
When the real person heard this word, he couldn't help but laugh.

Not feeling any doubts about the sudden laughter, Qi Suo smiled back and said:

"If it weren't for cooperation, you wouldn't have been able to experience what it was like to be expelled. "

"It can really be seen that it is cooperation. "

After laughing, the real person raised his hand and said in a human-like manner: "But it is really uncomfortable to say it from the mouth of you humans. "

Although they claim to be "real humans" with their leaky statements, they actually have a correct understanding of themselves.

The curse that is nurtured by the negative emotions of human beings naturally bears and enjoys the negative emotions such as human fear and disgust.

They took the initiative to come in order to be forced to take a look at Xia Youjie's attitude with the situation.

Even if they plan to cooperate, they think that they will speak first.

At this moment, Qi Suo took the first step to admit this relationship, and I have to say that the man in front of him attracted the attention of the real person.

It feels even more interesting than Xia Youjie, who made the curse public.

"It doesn't make a difference to me whether it's a human or a curse. "

Qi Suo smiled lightly: "As long as we can achieve a great cause together, then we are all friends to me." "

"Interesting. "

The real person asked, "Are you so sure that your great cause will be consistent with our goal?"

"Of course not. "

Qi Suo shook his head directly.

"But before the great cause, the current sorcerers should be our common enemies. "

"An enemy of an enemy can also be a friend. "

The real man chuckled.

Then he didn't say anything more, but went into the tent and shouted three at the same time:

"Leaky, okay, no, isn't it time to get down to business. "

At the beckoning of the real person, he blasted out a leaky pot of bursting flames with one hand, so he stopped planning to continue the competition.

It looked at Xia Youjie on the other side of the battlefield.

He is worthy of being a spell master of spell manipulation.

On the one hand, the spell spirit is really inexhaustible.

And you should be especially afraid of the other party's technique, once you fall into exhaustion and weakness, it is very likely that you will be directly absorbed by the opponent's technique.

But in the end, Leaky Hu still feels that he is a little more powerful than Xia Youjie.

I feel that if I had used the field, maybe the battle would have been over a long time ago.

But it is undeniable that Xia Youjie is much more powerful than ordinary spellmasters, and it can be regarded as a lot of help in dealing with spellmasters.

Thinking so, the heat around Leaky Hu dropped, and he said:

"You're pretty good. "

Xia Youjie narrowed his eyes, and could hear that the spell spirit's slightly superior status was speaking to him.

It is undeniable that this calamity-level spell spirit is indeed powerful, far superior to ordinary first-level spell masters.

In order to achieve great things, according to Qi Suo, it has nothing to do with cooperating with them.

But the other party couldn't figure out what his status looked like, which really made him feel unhappy.

"You're not bad, I'm having a lot of fun. "

Leaky Hu smiled, and was about to say something more, but the real person had already run in.

"You guys should be playing it, there's an interesting guy out there. "

The real man said, pointing to Qi Suo, who was also coming with him, with a leaky gaze.

Leaky Hu was keenly aware that the mana emitted by the other party was not at the same level as the previous spellcaster outside.

I didn't expect the water here to be quite muddy, in addition to Xia Youjie, there is such a character.

Leaky Hu looked back at Xia Youjie and once again explained the intention he had said before.

"Well, then, we are here to counsel with you on behalf of the enchanters. "

"Absolutely. "

Xia Youjie also saw Qi Suo and nodded homeopathically.

Immediately after.

The real person leaked, Xia Youjie and Qi Suo sat in a separate courtyard.

"First of all, let's confirm each other's thoughts. "

Qi Suo said the opening remarks, indicating that he was leaking.

Just now, he already knew that Qi Suo was unusual, and there was not much surprise that he and Xia Youjie represented him at the moment.

However, for the answer, Leaky immediately moved his gaze to the real person.

This action, apparently, even if it represents a real person, is the position of the leader of their curse.

"Our idea was simple. "

The real person accepted the leaky gesture and raised the corners of his mouth to sign, "We want to subvert, curse and human's position. "

"I can imagine it. He nodded in understanding.

"Our thoughts are not simply the idea that humans and spell spirits are inherently opposed, but a purer meaning. "

At this time, Leaky Hu spoke: "Human beings are full of lies, and there must be hidden secrets in their exposed feelings and actions. "

"But negative emotions, hatred, and murderous intent are the truths that do not need to be discerned. "

"Out of which we were born these curses, it is pure, true humanity. "

"Counterfeits should disappear. "

Regarding the words that leaked Hu's righteous words, Qi Suo said indifferently:

"But it is you who are being destroyed right now. "

"That's why we're looking for you. Leaky said, "Since you chose to make the curse public, then you are not the kind of people who care about human society. "

"That's right. Qi Suo pointed to Xia Youjie on the side: "This guy's purpose is to kill all the humans who are not sorcerers. "

Hearing this, Leaky Hu and Zhenren looked at Xia Youjie with a surprised expression.

