Yuanyue Chaliao Cuisine Garden.

Inside the manager's office.

Because of the strongest picture launched by the Sinomiya family, under witnessing it together, the grandfather and grandson of the Nagi family were shocked and speechless at this time.

It's just that in the end, he has more experience and knowledge, and he is more relieved than the granddaughter next to him.

Although he did expect that the other party's identity was by no means ordinary, he definitely did not expect that the other party would be the strongest among those spell masters.

Just putting the concept of the strongest on Natsukawa at that time, now that he thinks about it, Nagi Senzaemon feels a little unstoppable.

But at the same time, there is some rejoicing.

I don't know which one of the guys who is the sign of Yuanyue Academy is lucky, and the strongest one is interested in Yuanyue.

Especially his granddaughter Erina Nagikiri, who took the initiative to invite and got Natsukawa's consent at that time.

At the time, he still felt that something might be wrong, but now Nagi Senzaemon only thinks that Erina has stumbled into something good by mistake.

He therefore looked at Erina, who was still a little sluggish beside him:

"Still a little unacceptable, painted "six nine zero" Rina. "


Erina Nagikiri still can't believe it, when she toasted... It will be the strongest of the most special beings of today.

There are two battles in this screen.

Whether it's Satoru Gojo or Natsukawa, it's hard to imagine that this kind of disaster-level battle is the same as them.

The battle scene that is beyond the specifications has given Erina's insight a qualitative blow.

Nagi Senzaemon is actually in a similar situation to Erina Nagiri's heart.

Just to maintain the demeanor of his elders in front of his granddaughter, he still pretended to be indifferent.

"It's good to know Xia Chuan's identity, after the other party comes to our Yuanyue, Erina, you can't continue to be so rude. "

Originally, I wanted to subconsciously refute myself so that I was not rude.

Seeing the serious expression of her grandfather Senzaemon, Erina knew that this matter was very important, and nodded seriously:

"I know, I'm going to do my best to accommodate each other. "

Even if there was no reminder from Senzaemon, Erina would have done so, because she was also burdened with the name of Nagikiri.

Feeling Erina's seriousness, Nagi Senzaemon nodded with satisfaction.

He thought even more.

The act of introducing Shinomiya Kaguya by Shinomiya Yan'an, coupled with the allegiance shown directly to the public this time, he also gave birth to a similar idea.

It's just that because he knows that his granddaughter is easy to be shy, it is not suitable to bring it up at this time for the time being.

But although he didn't say it, this idea continued to amplify in Nagi Senzaemon's heart.

This granddaughter of his, in terms of appearance, is no worse than that Shinomiya Kaguya.

In addition to their appearance, the two also have their own advantages.

The four palace chaebols are money and power on their side, and they are food that satisfies the taste buds.

If the two are compared, Nagi Senzaemon even feels that his granddaughter has more advantages in life.

"Although I don't know when Xia Chuan will return, I will take advantage of this recent opportunity to give you special training in cooking. "

The more he felt that this idea was feasible, Nagi Senzaemon couldn't help but speak.


When Erina Nagikiri heard this, she couldn't help but be surprised.

As the food demon king in the culinary world, her grandfather is not only as simple as eating delicious food, but also the level of cooking is definitely one of the apex of today's society.

But Erina knew that her grandfather had been in the business for many years.

Suddenly, she had to be given special training, which was enough to imagine how much her grandfather attached importance to Xia Chuan.

For this reason, Erina Nagikiri is even more secretly determined in her heart.

After Xia Chuan arrives in Yuanyue, he will definitely use all means to let the other party enjoy the delicious feast she brings!

Compared to the side that is more eager to get close to Xia Chuan after revealing his strength and identity.

It is the curse and spell side that is more feared by Xia Chuan's strength.

Time goes back to after the end of the screen.

In addition to the darkness, the teachers and students of the Spell High School were all gathered in this conference room.

Because I have already seen the scene of Satoru Gojo being beaten with my own eyes.

