
Xia Chuan was dissatisfied. He didn't expect to encounter such a highly harmful evil spirit just by going out.

However, his current attack methods are limited to using the power in his body to strengthen himself and weapons.

It seems that he usually has more Be more diligent. After all, after the Sharingan reaches Mangekyou, the attack methods in the future will not be as limited as now.

And although I thought it would be fine if I didn't take the initiative to provoke him, it seems that I still can't be too adventurous.

After warning himself, Xia Chuan once again felt the negative energy feedback brought by this ghost.

He estimated in his mind that it was as big as a dozen ordinary evil spirits, which was not a bad experience.


The bus that was still swaying slowly came to a stop after the evil spirit dissipated.

Seeing this, Xia Chuan turned back to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had his eyes closed in fear, and comforted him:"It's over, Shiyu Xue sister."

Hearing the long-awaited voice, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly opened her eyes. When she saw Xia Chuan in front of her, she breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stepped forward to hug him.

It was obvious that the girl was like a frightened rabbit. His body was trembling and trembling like waves.

Although he could also feel the other person's beautiful breasts, Xia Chuan was not evil enough to take advantage of this.

"It's okay, Shiyu-senpai."

Xia Chuan pulled Kasumigaoka Shiu over, then kicked open the rear door and took him out of the car.

After Xia Chuan got off the bus forcefully, it quickly disappeared into the night as if it turned into black smoke.

And the two of them I also returned to the place where I got on the bus before.......Come to life!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the familiar city lights in front of her, and she had never felt that the air at this moment was so fresh and pleasant.

The pores all over her body opened greedily to breathe in the air. Only then did she feel that her body was a little sticky. It was obvious that the cold sweat that had been breaking out before had soaked her inner clothes.

"Senior sister, do you need a break?"

Xia Chuan looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was breathing heavily in front of him and even collapsed on the ground, and kindly expressed his condolences.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was still a little embarrassed, did not refuse.

Seeing this, Xia Chuan planned to take Kasumigaoka Shiyu to rest on a chair in a nearby park.

"Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!"

At this moment, loud clapping sounds slowly came in from a distance.

"What a great performance, Natsukawa-kun."

Accompanied by these words, very clear footsteps came from the side.

Not long after, a man wearing a cassock and a bun with his hair tied up walked towards him with a smile.

Xia Chuan was shocked when he saw the appearance of the other person..

I also had suspicions about the attacking evil spirit that suddenly appeared just now.

"Mr. Xia Chuan, this is the first time we meet. My name is Xia Youjie."

He didn't even need to introduce himself. After seeing this person's appearance, Xia Chuan had the corresponding information in his heart.

Xia Youjie is one of the only three super-level conjurers in the conjuring world. He has the skills of mantra manipulation. Shiki.

As the name suggests, the technique can absorb and control curse spirits, even special ones, and there is no limit to the number.

People who are not familiar with him, if they see his kind face and the cassock he is wearing, may He thought he was one of those kind-hearted Buddhists at the shrine.

But Natsukawa knew for sure that putting on that cassock meant that the other person was a blackened curse master. What he believed in was to create a paradise with only curse masters. In addition to curses, All human beings should be exterminated, even their own biological parents.

In general, the Xia Youjie in front of him is a complete madman.

Therefore, although the expression on his face has not changed, in fact, Xia Chuan's whole body has been completely wiped out. While I was vigilant, the energy in my body was also constantly surging.

At the same time, I suddenly felt a sudden awakening in my heart.

The energy in the body is different from chakra, those curses that ordinary people cannot see, etc.

It turns out that this is still a world where spells return to war!

So for the previous He still thought too little about the divisions of the so-called curse of evil spirits!

"Well......Don't be so nervous, I don't mean any harm. Xia

Youjie seemed to sense Xia Chuan's vigilance. He smiled and waved his hand and said,"It would be better to say that I was amazed by your performance.""

"Although it is only a small quasi-level two curse spirit, it is not so easy for ordinary magicians to kill it. Sure enough, the power in your body seems to be somewhat special!"

"I have been following you for some time, Xia Chuan-kun. What you should know about your relationship with the common monkey...Human beings are different. You have great potential and can accomplish greater goals."

Xia Youjie opened his hands and became a little excited.

"what do you want to say in the end?! Xia

Chuan asked bluntly. As for the great goal he mentioned, he knew what it was without asking.

He was not a lunatic with chuunibyou, how could he want to stand on the opposite side of all mankind?

Xia Youjie withdrew his missionary excitement. , turned into the previous smile and said:"Your ability is by no means limited to this, and I can guide you to use that potential."

After saying that, a card suddenly flew out of his cassock plane.

"If you are interested, you can find me here."

Xia Chuan took the card that came flying to him, and when he picked it up, he saw that it was a business card.

The famous"Panxing Sect" was written on the front, and the address was on the back.

Seeing Xia Chuan take it, Xia Youjie turned around and left. Don't forget to say:"Looking forward to your arrival, but don't bring the human next to you with you."

After saying that, the person disappeared into the shadows.

Xia Chuan breathed a sigh of relief until he didn't sense Xia Youjie's energy.

Seeing Xia Chuan like this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was full of doubts before, said:"Junior, you It's time to give me some explanations. What happened just now? What was that person talking about?"


Xia Chuan was silent for a while before looking at the already dark sky.

"...It seems like it's getting late, and it's time to go back and rest. If there's a chance, let's talk about it next time, Shiyu-senpai."

Has been completely disturbed by all the previous events, even if she goes back to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, she will definitely not be able to sleep at this time.

She doesn't know if those things will come back, not to mention that she doesn't dare to go home alone at this moment.

So Kasumigaoka Shiyu Qiu Shiyu glanced around first, and thought of something when he saw a hotel. After hesitating for a while, he made a decision.

"If you want to rest, I happen to know a place. Come with me."

Xia Chuan looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu's gaze.

"Is it that love hotel? Hearing Xia

Chuan's inquiry, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face turned red, and he immediately turned back strong and calmly and said,"Yes, Mr. Xia Chuan, do you have any other opinions?" Or is rest just your excuse? Xia

Chuan thought for a while, and it seemed that it was not bad, so he shook his head....

In a love hotel.

The sound of water running continuously came from the bathroom. Leaning on the sofa chair in the rest area, Xia Chuan felt somewhat distracted while resting and waiting.

But even if he knew it was Kasumigaoka Shiyu inside, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. After all, he felt that after experiencing all the events today, he must have a high status in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's heart.

There is no need to create complications, just wait until everything comes to pass.

What's more, a large single bed at this time more or less expressed Kasumigaoka Shiyu's thoughts.

Xia Chuan simply stopped thinking too much and focused on the various encounters he encountered today.

Previously, he thought that the weirdness he knew was just in Jianzi's worldview. Until today when he met Xia Youjie, it can be said that the information about spells and curse spirits gave him a great impact, and also made him know a lot of unknown things that he had previously thought. Solve the mystery.

The most important thing is the Sharingan.

The Sharingan is a special chakra generated by negative emotions to promote evolution, and the power of the curse is also generated by negative emotions, so it is no wonder that it can be negative and positive.

At the same time, there seem to be well-known"field expansion" and"reversal techniques" in the magic world. If his Sharingan is his own technique, then when he masters these two abilities, it will bring How different?

If it is possible, to what extent will his domain expand.

Is it Infinite Tsukuyomi, or is it Hiraozaka?

In Xia Chuan's imagination.

Soon, the sound of the bathroom door opening brought him back to reality.

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