The dazzling golden light instantly broke through the sky, the golden pillar of light seemed to run through the sky, and a dazzling golden light instantly appeared in the sky, which was originally shrouded in dark clouds, and the golden light emerged inch by inch, like a drill that was breaking through the seal.

everyone present stared blankly at the golden light in the sky, watching the drill-like gun anchor gradually descending on the earth.

over Tokyo, shrouded in gloom, only the golden gun anchor is blooming with dazzling light, like the only remaining light in the world, completely shocking the hearts of all people.

“What the hell is this…. How can there be God in the world…”

Is this the punishment God has sent upon us?”

“Please take away all the filth and filth of the world! God! Please bring down the divine punishment! ”

In the huge downtown area of Tokyo, some people are kneeling and wailing and weeping, constantly praying to the so-called gods, and some people are ecstatic, honoring Jiang Qi as a god, and they believe that this is the retribution and punishment that mankind deserves.

“What about the cursed children! Fast! Let them carry that thing! Protect us!

“That’s right! Their trash should protect us! What about them! ”

Some people who are already on the verge of madness are constantly looking for cursed children, trying to get them to use their bodies to resist the golden gun anchor in the sky to protect their safety.

“Live as you are…” Yanzhu’s gaze was not on the golden gun anchor in the firmament, but at the group of cursed children behind Jiang Qi.

the smiles on their faces cannot be fake, and the movements they carefully cling to Jiang Qi’s body cannot be fake, they are not living for anyone, they are not reduced to anyone’s tools, and they are not weapons in the hands of politicians… It’s your true self….

Yanzhu remembered the gazes of the group of “friends” in the morning, their eyes used to be full of friendliness, but when they learned that they were cursed children, their eyes were full of hatred and disgust, as if they were their father-killers, as if they were a monster.

She is not a monster, she is also a human like them, and she is obviously fighting hard to protect everyone…

She was a little shaken now, she was wondering if everything she was doing was useful, would she really make everyone agree with them?

“Rentaro…,” she whispered, the confusion in her eyes intensifying.

“Myself…” Senju Natsuyo’s eyes were full of confusion, she really couldn’t think of anything else that would prove the value of their existence if she didn’t fight.

In a trance, a violent explosion mixed with a fierce wind rushed in all directions, dazzling golden light.

Almost everyone closed their eyes, and even if they were tens of thousands of meters apart, their bodies would still feel as if they were burning due to the heat wave generated by the explosion.

I don’t know how long the golden light lasted, until the huge wind and waves eased, and someone had the courage to slowly open their eyes.

They frantically groped their bodies up and down, until they confirmed that they were intact, and then they gasped for breath, couldn’t help but sit on the ground with their legs limp, and breathed the air greedily for the rest of their lives.

They don’t care what the fate of the cursed children is, let alone their lives, they care about their own integrity and can continue to live.

“Dad…. That was…” On the tower in the distance, Leech Little Binay took the hand of Leech Shadow, and the other hand pointed to the place where the golden light fell.

The huge stone monument at the junction of the peripheral area has long been extinguished, the boundless forest that was originally invisible at a glance was bombarded into a flat ground by the golden gun anchor, and the thick black smoke is rising sparsely, even if you use a high-magnification telescope to observe, you still can’t see the end of being blasted out of the crater.

But he seemed to see the sea, and saw a steady stream of sea water gathering in a huge pothole, and that blow pierced the earth!

Just like using a drill to drill a big hole directly near the boulder monument, he can still hear the sound of the waves surging, if he has not made a mistake in judgment, I am afraid that the blow is not only as simple as piercing the earth, but the most terrifying thing is that the man seems to have spare strength….

“My stupid daughter…. That’s who we follow, that’s who can change the world! Leech Yingyin’s shoulders slowly shrugged, and finally he couldn’t help laughing, and his eyes under the mask flashed a light, more expectation.

this is the world he expects, this is the person he dreams of following, only by following him can he reflect his value as a mechanical soldier and make his remaining blood boil again.

“Fuck off.” Jiang Qi’s hand waved gently, and the many policemen who blocked in front of him were instantly attacked by a force and flew out one after another, but surprisingly, the children standing beside them were not harmed.