At this moment, they are still relatively calm about the picture broadcast on the whole network, compared to the boiling people.

But compared with calmness, everyone is in a terrible mood for the possible results of this picture exposure.

Xia Chuan's actions seemed to exceed the threshold that everyone expected.

I thought that the exposure of the battle of the Spell Master was the worst possible scenario.

But in the end, even the battle in Shinjuku was involved.

This is a situation that the high-level of the spell, the Night Moth Masamichi, and even Gojo Satoru did not expect.

No one knew how Xia Chuan did it.

It stands to reason that during the Shinjuku period, there were no spell items that could record spell images.

The night moth was puzzled, but no matter how much he thought about it, it was useless, so he could only sigh and sigh:

"It's terrible. "

But no one can stop this non-official network-wide announcement.

Nanami Kento wiped his glasses, and at the same time analyzed:

"Now everyone is still immersed in the powerful duel between the two, and when the emotions slowly subside, everyone can relate to the events of Shinjuku. "

It was the scene that wiped out a large part of Shinjuku.

If it's a spell master trying to solve the spell spirit, that's okay to say.

But if it was actually the result of two crazy sorcerers, it would inevitably affect the plans of the heroes that are now being admired.

You must know that in today's cursed society where everyone is in danger, mastering public opinion is almost like grasping the trend of the public's understanding.

With a simple statement and a hot topic, it is easy for the public to turn from relying on and respecting the sorcerer to fearing and fearing 0 ........

In particular, the picture is involved.,Now the sorcerer to the society of the signature Gojo Satoru.。

Satoru Gojo scratched his head with some trouble.

He doesn't care about the part of the video where he is used as a stepping stone.

But his sense of responsibility as a sorcerer tells him not to make the people afraid of sorcerers.

After thinking about it, Gojo Satoru spoke: "In that case, then I will apologize directly to the public at that time." "

Everyone looked at each other, but my apology and the promotion behind the official can indeed quickly curb the signs of hidden dangers.

But because he knew Gojo Satoru's character, the situation where he apologized to the public in person felt particularly weird just thinking about it.

Since Gojo Satoru opened his mouth like this, he put this point aside for the time being, and Atsuya Sunsakabe turned to talk about Xia Chuan again:

"That's... What about that one? "

Gojo Satoru apologized because of the sorcerer's responsibility to maintain society. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But to make Xia Chuan apologize is simply a fantasy.

If the Shinjuku accident was just announced, it was clear that the other party didn't care about the comments of others and the impact it might have on society from the beginning.

It's like a tyrant who does what he wants.

Nightmoth thought slightly: "It can only be as much as possible for this matter to lead to the identity of the free speller." "

Curse the party.

A gentle sea breeze blows in your ears.

Sandy beach, sea, palm trees.

There are also colourful umbrellas and striped beach chairs.

The top of his head is like a leaky hu, which is already a real person in the shape of a young man, and there is a red octopus cursed fetus Tuogong soaked in the sea.

Except for the curse of the forest.

The three great calamities of the earth, the sea, and the hatred of mankind are all in the realm of the sea that the dhargun unfolds.

In the middle of the three 0.6 super-grade spells, there are also electronic instruments such as televisions that they bought back from the shopping street for zero yuan.

As spell spirits, apart from real people, Leaky Hu and Tuogen are not interested in this.

But because it involved the strongest concept among the most sorcerers, they came together to observe it. []

And at this moment when the screen ended, the three major spells were speechless.

Leaky Hu, who thinks he's a real human, has actually always been the strongest in his own strength.

If it weren't for the overwhelming number of spell masters, the spell spirits would be mostly useless and unintelligent.

It has long ago directly made the spell spirit back as a human to inform the age.

But with this conjuretor's strongest video came out.

All of Leaky's self-confidence and arrogance are shattered here.

At this moment, in my heart, there is only fear except silence.

The top of the volcano, which is very easy to erupt with emotions, is also like going into hibernation.

After a long while, it slowly spoke:

"Real people... Or as you said, it is necessary for us to cooperate with humanity. "。

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