Natsukawa felt the boldness and bravery of Yumi Miura.

He responded to Yumeko's embrace as gently and emotionally as possible.

Let the other person experience the real sense of pain in the real game and the sweet feeling of getting what you want.

After Kasumigaoka Shiu, Natsukawa once again embraced a proud and beautiful girl.

The joy that came from the depths of his soul made Xia Chuan cry out from the bottom of his heart.

Praise the world!

After the game was cleared, the krypton gold props used to increase attack speed were thrown aside because they were in tatters.

Miura Yuiko panted slightly, her cheeks were flushed and she seemed to have not recovered yet.

Natsu Chuan hugged the other party and said with a malicious smile:"Are you satisfied?"

Hearing Natsu Chuan's question, Miura Yuiko blushed and lowered her head:"What, what are you satisfied with? I don't understand what you are talking about?" Say something."

Looking at her shy look, Xia Chuan felt that Yumiko had a rare charm at the moment, so he hugged her even tighter.

Naturally, Xia Chuan wanted to see more about this rare appearance that was different from his usual domineering appearance.

"However, Miura Yuko seems to know a lot unexpectedly?"

Although she was a little unfamiliar, many of her actions were beyond the boldness of Yumiko's character.

Hearing this, Miura Yuiko struggled a little unnaturally. She didn't want Natsukawa to misunderstand anything, so she still said the cause and effect:

"......These are all taught by Kasumigaoka Shiyu."

Xia Chuan was a little surprised. No wonder he felt that the two of them had some secrets.......It turns out to be here!

He couldn't help but think of the krypton gold props again, and gestured:"Is that what Shiyu taught you too?"

"Well, it’s not the reward you mentioned to her earlier."

"She said this should satisfy your strange fetish."

Miura Yuiko nodded openly. Anyway, she took the action because of her courage. For everything else, she only recommended it to Kasumigaoka Shiu.


Xia Chuan coughed lightly and explained:"This is not a strange hobby, role-playing as a girlfriend, this is something that every normal man would like."

"I’ve let you finish talking!"

Miura Yuiko coquettishly twisted in Natsukawa's arms, then remembered something and said,"So what are your plans for Sakurajima Mai? Xia

Chuan then turned his back and said with dissatisfaction:"Don't think too much about me. I don't even know what Sakurajima Mai looks like. How could she have so many plans?""

Sensing Xia Chuan's dissatisfaction, Yumeko quickly apologized and acted coquettishly. She didn't want today's bonus points to turn into deductions.

"Yes, it's my fault! You can do whatever you want with Mai Sakurajima and all that."

Using the moment when a girl's love is at its peak, Natsukawa let Sakurajima Mai's matter go directly to Yuiko.

However, the bunny girl who caused the topic made him think of other aspects.

No wonder why Shiyu unexpectedly brought something with her last night The bunny girl seems to be on the one hand out of"reward", and on the other hand, she is once again jumping the gun on Yumeko's side.

However, compared to the previous failure, at least she can now conspire in private, which is also a big improvement for the family. Xia Chuan then said:"Your relationship with Shiyu seems better?"

"I just helped this time."

The proud Miura Yiko will not deny the help provided by Kasumigaoka Shiu.

But she will not think that just by teaching him this time, she will have a close relationship with him.

After all, Kasumigaoka Shiu has always claimed to be the family's main palace, this view is natural Don't deal with her.

Hearing this, Xia Chuan didn't say more about Shiyu at this moment. Anyway, he already had a good premise, right?

He continued to warm up the atmosphere at the moment:"I just didn't expect that the birthday gift Yumeko wanted was This, you know, I was thinking about this not long ago."

He was not surprised that Miura Yumeko wanted her birthday gift in advance.

December 12th is Tuesday next week, and it is still a school day, so it is normal to enjoy it on the weekend in advance.

Hearing this, Miura Yumeko raised a smile :"It’s my birthday, of course I have the final say on what gift you want."

"And this is the birthday gift I want most this year."


From Yumiko's mouth, these words really became a love story that fascinated and delighted him.

"Yuiko, you feel very charming when you say this."Xia Chuan looked at Yumiko:"It makes me a little bit ready to move again."

"No way!"Yomiko quickly refused:"You are my gift this weekend, but tomorrow is our real date!"

"All right."

Xia Chuan didn't refuse. He just thought of tonight's action and seemed to get straight to the point after just walking around for a while. He couldn't help but say:

"But why did I suddenly think of booking a hotel like this? Wouldn’t it be more memorable at home?"

"Because I want to go shopping."Miura Yoshiko said matter-of-factly:"And if it weren't for her parents being at home,......For such an important time, I don't want to do this on a bed that smells like Kasumigaoka."

Xia Chuan raised his eyebrows. Is Yumiko so perceptive?

He remembered that he had tidied up when he went out in the morning.

Skipping this topic, after learning that Yumiko had already made a reason with his family to stay out for the night, Natsukawa hugged her to rest. Get up.

I have to say that the pillow at this moment makes people feel warmer and more comfortable in the weather in December.

The second day of the weekend.

It’s not that I woke up naturally from sleeping, but was prompted by the constant ringing of my mobile phone. Sound arousal.

In the case of Do Not Disturb, only the group of people with special notes can make sounds. He reached out and picked up the phone from the bedside table.

He originally thought it was Kasumigaoka Shiyu, but he didn't expect it to be Xia Youjie..

It’s not a special hobby, it’s just because he’s afraid of accidentally ignoring the upcoming Hundred Ghost Night Parade incident.

After clicking on it, Xia Chuan quickly saw the message

"I have officially declared war on the Conjuring High School."

"Christmas Eve on the weekend, Shinjuku, Tokyo"

"I wish you good luck in martial arts."

With a sense of formality, Xia Chuan replied"Okay", and the other party quickly sent another email.

Among them were two expressions of thanks and cheers, as well as information about the spells of some people from the Conjuration College..

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