Sakurajima Mai subconsciously raised her head.

With Xia Chuan in front of him, there was indeed hope.

After her mood returned to normal, Sakurajima Mai also opened her heart to Natsukawa, telling her past experiences and inner disputes.

"In fact, I started my career as a child actor when I was very young, and then started to appear on TV and make movies. I have always lived in the public eye. No matter where I go, I am noticed by others."

"If I could accept it at first, then gradually I began to get tired of this situation of not being able to live like a normal person."

Speaking of this, Mai Sakurajima's voice became a little softer.

Natsukawa didn't interrupt anything. Most celebrities will have this kind of trouble. After all, they not only receive strong attention from other people, but also live off the side effects of celebrity life. Paparazzi exists.

Mai Sakurajima continued.

"So one day I started to get the idea that I wanted people to ignore me"

"Although this was just a wish I made suddenly, I didn’t expect that a month ago, this wish suddenly came true."

"I clearly remember that after I went out that day, the world seemed to have magically changed. People on the street really forgot about my existence and treated me like an ordinary person. Even if I walked on the street without a hat or mask, I would not be ignored. people pay attention to"

"I was very happy at first, but then I slowly discovered the trouble of being ignored"

"In the past, I could still make some noises to attract others' attention, but later on... no matter what I did or said, no one would notice me. I couldn't buy things and couldn't communicate with others. I became like a person who was disconnected from this world."

As if to mention the most feared situation in her heart, Sakurajima Mai couldn't help but raise her legs and curl up on the sofa.

"The trouble doesn't end there. Just two weeks ago, I suddenly felt like I was in another"July 13" world. I could not only see normal humans, but also ghosts and evil spirits!"

"Fortunately, these terrible things cannot sense me like other people, so I feel that I can survive until now."

"but!"Mai Sakurajima showed a painful expression:"As I can see ghosts, my disappearance of the sense of existence is gradually getting worse.......Just like the female classmate from before, she can't even touch my body in reality"

"So I am very afraid that one day, I will be completely abandoned by this world and become a lonely ghost in a real sense."

Under this pain of loneliness, there was a slowly rising sense of despair.

But soon, Sakurajima Mai's eyes regained their vitality and looked at Natsukawa

"That's why I made a special trip there when I heard about the news in Shinjuku area. Fortunately, that time, I was thankful that I was talked to again."

"It's not a so-called confession, but for now......Xia Chuan, you are like my hope."

Pah! Pah! Pah!

Natsukawa suddenly clapped, looking very moved.

Upon seeing this, Sakurajima Mai felt a little ashamed on her face, but after all, she said it herself first

"So, can you help me?"

"It doesn’t matter how much the remuneration is!"

Hearing this request, Xia Chuan smiled.

"Some situations cannot be solved with money, let’s not mention this for now. Xia Chuan, who already had a good command of dialogue skills, said,"

But I already know almost everything about your situation.""

"You have the potential to become a conjurer"


Hearing Natsukawa's words, Sakurajima Mai became confused without knowing it.

"Let me tell you this, there are many things in this world that cannot be explained by science, but more than 90% of them can be explained by the concept of mantra."

"The root of your problem and the ghosts you see are manifestations of the power of the spell."

Using the same old method, Xia Chuan explained what magic power is and the information about the magic world.

"The fact that you can see those spell spirits means that your body has accepted the changes brought about by the spell."

"And your current special situation is also caused by your out-of-control technique."

"According to my guess, it may be able to eliminate existence observation, which is surprisingly powerful."

"Therefore, it is possible that the spell was activated on you unconsciously after making a wish. However, since you do not know how to use and control the spell, you cannot control the spell that has already been implemented."

Mai Sakurajima, who was already accepting the world's mysterious system, nodded subconsciously.

As she slowly digested it, she felt relieved in her heart.

The matter seemed not as serious as she thought, and there was a solution.

Mai Sakurajima looked towards Natsukawa with a hopeful look on her face:"Then can you teach me how to use spells?"

Although there are other spell masters in the world of magic, she doesn't know the composition of those organizations, and she doesn't know how to get in touch with them.

