Because the kaleidoscope had been used to invade Su Nuo's finger's consciousness last time, there was no need to go to the trouble of finding a physical body to support it this time.

Under Natsukawa's kaleidoscope, he looked at the special charm under Susanoo's palm.

The terrifying eye power penetrates directly into the mind.

Once again, Xia Chuan was forced to come to the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in Su Nuo's consciousness.

Although every Sunuo finger is home to a soul with Sunuo-consciousness.

But because Su Nuo always has only one ontological consciousness, naturally the memory under the exorcised finger will be shared.

Once again, he felt that the place where his consciousness was sleeping was forcibly broken into.

In just a moment, Liangmian Sunuo sensed the magical properties that he would never forget.

"It's you?!!!"

Su Nuo stood up suddenly from the skeleton throne.

His eyes were fixed on Xia Chuan, who was standing on the sea of ​​​​blood with a friendly smile.

His tone was not as calm as before, and it was extremely corrupt at this time. The voice even contained unconcealed panic.

"Oh, Su Nuo. Xia Chuan raised his hand and said hello, like a long-lost friend:"How have you been lately?""


What answered him was continuous slashing attacks that splashed blood dozens of meters high.

Relying on the invincible virtualization, Xia Chuan just let the slashes continue to pass through his body, and said funnyly:"It seems that your cooking skills have not diminished."

"Bastard brat! Su

Nuo shouted angrily:"If you have the ability to gather all my fingers, even if it's just three hands, I can cut you into pieces!""

The Xia Chuan in front of him is the only one who has made him feel such shame in thousands of years.

"Three hands are fifteen fingers. Xia

Chuan helped Su Nuo count the number of fingers:"In that case, aren't there still three fingers that can be reduced?""

As for why there are three, it is naturally because of the fingers that were exorcised last time and the consequences that he is about to face this time.

Seeing Xia Chuan walking towards him, Su Nuo couldn't help but think of the last time [Jacob's Ladder] brought his soul. It brought unspeakable pain.

Su Nuo, the strongest spellcaster a thousand years ago and now the King of Curses, couldn't help but take a step back among the bones of his defeated general.

"Are you afraid? Su Nuo."

Under the kaleidoscope, Xia Chuan easily caught the news and couldn't help but laugh:"Don't worry, I will be gentler this time."

As he finished speaking, the sea of ​​blood under his feet slowly turned into the ground.

The mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood were once again eroded by the kaleidoscope's arrogant spell.


Su Nuo cursed secretly.

He already had a premonition that this time, it would be difficult to keep this finger.

Originally, there was a Buddha left behind thousands of years ago that could help him offset the loss of one finger.

But now he has two fingers. , even adding"bath" may not necessarily return him to his prime state.

So a thousand years have passed, and Li Mei and Kesuo's plan has not been realized yet?! And his fingers can still be exposed! Regarding the current situation in front of him, Su Nuo couldn't help but start to complain.

The scene was exactly the same as the last time. It was the scene that Su Nuo was most afraid of in the depths of Tsukuyomi.

On the contrary to evil, the power of holy purification was once again condensed in this feature film. world

"Isn’t there any other way?"Su Nuo roared when he saw this.

But instead of being pinned to the ground by Susanoo last time, the cursed king in front of him attacked Xia Chuan with anger on his face.


Four hands The overlord's fist!

All attacks pass through Xia Chuan and hit the void space.

"Who makes you seem so afraid of this move? Just like teasing the child with four hands in front of him, Xia Chuan said lightly:"You should have a field, Su Nuo.""

Whether it's Xia Chuan's ability now or his behavior towards himself, it already makes Su Nuo want to tear him into pieces.

Naturally, Su Nuo gritted his teeth at this moment:"I'm not stupid enough to use my trump card with just one finger. exposed."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Subduing the Demonic Chef is Su Nuo's absolute killer move.

But the domain is the embodiment of the end of the curse, and it will naturally affect the strength according to the magnitude of the curse.

First of all Not to mention that this was just his conscious mind. With the magic power of one finger, he didn't think that the expansion of the domain could avoid the worst results at the moment. It would be better to cut the little devil in front of him into pieces in one go when his strength improved. Wan Duan!

Xia Chuan chuckled and was noncommittal.

He knew almost everything about spells to fight back, but he still didn't know the effect of subduing the demon cook?

He just wanted to further tease the four-handed overlord in front of him.

With the spell After the concentration of power and the end of the prayer, all nearby light source points were absorbed again in the sky, so that two dividing lines of black and white appeared again. A huge beam of light shrouded Su Nuo, like a warning before divine punishment.

Su Nuo naturally could not sit still and wait for death. The spell power directly wrapped around the whole body and suddenly began to escape from the range of the light beam.

But if it could be escaped so easily, the extremely proud Su Nuo would not be so frightened.

No matter where Su Nuo moved with the powerful spell power, God's Punishment The holy pillars were covered around it from beginning to end.

Immediately afterwards, the holy power that had an absolute damage bonus to evil spells suddenly fell.[]

Su Nuo was directly blasted to the ground, and his face was twisted in pain again and he howled.

"So Su Nuo. Xia Chuan added insult to injury and smiled at Su Nuo and said,"See you next time.""

"damn curse......!"

Before he finished speaking, Su Nuo's soul was wiped out again with a shrill scream.

"really interesting."

Xia Chuan became happy.

He originally wanted Su Nuo to recover his strength and fight again, but slowly tormenting this strongest curse bit by bit was surprisingly interesting.

Reality only passed for a second.

Mingming After noticing that Xia Chuan was just looking at that finger, Su Nuo's finger was exorcised again. The powerful spell filled with it once again gave birth to Xia Chuan's rising pupil power.

Xia Chuan could feel the increase in pupil power, but it was not It did not let his eyes, which were now comparable to eternal kaleidoscopes, break through a new bottleneck.

But he could still feel that there was still no limit to the improvement of his pupil power.

It was just that compared with the past, it seemed that the distance to the next realm was longer.

But relatively speaking , by then his strength will rise to more than one level than it is now.

Of course, there may be other shortcuts to take.

That is the reversal spell that he has always suspected.

And the reversal spell does not mean that the higher the spell power, the higher the magic power. Just know how to use it.

It's more like a sudden enlightenment, allowing the body to subconsciously understand how to use it.

With his understanding of the spell, the fastest way to suddenly learn this essence is when the body is on the verge of death.

This seems to be the case for both Gojo Satoru and the genius lawyer Hikari Hiromi.

But this is just the fastest technique. Natsukawa does not have this habit of suddenly putting himself in death to survive, especially now that no one can threaten him. In his case, he is comfortable taking his time...

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