delicate faces!

"this...What kind of monster is this curse?"

That evil aura is simply more terrifying than any curse spirit owned by Master Xia You.

"It’s really unusual!"

Xia Youjie opened his eyes wide and even laughed a little.

He could feel that in just a moment, the remaining dozens of good curse spirits died suddenly.

Just when the three women were afraid, Xia Youjie With Jie's expectant eyes, Xia Chuan slowly walked out of the courtyard.

"You are indeed great, Natsukawa-kun."

Xia Youjie clapped his hands and stepped forward.

At this time, he was feeling the huge difference in the spell power and eye power in his body, and Xia Chuan couldn't hide his excitement.

"I owe you a favor, Xia Youjie."

This time, Xia Youjie didn't wave his hands and say anything nice about the fact that the magicians are from the same family.

"Do you want to give it a try? Xia Chuanjun’s current strength."

Xia Chuan wanted to refuse, but Mu Ran caught a glimpse of Xia Youjie's narrowed eyes slowly opening, showing a serious look, and then swallowed it back.

It was just in time to experience the new abilities brought by his kaleidoscope.

"Come on then"


With Xia Youjie leading the way, the two of them arrived at the empty mountains behind Panxing Sect.

After seeing the other party put down the tent.

Looking at Xia Youjie, a super magician in front of him, Xia Chuan's spell power began to surge.

A pair of blood-red eyes full of curses quickly replaced those deep black pupils.

Then three magatama with blood-red eyes rotated regularly, and finally connected together to form a dart-like shape.

In an instant, the aura of the previous terrifying curse emerged.

Upon seeing this, Xia Youjie's body was quickly filled with spell power.

A black surging black mist immediately appeared next to him, as if a space door had been opened, and countless second-level curse spirits crawled out of it.

Although the quantity was not more than what was fed to Xia Chuan before, it was a qualitative change.

But no matter what, it's just a second-level curse spirit.

"These are no longer a threat to me now."


Xia Chuan's pupils stared.

Then a black flame ignited directly on a cursed spirit, instantly incinerating it into cursed black smoke.

Xia Youjie stood in the distance, just observing the battle situation.

The bus before Xia Chuan has to solve the second-level curse spirit himself.

Now it seems that those eyes have evolved and brought new abilities.

"It’s interesting, let’s go together."

Xia Youjie, who was smiling at this moment, waved his hand.

All the second-level curse spirits rushed in like locusts.

Seeing this, Amaterasu, which had not been extinguished before, suddenly appeared in front of Xia Chuan, and then quickly formed a huge black tornado. Wrapping Xia Chuan.

The terrifying temperature comparable to that of a sunspot caused countless second-level curse spirits to disappear into the flames like moths to the flame.

"The current level two curse spirits are not enough for me."


Xia Youjie finished speaking.


Gravel splattered.

A huge worm suddenly emerged from the ground, and its mouthparts were more than ten meters long and it bit directly towards Xia Chuan.

Seeing such a big sandbag, Natsukawa dispersed Amaterasu and began to experience other abilities


A terrifying pupil power erupted in his eyes, and the spell power also began to boil.

A huge blue skeleton with half a body rose from the ground, and the giant hand with bones directly lifted the giant worm away, and exploded into a hill not far away. Huge smoke and dust erupted.

The air waves continued to sweep through layer after layer.

And it was not just that that could be felt by Susanoo. The curse power released by Natsukawa once again climbed to a higher level.

"Click! Click!"

The huge skeleton began to slowly grow veins and muscles, turning into a giant posture.

Xia Youjie stopped summoning the spell spirit and began to admire it.

With further spell power and pupil power, mighty armor began to cover the giant. There is blue energy all over his body, and he is holding a sword with terrifying spell power in his hand.

"That's really great, Natsukawa-kun."

Looking at Xia Chuan in the belly of the armored giant, Xia Youjie shouted happily.

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