What's more, compared to those unknown existences, Xia Chuan in front of her fascinates her more It's easier to get close to her.

After all, it was Xia Chuan who explained her current situation directly to her, and the other party gave her a feeling of omnipotence.

It was like there was nothing impossible if she just asked him.

Although this idea It's strange, but that's what Mai Sakurajima thinks

"I have a very high status in the world of magic.

Xia Chuan smiled and said,"If you choose me, are you ready to accept the reward?""

As early as when Natsukawa offered money as a reward, Sakurajima Mai had already expected the other party's unusual request.

Even so, she still had to ask:"Then what do I need to pay?"

"Become a member of my family"


After hearing Natsukawa's words, Sakurajima Mai was stunned for a moment.

Three capital question marks seemed to appear above her head, and she asked:"Can you explain more clearly what this means?"

"The world of magic began to exist thousands of years ago, so since then there have been families with the unique bloodline and magic techniques of magicians."

"It's just that a thousand years are enough for many things to change, and my family has been ruined because of it."

As if this is really the case, Xia Chuan's words are reasonable and well-founded.

"Magicians are extremely rare beings. Except for families that continue through blood, there are only a few people like you who suddenly become magicians among millions of people."

"So the reward for teaching you the power of magic is that you join my family."

After hearing Natsukawa's explanation and reward, Sakurajima Mai couldn't help but say:

"Doesn't that mean that I have to be bound to your family for the rest of my life?"

"That's right."

Ignoring Sakurajima Mai's somewhat unacceptable expression, Natsukawa's response was very straightforward.

This kind of straightforwardness is naturally because he has enough confidence.

"Let’s not talk about me first. This is the case in the magic world."

"For example, in the world of magic, there are schools such as the School of Magic, which are places that specialize in teaching students to control the power of magic and become stronger, but also during this period...You will become a student of spells, bid farewell to your past life, and embark on a dangerous and exciting life of exorcising spell spirits until you graduate."

"This situation is actually no different from joining a family."

Natsukawa used the method of explanation to slowly encroach on Mai Sakurajima's options.

"I don't want to live this life!"Sakurajima Mai quickly replied.

These are the thoughts that arise when cases like Miko and Sakurajima Mai suddenly become magicians.

After all, most girls don't like to move, and they are generally afraid of scary things.

It's okay to live In ordinary life, who would be willing to suddenly face a terrifying monster and perform dangerous actions such as exorcism.

Knowing Sakurajima Mai's mentality, Natsukawa then said:"As long as you are a magician, this In the world of magic, it is inevitable to return to one's roots."

"But my family is a special case. It is not compulsory for me to get rid of curse spirits. Even if you are a curse master, it is up to you to decide how you want to live."

There is a hint of propaganda temptation in Natsukawa's words. It is obvious that Mai Sakurajima is already a little moved by the recruitment.

If the solution to her problem is to become a magician, then she has to choose among the organizations mentioned by Natsukawa, then she will naturally be the one. Choose the family that Natsukawa mentioned.

Just thinking of what Natsukawa said before is the origin of the magician. This change in comparison made Sakurajima Mai couldn't help but ask:"Why is your family a special case?""

"Very simple."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Chuan leaned on the sofa and raised his fingers confidently

"The world of spells allows new spellcasters to learn combat skills to exorcise curse spirits. On the one hand, it is a reward for the teaching, and on the other hand, it also gives you the ability to protect yourself."

"You must know that in a dangerous world like the magic world, even if you are a student, it does not mean that you will be absolutely safe. There are many cases of students dying in the magic college."

"But it's different here, after all......I am the strongest spellcaster today"

"The strongest?"Mai Sakurajima couldn't help but repeat.[]

"The strongest! Xia Chuan said with a high-spirited smile:"

Because I am the strongest, every family memberI can easily guarantee their safety and life, so I can naturally make any choice I want."

Under these words, Sakurajima Mai thought of something and couldn't help but said:"Then the situation in Shinjuku District......"

Naturally, Natsukawa would not deny it and nodded directly:"It was me and another conjurer who caused it."

Then, Sakurajima Mai looked at the other party deeply.

This display of confidence and strength may not require any evidence. Mai Sakurajima believed it subconsciously.........

