At a deliberately close distance from Ai Hayasaka.

Xia Chuan could clearly smell the fragrance emanating from the other party.

The pink breath mixed with sweetness and greenness is Ai Hayasaka's special attack on her image.

If it's an ordinary person, you may feel restrained when it comes to the strange enthusiasm of beautiful girls.

But Xia Chuan is no one, so he naturally responded with a smile:

"After that, I'll call you Xiao Ai. "


This answer, not even Kaguya Shinomiya, who was eavesdropping, but even Ai Hayasaka herself was a little surprised and caught off guard.

But soon, the rich experience made Ai Hayasaka show a surprised and shy expression.

A soft "um" sound.

At the same time, I also came to a conclusion in my heart.

Young Master Xia Chuan is not only the peak of the so-called popularity, but also the current charge of carnivorousness!

Ai Hayasaka inexplicably felt a little scared.

Damn, Hayasaka, you're unexpectedly powerful!

Not only did he boldly ask out Xia Chuan, but he also used a cute and shy girl's attack on him.

And what's going on with Xia Chuan!

I know that guy is just one of my maids, why do you shout so intimately to Hayasaka!

Compared to Ai Hayasaka, I should have noticed me from her abnormality!

Shinomiya Kaguya observed at the same time, and he was already beating his chest.

On the contrary, while leading Hayasaka Ai to hang out, Xia Chuan looked at the surrounding situation.

"It looks like it's almost recovered. "

"Because thanks to the help of Lord Natsukawa, this is the property of the Shinomiya family, so it has recovered faster than other places. "

"But I also used some small tricks. "

Ai Hayasaka said that she was a little embarrassed.

After a little squirming on the side, he explained: "Because we don't want other people to disturb us, this neighborhood is just operating normally but has stopped opening to the public." "

"I love you, but it's very ambiguous. "

Xia Chuan was silent on the surface, but in fact, he began to knock on the side.

"That's right. "

In this regard, Ai Hayasaka blinked his big eyes and met Natsukawa's eyes.

"I just want to spend this time with Lord Xia Chuan, and I don't want to be disturbed by other people! After all, Lord Xia Chuan's reputation is too high now!"

At this time, Ai Hayasaka has turned into a rampaging train.

She believes that all the beginnings of the story start with the initiative!

And people are born to like to be flattered.

A beautiful girl like her takes the initiative to show favor to Xia Chuan, which will inevitably make the other party happy.

Of course, it's also because Xia Chuan is different from ordinary ordinary people.

Rather than taking a step-by-step approach, it may be more effective to actively express purpose.

Men, after all.

Who doesn't like a sensible, well-behaved, and very active beautiful girl?

In fact, it's true, Ai Hayasaka is not wrong at all.

Xia Chuan was indeed a little happy at the moment.

He also knew that Ai Hayasaka's situation was either out of his own heart or to stimulate Kaguya.

Although the latter is a little more likely, as long as it is not a premeditated plan that makes Xia Chuan himself unhappy, it will not prevent him from enjoying it.

"It seems that my charm is not small~. "

Looking at Xia Chuan's triumphant appearance, Ai Hayasaka inexplicably has a sense of déjà vu in the face of the eldest lady.

The better the person, the more confident they will be.

"The charm of Lord Xia Chuan is not small, as soon as you let out your words, basically women all over the country will look at it. "

Hayasaka said with a smile and a groan, and she didn't forget to explain her problem in a deeper way.

"I may be one of them, but I'm not exactly like these people. "

"As a close attendant of Kaguya-sama, with the relationship between Natsukawa-sama and Kaguya-sama, I will definitely be by my side in the future. "

"So I pay more attention to Natsukawa-sama than others, but fortunately, I'm very glad that Natsukawa-sama is my favorite appearance. "

"So, can you accompany me for a walk and let me know more about Lord Xia Chuan?"

Then, Ai Hayasaka took Natsukawa's hand and looked at Natsukawa with a hopeful gaze.

Xia Chuan didn't refuse, he originally wanted to cooperate with this rare and interesting thing.

"Now that they've all come out, I'll go shopping with you today. "


It's yours, Hayasaka!

Kaguya stared at Hayasaka's hands with a telescope, her heart was full of envy, jealousy and hatred, how many hurdles she and Xia Chuan had passed to hold hands.

