The port location of the town of Airland, the sound of artillery rumbled like thunder, and the shells fell from the sky with a strong smell of gunpowder, like meteors cutting through the sky, smashing on the ground and blowing up huge craters, and the entire port was filled with the smell of gunsmoke.

The artillery of the port fortifications fired and loaded ammunition non-stop, and so on, but even under the cover of artillery, the enemy’s attack was still dense and ferocious, three warships with knives and shields were shelling the port, and several small boats full of soldiers were charging here.

The soldiers stationed in the small town of Airland hid in the trenches of the port fence and crossed fire with the machine gunners in the fort to suppress, and the naval soldiers brought by Dietfort also took up three or eight large covers and aimed and shot, this enemy attack was too sudden, so that they had no chance to set foot on the warship, and could only watch the enemy warship suppress their fire.

“fake! These bitches raised by the country of Bransru can actually smell and come here! Mike hid in the trenches and cursed, and the enemy’s machine-gun suppression and artillery attacks almost put them in a difficult position.

Originally, coastal towns had naval defense forces to deal with enemy attacks, and the artillery in coastal trenches should be as few as tens or as many as hundreds.

But a few days ago, the warships in the small town of Airland were transferred by the first general above to carry out the so-called exercise plan, and even the artillery was transferred most of the half, otherwise in the face of the naval attack of the Branslu country today, they should also fight back and forth, or directly beat them back to their hometown, so as not to be so aggrieved.

“Sir! There are not many shells for artillery! Or shall we abandon our port positions? Fight urban battles with them? An officer crossed the trench with a steel helmet over his head, a sharp gasp coming out of his mouth.

“Nope! Once the port position is abandoned, the residents of the town will be in danger, and send an urgent call to the town of Debang, telling them that the town of Airland needs support, and hurry! Let them use the fastest speed! Mike shook his head, his eyes shining with determination, the moment they chose to wear the uniform, it was determined that they had the courage and determination to die in battle.

The town of Deppon was about 1 hour away from the march of Aerland, so their task was clear, to engage in a tug-of-war with the enemy in the port position, at least until reinforcements arrived.

The machine-gun fortresses in the port were knocked out one by one by the guns on the warships, and as the dense gunfire gradually subsided, the soldiers on the assault boats also launched the first wave of charges towards the port, and the machine gunners suppressed the trenches in the port, and the gunfire became closer and closer.

All the soldiers looked at Mike, waiting for his orders, the enemy warships had stopped shelling, which proved that the shells they were carrying had also bottomed out, and now is the most fierce and adrenaline-pumping time of the war, that is, the battle!

Mike was silent for a long time, listening to the gunshots in his ears, and silently counting down the time in his heart.

As time passed, the enemy assault boat was approaching the shore of the harbor and about to rush into the town, Mike raised his head and loosened the buttons of his neck collar, and the gun in his hand was also pressed with bullets.

As soon as he wanted to say something, a powerful gunshot suddenly resounded in the port, and miraculously suppressed the dense machine gun sound, approaching, the machine gun sounded again, but the direction of the bullet flight was very different.

Dietfort turned his head, and the man in the white formal dress stood idly strolling in the rain of bullets, and the muzzle of the black hole was smoking blue.

Dietfort knows the gun, but it is a little unfamiliar, it looks like the Eagle’s domestic Webley VI revolver, but it is not very similar, or it is not like the revolver that can be produced in this era, the silver-white gun body is both beautiful and good-looking, it is more like a work of art, it should be a firearm in the museum’s collection.

The bullets in the sky flew like a flood gate, and Jiang Qi, wearing a white dress and formal suit, became the most prominent presence on the battlefield of the port.

Look at these people, everyone wears a steel helmet, for fear that the flying arrows will pass over their heads, everyone is careful to find a good cover before daring to probe and shoot, but what about him? The white dress resembles a groom at a wedding, and not a single bullet can hit him.

Jiang Qi pulled the trigger, the bullet whistled out of the chamber, and the machine gunner on the submariner flew straight out, yes, it was not as simple as piercing the chest, but the bullet tore the machine gunner’s chest with huge kinetic energy and blasted away.

It is difficult to imagine the caliber and range of the bullet in the revolver, and what is even more incredible is the wrist strength of the gunman, such a huge recoil His brows did not wrinkle, and his expression always remained indifferent.