It’s just hard to imagine that the Internet has been so noisy by all kinds of scenes, and the initiator is right in front of us.

To that extent, the other party does have the confidence to act recklessly in the world of magic.

And if you choose Xia Chuan.

Not only can she be directly taught by the most powerful conjurer, but she can also be protected by her.

The girl's mind was gradually affected by Xia Chuan's words, and she really didn't want to face the future that frightened her.

"So, Xia Chuan, what is the situation of your family?"

As he got to the point, Xia Chuan also showed a serious look:"I've said it before, even if I am the strongest, my family will still inevitably decline because of time."

"At present, there are only four family members including me."

Mai Sakurajima was a little surprised, because she really didn't expect this number of people.

However, this number also made her relieved. At least there were not too many people.

If she really joined the family of magicians as an ordinary person, she would still feel It was a lot of pressure.

But Natsukawa's next words soon made Sakurajima Mai realize the true face of Natsukawa's"family"

"The other three are also students in the school, and one of them is Miura Yumeko whom you met before."

Mai Sakurajima nodded, but she suddenly thought of the list of members of the Exorcism Club that she had seen not long ago, and speculation arose in her heart.

"Are the other two members of this society?"

"That's right"


Finally, Mai Sakurajima knew the division of family members mentioned by Natsukawa.

Except for Xia Chuan, the other members are all girls, and they are all outstanding beauties!

"Then they all have special circumstances like me?"

"Not entirely."

Speaking so clearly, how could Mai Sakurajima not know the significance of the Natsukawa family at this moment?

"This, isn't this just opening a harem?"

"As a family of magicians, procreating offspring is a top priority. Xia

Chuan said matter-of-factly:"Not to mention that I am the only direct bloodline member in the family. I naturally have to shoulder a greater responsibility.""


Mai Sakurajima wanted to say something else, but she really couldn't refute this.

Even because of the information that the opponent was the strongest and that there was only one bloodline in the family, Sakurajima Mai also came up with other knowledge.

Perhaps it was because of his strong bloodline that his family was like this.

What's more, the world has become abnormal since her body became abnormal. How can she use her previous knowledge to think about those spellcasters who represent the unknown side.

So Sakurajima Mai accepted this statement

"……Well, that is indeed the case."

She looked at Xia Chuan and thought about the so-called reward.

The most important point is that she no longer wants to live such a life of despair and pain.

She is not a hot-blooded girl in the middle school who fights those dangerous and disgusting monsters. , she didn’t want to.

Then the only one left was Natsukawa who could help her and protect her.

1.2 And at the very least, Natsukawa’s excellent appearance and image in front of her met her expectations.

She saw Mai Sakurajima’s hesitation With his heart moved, Xia Chuan smiled and continued to encourage:"Of course you can rest assured, I have no habit of forcing girls, let alone accepting them to become members of my family."

This sentence is not entirely intended to make Sakurajima Mai take the bait.

Although the twisted watermelon can quench thirst, in Natsukawa's current situation, he no longer needs to quench his thirst. He only needs to ensure that he enjoys the sweetness when he drinks it. is the key.

After all, the harem is not just a ruthless bulldozer.

Natsukawa's words made Mai Sakurajima, who was already hesitant, more inclined to choose her choice.

At least with these words, the result can be much better than she expected..So

Sakurajima Mai made up her mind:"As long as you can help me, I will...Want to join your family"

"Of course, my family's business is my business."

After receiving Natsukawa's promise, Sakurajima Mai accepted the fact, but she just put her family and other things first. The first priority is her current situation.

Sakurajima Mai looked forward to it:"Then, when can you teach me the power of magic?"

"In view of your specialness, start today......By the way, why not just move to my house for convenience?"

Mai Sakurajima immediately became vigilant. Didn't she say she wouldn't force herself?!

"This is out of consideration for your situation. After all, life will be more troublesome before you master the magic power, right?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you think the status quo is okay. I don't force people."

Although Natsukawa said this, how could the girl not be able to make a choice after hearing this?

Sakurajima Mai then hurriedly said:"If possible, please let me stay at your house for a while."

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