With Satoru's friendly tips.

Either under the influence of the apology, or afraid of Xia Chuan's energy, the rumors of the need to restrict the strength of the sorcerer quickly stopped.

After all, the reason why I dared to speak out about the strongest was because I felt that the spell world and the government could restrain the strongest in action.

But hearing the facts that Gojo Satoru said, no one dared to leave a trace of offending the strongest.

It's like thinking that he might be the strongest of Superman, but it turns out that he is actually from the motherland

A series of topics and posts were quickly deleted.

But they didn't know that the users who brought up the topic of speech had already been recorded by the powerful energy of the Shinomiya family.

For these people, the Shinomiya family has the ability to "reciprocate" in society.

Allegiance is not just literal.

Sinomiya Yan'an, who had already watched the video in advance, knew that such a problem would be caused after the matter was exposed.

What he was waiting for was that these people took the initiative to bump into the muzzle of the gun, so as to facilitate the intentions and abilities that his Sigong family showed after being loyal to Xia Chuan.

As far as tonight is concerned, Sinomiya Yan'an is very happy.

After Xia Chuan showed his strongest identity, he also gained the attention of many people along with the Sigong chaebol.

Now they are the first to pledge allegiance to Xia Chuan, representing the four palace chaebols under Xia Chuan, and it will be more convenient to annex other companies or resume operations in the future!

Of course, Shinomiya Yan'an has not forgotten that the way to get into a relationship with Xia Chuan is not only loyalty, but also Kaguya's side.

Soon after receiving a notice from my father

At this time, Kaguya of the fourth palace was rolling around on the bed with his mobile phone in his hand.

"What should I do!

Hearing Kaguya's call, Ai Hayasaka tilted her head in confusion.

"Isn't it a good thing that the head of the family not only relaxed the family's control over the eldest lady, but also vigorously encouraged the eldest lady to get close to Xia Chuan?"

"That's a good thing, that's right. "

Kaguya Shinomiya sat up, his hair a little messy because of the tumbling motion.

In other words, this is absolutely impossible to happen to the eldest lady who pays great attention to personal etiquette.

But now, Hayasaka has taken over the setting of the sand sculpture Kaguya.

She said lightly: "It's a good thing, why does the eldest lady look annoyed." "

"Of course it's because, I don't know how to get close to Xia Chuan!"

For his close attendant Ai Hayasaka, Kaguya Shinomiya has nothing to hide.

Not only because her father rarely looked forward to her actions, but also because of the wishes in her heart, Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to get closer to Natsukawa.

But the problem is that although she is a friend now, the form of getting along with her is different from that of Chika Fujiwara, who is also a friend.

Chika Fujiwara she can easily ask each other to meet, but to Natsukawa...... She is completely like a girl who is just starting to fall in love, and she is shy to think about it, let alone take practical action.

"Hayasaka, help me figure it out!"

So Shinomiya Kaguya could only look at Ai Hayasaka pitifully.


Ai Hayasaka was a little crazy in her heart.

The eldest lady who can solve almost everything by herself, why as long as it is related to Xia Chuan, she will become an innocent girl who doesn't know the world.

The eldest lady can be Nobita.

But she's not always the almighty Hayasaka A-mon.

Ai Hayasaka looked at him speechlessly: "Wouldn't it be good if the eldest lady sent him an invitation." "

"Don't take it for granted, if it were that simple, I would have done it a long time ago!"

“... No, it's a simple thing. "

Ai Hayasaka sighed, and then said, "If the eldest lady is really shy and can't open her mouth, then I'll help the eldest lady say it." "

Shinomiya Kaguya handed over the phone and said, "Then you can come on." "

The appearance of a quick decision made Ai Hayasaka a little surprised.

So the eldest lady is deliberately asking her to say that?!

How can it be a hundred routines for her!

Hayasaka complained in love, but still took the phone and sat on the bed.

Kaguya Shinomiya hurriedly sat down next to Ai Hayasaka and said, "How are you going to speak, Hayasaka." "

"Ask if the other person is available, and then make an appointment to go out together. "

Ai Hayasaka said, while operating on Kaguya's phone.

Just hearing her say this, Kaguya Shinomiya hurriedly grabbed Hayasaka's right hand that loved typing.

"It's... Isn't that just like dating?!"

"What's wrong with being a little frank, Miss. "

Ai Hayasaka spoke: "Anyway, now that the four palaces are loyal to Lord Natsukawa, if you don't try to take the initiative, it will change from a couple relationship to a subordinate servant." "


Kaguya Shinomiya was surprised.

For this reason, a small theater immediately unfolded in my mind.

She substituted herself for Ai Hayasaka's usual job, and then served Natsukawa as a maid... And the hostess who may marry Natsukawa later!

When it comes to the hostess, she quickly seems to see Chika Fujiwara staying by Natsukawa's side.

The big-chested and brainless guy was hugging Xia Chuan with a happy face, and said to her:

"Hee-hee, I'm actually married to Xia Chuan~" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"After Kaguya, I'll trouble you to take good care of my life and Xia Chuan's life. "

And he could only look at the two of them pitifully, and he had to do the work of a busy servant.

“...... Don't!"

"Absolutely no such thing!"

"I don't want to live like Hayasaka!"

Kaguya Shinomiya covered his head and called out loudly.

Hearing this, Ai Hayasaka became a little unpleasant.

"So the eldest lady also knows how tired I am in my usual life. "

"The eldest lady didn't want to live that kind of life, so she started to attack boldly from this date. "

And although I don't know if the school will operate normally in the future, if it does, it goes without saying that Natsukawa-sama's current status will be even more unfavorable to Kaguya-sama at that time. "

With that, she returned her phone to Kaguya.

Kaguya looked at the screen, only to realize that Ai Hayasaka had already sent the edited information.

First of all, he began with congratulations to Xia Chuan after becoming the strongest sorcerer today.

At the same time, on the grounds that he had recently been relaxed, he wanted to go out to meet him, so he asked Xia Chuan in the form of a friend if he had time recently.

Everything is a well-reasoned inquiry, and it is in line with the image she should usually have. []

Kaguya Shinomiya nodded in satisfaction.

is worthy of the almighty Hayasaka, and can easily do what she doesn't dare to do.

It's just that Shinomiya Kaguya waited for a while.

The interface notification has never been read.

Kaguya, who originally admired Ai Hayasaka, quickly changed his face and said, "Look, I'll just say that this matter is not that simple. "

Always feeling provoked, Ai Hayasaka raised her eyes slightly.

"After all, with such a big event leading to tonight, Lord Xia Chuan will naturally be busier than Ping (Qian Zhao Zhao). "

"If the eldest lady is in a hurry, then just call the voice. "

As he spoke, he was going to grab Kaguya's mobile phone.

"No, no......"

Shinomiya Kaguya hurriedly protected his mobile phone.

Literally, asking the other party to come out has to let Ai Hayasaka type, not to mention the direct way of calling.

Seeing this, Ai Hayasaka snorted lightly and stopped stopping.

She didn't plan to push Kaguya Shinomiya too hard.

After all, the eldest lady and Lord Xia Chuan have only met once.

said that he liked it, but now it's more of a crush.

On this basis, girls are more likely to be shy, let alone the eldest lady who is a completely innocent girl.

So let Shinomiya Kaguya wait for this.

On the other hand, Xia Chuan didn't know that Shinomiya Kaguya already had plans to start taking the initiative.

Because he really pays attention to things on his phone flawlessly.

At this moment, it seems that there are a few fewer pieces of play clothes left behind.

Kasumigaoka Shiba Shunto caught the initiator Mai Sakurajima.

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