Dietfort poked his head to watch Jiang Qi strolling in the rain of bullets, and two words inexplicably appeared in his mind – elegant, the pure white dress was not stained with the slightest blood and dust, the red rose on his chest was like an exploding blood flower, and under his feet were falling brass bullets, none of which could hit him head-on, as if all the bullets were going around him.

Dietfort hurriedly took out the small binoculars in his chest pocket and began to look around, where Jiang Qi was, there must be Violet, this is after two days of getting along, he came to the conclusion that with the character of that man, it was impossible to place Violet far away from him.

But surrounded by trenches and deep pits opened by shells, where there was anything to stand on, Dietefort frowned, he was not spying on Violet, but he wanted to arrange as many people as possible to protect her, and the devil knew what the man would do if Violet was injured.

Dietefort’s gaze was startled, and suddenly stopped his gaze on the position of the observation platform, where there were long golden hair curling in the wind, pure white long skirts also rolled with the wind, and the plain white veil fluttered to reveal the girl’s delicate and beautiful side face, she quietly held the railing and looked at the place where Jiang Qi was, the sunlight hit her like the goddess Venus in Greek mythology, like a world-famous painting.

If only there were poets and painters wandering here, then they would have been able to record the scene on canvas or in poetry, and almost everyone present thought so.

At this time, suddenly there was an incandescent light flickering, the click of the camera pressing the shutter sounded in Dietfort’s ears, he subconsciously looked back, the long silver hair first came into view, and then the woman’s cold face, and the fragrant smell.

Dietefort subconsciously got up and wanted to salute and say something, but when he saw the woman gently pressing her finger in front of her lips, she held it back, he could only nod gently and slowly squatted back, his eyes looking at Jiang Qi’s position without blinking.

One cartridge case after another swirled from the silver revolver’s runner and exited the ground, Jiang Qi blew a breath into the chamber of the revolver, his expression was indifferent, expressionless, but what made people stunned was not that he was murderous or elegant.

The study of the Bugambilian family has never lacked books with great personal heroism, the protagonists of the books often have great strength and intelligent minds, excellent leadership and cohesion are their standard, they can often conquer the enemy through their own charm, and finally achieve great deeds.

Dietfort believes that the heroes of those books are virtual after all, and that no one in the world has ever had so many advantages in one place, such as what one punch can penetrate a wall, and one person can destroy an enemy army.

But now the truth is in front of him, hell! Why can he walk on the sea? It is rumored that the ancient ancient country of the East has light skills, but it can cross mountain streams like walking on the ground, but this is simply contrary to science!

And his revolver never needs to change bullets, as if there is a machine gun in the runner, which can control the throwing knife, but also allow bullets to avoid him, and now he can walk on the sea, every ability is terrifying.

“Thick crab! Boss Mike… Am I really not dreaming? Jessica licked her lips, blood flowing out of her left shoulder.

“I should be dreaming, I actually don’t feel pain!” Mike’s eyes widened, and he reached out to hold his steel helmet to keep it from crooked.

“Because you pinched my leg, it really hurts!” Jessica slapped Mike’s hand away and rubbed her thighs with a grin.

The dense rain of bullets suddenly subsided, only occasionally two gunshots, but immediately silenced, replaced by a burst of diving, almost all enemy stormtroopers jumped into the sea and raised their hands in surrender.

It’s not that they are spineless, but there has long been no ammunition on the assault boats, and there is only one way to continue to resist in Europe, so why not find another way to live in order to accumulate thick and thin?

“What are you doing?! Inform me about the Shrimp Head and Litchi Ship, and shoot at him! Don’t save on shells! The commander-in-chief of the sweeping fleet frowned and was furious.

“But our soldiers are still there…” the adjutant hesitated for a moment.

“They’re already dead! Surrender means death! Give me the order to fire! ”


The most humiliating experience of a soldier is surrender, and those soldiers who surrender to the enemy are simply unworthy of being soldiers of the country of Bransru, and surrender in his heart is far more terrible than death.

The guns on the three warships began to adjust their direction, aiming at the sea area where Jiang Qi was located, and in the next second, the cannons sounded like thunder, and dozens of shells fell with flame cover.

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