I didn't expect the other party to make the curse public, because he had such a crazy idea.

You know, they are misogynistic because they are spell spirits.

And Xia Youjie, as a kind of person, wants to kill all the same kind.

But it's surprising, but it's also a good thing for them.

"Well, we can't fight together for this common goal. "

Regarding the leaky words, Qi Suo said that sentence again.

"Of course, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. "

With this sentence, it is obvious that this time it is not in vain. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, he continued to speak, "So, there are those two monsters on the sorcerer's side, how do we solve them?" "

It is also because of Satoru Gojo and Natsukawa.

only then did the arrogant leak admit it, and had to find Xia Youjie to cooperate.

"If Satoru Gojo said, we already have a plan. "

"But Xia Chuan is too supermodel now, and he still needs to plan slowly, but fortunately, the other party is an individualistic hegemon, as long as he is not involved or provoked, it will be fine for the time being. "

Listening to Qi Suo's words, the real person scratched his head in trouble.

"I really don't know why such a powerful monster appeared in this era. "

Leaky Hu grasped the key point in Qi Suo's words: "You still need to plan slowly, which means that you already have a plan to deal with Xia Chuan?"

For now, the real answer is definitely no.

But for these spell spirits to pay willingly, it naturally requires a lie.

So Qi Suo immediately explained the plan of the death and extinction migration, and at the same time revealed the plan for the resurrection of the Sufu.

The story of mixed truth and falsehood makes the leaky Hu and the real person believe it to be true.

"It's still possible to do this kind of thing. "

The real person looked at Qi Suo and Xia Youjie, and suddenly felt the gap between the spell spirit and the human.

Leaky didn't think much about it, but excitedly spewed flames above his head. []

According to the words of Kinso.

Let the powerful sorcerers of thousands of years be resurrected en masse, and then add the cursed king Su Wu, that is indeed able to solve Xia Chuan.

After all, even if the strength is strong, facing the siege of a group of strong people who are also not weak, it can finally make Leaky Hu see a lot of hope.

"Good plan! Let's do it according to this!"

Leaky Hu said happily: "If there is anything we need to do, just say it!"

Qi Suo said indifferently: "There is no need now, and this plan still needs some prerequisites." "

He gave examples of the premises.

"First of all, we need to restore Su Fu's strength and pull him into the gang. "

"Secondly, to start the death migration, we have to solve the Gojo Satoru first. "

For Gojo Satoru, although leaky Hu is jealous, it is far less than the fear of Xia Chuan.

"With our current numerical strength, can't we kill him directly if we work together?"

Xia Youjie said at this time: "Don't look at him being crushed by Xia Chuan, and despise him." "

"You have to recognize the fact that it's not that Gojo Satoru is too weak, but that Xia Chuan is too strong!"

Qi Suo nodded, "That's the truth. "

"If we shoot together, he will easily escape, but the greatest probability is that you may be cleared by him. "

"It's better to just seal him away than this unrealistic idea. "

"Seals, with what seals?"

The real person and the leaky Hu spoke suspiciously.

"Special spell, the prison door is stiff. "

When he heard the name of the spell that Qi Suo said, his eyes instantly dilated, and the magma above his head began to boil.

Although it was a curse, he also knew the effect of this curse.

It has a strong sealing ability.

Hellgate can stop time inside and cannot cast mana.

It is the perfect spell to restrain a single Spellcaster.

"Is that forbidden object in your hands?!"

"Sort of. "

"Since it is a prison gate stiff to deal with Gojo Satoru, why not be on Xia Chuan's body?" asked the real person puzzled.

"The prison door can only seal one person at a time, Xia Chuan has a very tricky space technique, I'm not sure if I can seal that man, so it's more appropriate to choose Gojo Satoru first. "

Hearing this, Leaky Hu didn't think much about it anymore.

"Now that you have a clear plan, we will listen to your arrangement. "

"Anyway, for now, our goals are the same. "

The real person also repeated the words of Qi Suo: "The enemy of the enemy is a friend." "

Qi Suo laughed, kind of in response.

I just don't know.

The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily the friend.

In the world of spells, where the law of the jungle and strength reigns supreme, the enemy's enemies are often only temporary interests.

In the end, for their own purposes, they are still enemies.

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