On the battlefield in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

With the end of the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts, the conjurers also began to deal with the aftermath of the completely changed place.

Not only are the buildings with damaged glass repaired, but the dead curse spirits must also be cleaned up.

Because this time it involves the entire Shinjuku area, and it is also the Hyakki Yakou with a huge amount of magical energy.

The huge workload even forced many injured people to join the work under the"reversal technique" of home-entering glass.

Obviously he was only responsible for exorcising the cursed spirits, but he also had to clean up the battlefield afterwards.

Nanami Kento cursed with resentment:"What a shit day!"

This kind of overtime work reminded him of the days when he was exploited by the evil capitalism.

Kusakabe Atsushi on the side listened, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, then pointed at Gojo Satoru who was busy at the center of the explosion, and shook his head.

Seeing that the other party was using Jutsu Cang to transport a large amount of land and cement and then cover it to repair the surrounding roads, Nanami Kenren reached out to touch his glasses without complaining. 1

It seems that everything is left unsaid.

It was not until several hours of busy work that the repair work was almost completed.

It seemed that he was about to die from exhaustion. After returning to the lounge, Gojo Satoru slumped down on the chair and complained:

"I really don’t know what to do with such stupidity!"

"All the buildings within a few thousand meters have been destroyed. Even if the potholes are repaired, isn't it just a cover-up?!"

Node Moth Zhengdao stepped forward and slapped the opponent on the head.

Naturally, it was blocked by the unlimited spell.

If you can't move your hands, you can only use your mouth.

Noctua Zhengdao taught:"Don't complain here. , we are only responsible for what we should do, and people from above will handle it later."

"And you are also part of this destruction this time!"

"Ah. Gojo

Satoru first sneered, and then said perfunctorily:"Yes, yes!""

When Night Moth Zhengdao saw this, he was immediately furious, but he couldn't do anything about this guy's technique, and it wasn't the first time he had done this. He finally endured it.

"Let's not mention these for now, then the guy will hold a meeting."

Gojo Satoru naturally knew who that guy was referring to.

After a while, it seemed that he was following the notification from Noctua Masami.

The spellcasters Meiming, Kusakabe Atsushi, and Nanami Kento, who had fought against Natsukawa before, were all They entered the room one after another.

On the other side were Noctua Masamichi, Rakuganji Yoshinobu, Ieiri Glass, and An Diva and other senior college officials and classrooms.

"Why didn't you see Dongtang?"

Looking at the people entering the conference room one after another, Gojo Satoru couldn't help but ask.

"The guy suffered serious mental trauma."Ieru Glass held a cigarette butt in his hand:"Even if I reverse the spell, I still need a certain amount of rest."

"I still don’t know what that guy did. I only know that Dongtang ended up like this as soon as he laid eyes on him."

Kusakabe Atsushi said, with an expression of lingering fear on his face.

Noctua nodded solemnly, looking at Gojo Satoru at the center of the crowd.

"how? That rascal."

Everyone also knows who Noctua Noctua is talking about.

But because no information about Xia Chuan has been collected yet, naturally everyone present only knows Xia Chuan's appearance and his exaggerated age compared with his strength.

"Isn't this obvious?

Gojo Satoru couldn't help but raise his hand and sighed:"He is really strong.""

"I even think that he could win even if he didn't use the giant's magic."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Gojo Satoru say such words, all the magicians present showed a look of astonishment.

Even if Gojo Satoru lost, he would not have said what he said now It’s even more surprising.

Gojo Satoru, who has always been talking about being the strongest, and who has always said"I am the only one in heaven and earth", would say such a thing?

Even Ieru Shoko, who is usually indifferent, felt this way at this time. I was so surprised that the cigarette fell out of my mouth unconsciously.

"Hey, Gojo! You won't be beaten to the point where you lose your confidence."Noctua Zhengdao couldn't help but speak.[]


Hearing this, Gojo Satoru couldn't help but screamed strangely.

"How is this possible?!"

"Rather than losing self-confidence, it is better to say that it made me realize deeply what it means that there are people outside the world."

Gojo Satoru looked down at his clenched fist.

His [Unlimited Technique]】、【Cang】、【He】、【There is even [Field Expansion].

He has used almost all the abilities he has developed over the years.

But the result was that the situation was one-sided from beginning to end. Just as the other party said, he failed to make the other party fully happy.

He had never felt such a big gap before, and he felt even more indescribably happy about it.

"So you don’t have any means for that guy?"

Although I am unhappy with Gojo Satoru's careless character, Rakuganji Yoshinobu knows what Gojo Satoru represents to the magic world.

If even he is helpless, then this will be a major reshuffle.

Even thinking about the other party this time Hyakki Yakou was on Natsu Youjie's side, and he couldn't help but sweat for the future of mankind.

Although he seemed to be Natsubuki at the moment, Gojo Satoru still knew his position and situation.

He began to fight against himself perform analysis

"All of that guy's spells are activated through his eyes."

"During my battle with him, the opponent used a total of three techniques. The black flame that will not disappear until the target is burned out, the power of the curse that is transformed into a giant with terrifying destructive power and defensive power, and the extremely weird space ability......Taking Todo Aoi's situation into account, the opponent would have four powerful techniques."

"And neither my Cang nor He can hurt that guy's giant technique. That guy can also directly use space to break the field and unlimited techniques. He can even use my virtual technique. Means to seize."

Mingming stood in front of the conference table with his hands crossed, and said with a serious expression on his face:

"That space technique is really weird. It seems to be able to put the body into the space to achieve virtualization, thereby making all attacks outside the space ineffective."

Leyanji Yoshinobu was silent for a while, and asked without giving up:"If An Song Ji and I increase your spell power, can you defeat the opponent?"

Both he and An Diva can increase the power of spells in the form of spells, which can directly increase the power of individual magicians' spells several times.

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru couldn't help but think.

"If the effect is on the virtual and the real, it is really possible to break through the opponent's giant defense, but it also needs to prevent the opponent's space ability. If it is captured again, won't it be a serious blow?"

At this time, the person directly adjacent to the Zen Yuan who had been silent before said:"Maybe there is someone who can counter the opponent's space spell."

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