Because it has extremely powerful copying properties.

Regarding the knowledge in the academy, even if Xia Chuan did not attend the lectures, he could directly copy the knowledge into his huge brain just by reading.

Naturally, most of the teacher's courses awakened the sleep memories in his blood from his previous life.

Slowly, the teaching voices became like a lullaby, making people quickly fall into a drowsy state, especially the history lesson in front of them.

As expected, Xia Chuan lay down directly after using the magic power to sense.

He didn't wake up until someone next to him pushed him.

In the class schedule above, I don’t know when it was the last class before lunch break.

Really, I obviously slept well last night.

I can actually still sleep till now.

Xia Chuan once again lamented the power of teaching, and couldn't help but think about whether to record the history teacher's voice and use it as a sleeping aid in the future.

"Haven't woken up yet? Xia Chuan."

Hearing Yumiko's call, Xia Chuan came back to his senses:"I was thinking about something else, so how is it?"

"How about what? Miura

Yuiko asked in confusion. After reacting the next moment, her face was full of indignation:"I really can't deal with that guy.""

"Yeah? Xia

Chuan laughed and ignored the topic. At the same time, he picked up his mobile phone and opened the group chat to check out the battle situation.

The comparison between the two has never stopped from the beginning.

From the initial confirmation of the relationship, to the competition over who will go to whose house..

From talking about Xia Chuan's competition to his successful actions, and from actions to talking about his own advantages, the school's reputation, etc...

Even if it is a comparison, the girl's topic can indeed be uninterrupted.

During this period, it seems that she learned about Xia Chuan's recent days. Tiandu slept at Yumiko's house, and Shiyu sent him a series of rabbit-punching emoticons.

Yotsuya Miko also occasionally appeared to say hello, but was not involved in the war.

Xia Chuan looked at the time again, and this The two of them have been fighting almost from the morning until now.

However, relationships can be quarreled.

After thinking about it, Natsukawa decided not to interfere anymore, so he asked Miura Yuiko:"So, Yuiko suddenly called me up"

"Mr. Hiratsuka asked you to come over during your lunch break."


Xia Chuan was speechless for a moment.

After thinking about it, he took measures to sleep now, and it should not be about this matter anymore.

Soon, as get out of class ended, students began to flock to the cafeteria.

Contrary to the route of these people, Xia Chuan went to the classroom office

"A person's lunch break is very precious, Teacher Jingkei. Hiratsuka took a deep breath and endured it.

She leaned on the chair in the office and said with a kind face:"Do you know why I asked you to come?""

"I didn't sleep in class like before. Xia Chuan put his hand to his chin, pretending to be thoughtful:"Could it be that one of the classmates in the class deliberately said something bad about me in front of the teacher?""

"Don't think that the relationship between students in the class is so bad."

Sighing, Shizuka Hiratsuka took out a cigarette from his pocket and slowly held it in his mouth:"You've been busy lately. It seems like there's news about you every day."

"Teacher, you don’t understand. The more outstanding a person is, the more likely he is to be jealous and sought after by others."

"So what big truth are you suddenly telling me? Hiratsuka

Shizuka covered her forehead and looked at Xia Chuan, who seemed to be full of superiority:"I don't prevent students from enjoying their youth, but you should restrain yourself recently. People from the Academic Affairs Office have come to follow me. Tell me about your situation!"

"yes!"After Xia Chuan replied emotionlessly, he looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka again:"Teacher Shizuka is really open-minded. No wonder so many students like you."

"cough! cough! cough!"

This sentence made Hiratsuka, who was smoking, unable to recover for a moment and coughed several times.

Before he could enjoy the joy of this sentence that the students liked, Xia Chuan continued:"But smoking in front of students......No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like what a teacher should do."

"Speaking of which, the teacher's office is still independent, so it won't be a related household."

After saying that, Xia Chuan had already predicted the opponent's movements and quickly dodged to the right.

"So, students, please don’t make random guesses about other things for me! Seeing that his punch failed again, Hiratsuka Shizuka put out the cigarette, and then continued:"I'm calling you here for one more thing!""

"I will study hard and make progress every day"

"It’s good to know! But that's not the case!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka sat back on the office chair and leisurely took out a form.

"You know, because of your sports talent, many tutors from clubs have come to me, saying that you are a genius that comes only once in a century."

With that said, Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at Xia Chuan in amazement.

Feeling the gaze calmly, Xia Chuan sighed:"That's why I said before, excellent people......"

"Stop it! Seeing this

, Hiratsuka Shizu quickly raised his palms to stop him:"I didn't call you here just to boast, so what is your choice?""

"choose? Teacher, I don’t want to be a sports student!"Xia Chuan spread his hands and said

"I know. Hiratsuka

Shizuka raised the paper in her hand:"So if you don't want to join the track and field club or football club, you can choose to join a club by yourself.""

After working for a long time, it turns out that the other party's real purpose is here!

"I already have a club"

"Feel sorry! The homecoming department does not count!

Hiratsuka Shizuka blocked Xia Chuan's escape route in advance:"High school students have to join clubs!" Why do you think we usually let you finish school so early?! Please enjoy your normal youth, otherwise you will regret it in the future."

I'm just enjoying it...

Natsukawa looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka speechlessly. He hesitated to speak. After thinking about it, he still didn't say it, so as not to make the other party angry again.

However, it doesn't matter if he joins the club. After all, he is also a good person. A person who enjoys life according to his interests.

Not to mention that the club, from a certain perspective, can be considered helpful.

He can also directly use the special characteristics of the club to create his own personal comfort zone in the school.

Thinking about it, it seems not bad?

So Xia Chuan I looked at the club news

"No ministry?"

"What are you thinking, why does a society with such a strange name exist? Hiratsuka Shizu said dissatisfied.

Natsukawa didn't answer. Could he say that you will still be the responsible teacher of this strangely named club in the future?

But despite the butterfly effect of him and the campus merger, some things will not be affected in advance..

Just like the spring object plot in the original work, it will only unfold in the second grade.

After taking a look, Xia Chuan felt that there were not many clubs that he was interested in, so he simply said:

"Can I create a new society?"

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