Those children were still immersed in Jiang Qi’s words, still thinking about the meaning of their existence, whether they were tools or weapons, or… Myself.

“No one can make you what they want you to be, you belong to you alone.” Jiang Qi stretched out his hand to gently rub her hair when he passed by Qianshou Xiashi’s side, not only her, he would reach out and gently rub the other party’s hair every time he passed by a loli, even Yanzhu was no exception.

And the little guys who followed behind Jiang Qi also learned Jiang Qi’s appearance, lightly tiptoed to touch the top of each other’s heads, and then quickly followed Jiang Qi, tightly tugged at the corners of his clothes, and followed him towards the city.

I don’t know who was the first to follow and run out, then the second, the third, and several loli joined the team behind Jiang Qi, but most of the loli who followed the police still stood in place and did not move.

Jiang Qi was not surprised, he did not feel that he could make this group of children follow him willingly with just one word of his own, or that he could not break the shackles that had imprisoned their thinking for a long time with a word of his own.

Some things, just need to plant a seed in their hearts, and then just wait for the seed to germinate, they can truly live for themselves and break the shackles that people in this world put on them.

“Big brother…. What is your name. Senju Xia Shi pursed his lips and wanted to reach out and grab their backs, but as if he had thought of something, he could only slowly retract back.

Jiang Qi, if you figure it out, come to me.” Jiang Qi waved his hand, and more than a dozen streamers flew out of his body and burrowed into the remaining group of children.

On both sides of the road that Jiang Qi passed, whether it was special police or onlookers-by, they carefully stood on both sides to give way to them, and some people who believed in the theory of human guilt knelt on both sides of the street, their heads slammed on the ground, and shouted gods in their mouths.

But at this time, no one dared to refute them, isn’t that unparalleled power exactly the great power that only the gods can have?

Jiang Qi’s footsteps were not fast, and the children behind him also had time to look at the city fully, this city was strange to them, strange tall buildings, unfamiliar food, and the fragrance wafting in the air, everything was seducing them.

It turns out that the outside world is so beautiful! There are tall houses, and the car that the elder said for the first time, it is said that you can run as long as you fill up with fuel, and there are so many delicacies that you have never seen before, even the fragrance smells so good, just smelling it will make you drool.

“Oni-chan ~ want to eat ramen~” Hayata Ai tugged on the corner of Jiang Qi’s clothes, her eyes flashed and looked at the ramen shop on the side of the road, and the burst of fragrance from inside made many children’s stomachs rumble.

“Then let’s go eat ramen, sit down obediently and don’t run around.” Jiang Qi rubbed her head, her eyes skimmed over the children behind her, and her tone was almost the same as just now, gentle and not presentable.

“Long live Oni-chan!”

A group of little guys jumped up happily, and then consciously began to line up, one by one into the store, not noisy or noisy, enter and honestly find a seat and sit down, a pair of small short legs swaying in the air, eyes full of excitement.

Ai Hayata was one of the few children who had lived in the city, and she naturally knew the status and situation of this group of so-called “cursed children”, not to mention the opportunity to sit in the shop and eat, and even begging in the city was a very difficult thing.

“Everyone has a bowl of ramen, make a little more, and the money will not be less than yours.” Jiang Qi’s voice entered the ears of the boss, which made the boss who was still stunned instantly wake up.

“Lord God rest assured, how can I ask for your money, from today I will be your most loyal believer!” The middle-aged man waved his hand hurriedly, wiped and wiped his two hands on his apron, and immediately entered the kitchen.

There was no one outside the ramen shop, and the originally lively street instantly quieted down, and there was no shadow of a person, only on the corner of the street, a few small figures timidly poked their heads out to watch, even if they were thousands of meters apart, he could still see their dull red eyes.

“Come here, there’s hot ramen.” Jiang Qi squatted in front of the ramen shop, like a weasel who was luring chickens.

But before he could smile again, a pair of slender legs wrapped in black silk blocked his view.

“You’re finally here.”


The big chapter of more than 3,000 words is enough to be worth three chapters of others! No need to praise me! Dribble no!

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