Why did this guy get started directly!

And Hayasaka, you're so much cuter now than when you were at home!

A trace of cold sweat began to ooze from Kaguya's forehead, and she did feel the pressure from her close attendants.

The next scene goes on like dating a man and a woman. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

From shopping to dining, from chatting to walking.

During this period, because of Xia Chuan, no matter where he went, it was very much so that the shopkeepers and waiters excitedly complimented him.

On the one hand, he was convinced of the fact that the Shinomiya chaebol did have Xia Chuan's protection, and on the other hand, he was unrelieved of his excitement after seeing the strongest spell master.

They said why it was suddenly closed again, and it turned out that it was indeed the arrival of a big man.

The appearance of Xia Chuan directly brought the largest earthquake-level fluctuation to this street since its reopening, and this is still when it is not open to the public.

It doesn't even cost anything.

It's like a zero-dollar purchase, no matter where you go, you are eagerly stepped forward by the shopkeeper, not only for free, but also to build a good relationship by giving things.

Finally, after a short walk, the two came to a bench to rest.

"Sure enough, Natsukawa-sama is very popular. "

Ai Hayasaka smiled at Natsukawa as she showed off the loot beside her at the moment.

"These things, these things are not a big expense for you, right? "

Xia Chuan looked at Ai Hayasaka, and suddenly felt that the other party's smile brought a bit of authenticity.

"Why, if I come to such a big purchase a few more times, my salary can't afford it. "

"Ah~ Sometimes I really don't want to work. "

The topic suddenly shifted. []

Xia Chuan asked amusedly, "Could it be that Kaguya will still treat you harshly?"

"Not really. "

Ai Hayasaka shook her head, which relieved Kaguya Shinomiya, who had been following and eavesdropping, but soon she gritted her teeth again.

"But it's too much trouble to take care of Kaguya-sama, and it's always difficult and severe to force me to deal with problems, so I'll just be willful and don't understand the hard work of others. "

Mention Kaguya Shinomiya.

Ai Hayasaka took advantage of the fact that the other party was eavesdropping, and while expressing her dissatisfaction to Natsukawa, she also complained to Kaguya.

This is a sincere complaint, Xia Chuan obviously heard it, and then said:

"Yes, I have the impression that Kaguya is still a cute and beautiful girl. "

"And I see that although you are complaining about Kaguya, you are still in a good mood when you mention Kaguya. "

Listening to Natsukawa's impression of Kaguya, Ai Hayasaka can probably guess that Miss Kaguya is triumphant at this moment.

However, for this evaluation, even if it is a master-servant relationship with sisters, Ai Hayasaka is only regarded as a so-called lover.

As for the good mood mentioned, Ai Hayasaka did not deny it, but simply pushed the boat down the river.

Ai Hayasaka spoke again: "Because if I really want to say it, I also want to thank the eldest lady, so that I can also have the opportunity to be alone with Natsukawa-sama today." "

Ai Hayasaka suddenly moved closer to Natsukawa, as if she was brewing something.

In the moonlight, the shadows even stretched together.

No, it won't help if you continue like this, and you really have to rely on fierce materials!

Ai Hayasaka gritted her teeth a little entangled, there was no way, anyway, it was the eldest lady who forced her first.

So (of Zhao), Ai Hayasaka leaned almost half of her body on Xia Chuan's side.

After brewing, Ai Hayasaka looked up at Natsukawa.

It's a cute face like "falling in love".

"This man is not like any other man. "

Ai Hayasaka, that is, she can put on such an innocent expression by herself.

"What are you doing, Hayasaka!"

Seeing this scene, Kaguya Shinomiya's eyes widened in disbelief.

Even she has never been so close to Xia Chuan!

And this expression?!

Is that the expression that Hayasaka, who is usually serious and rigorous, would make?

How much of this awesome side does she have!

Kaguya Shinomiya is like a cardiac arrest at this moment!

And at the moment.

Not good!

Although there was no evidence, Kaguya Shinomiya intuitively had an extremely uneasy premonition in his mind.


Suddenly, Kaguya Shinomiya seemed to have guessed what Hayasaka wanted to do, and his mouth opened wide in amazement, and he even temporarily lost his ability to speak because of shock.

One hit kills!

Even now it's only been half a day, can this guy really go directly to the most important part of the strategy so quickly?!。

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