On July 21, 2022, this is the first layer of Sword Art Online, Tolbana, time passes like flowing water, and time flickers by in the blink of an eye.

It has been a month since the official launch of Sword Art Online, and during this time, more than 2,000 players have died, perhaps they can no longer be called players.

Because this place is no different from reality, there are even rotten players who feel that the life of the first layer is super beautiful, just stay here for a lifetime and wait for those masters to clear the level.

But the sky did not go as expected, no player has successfully attacked the first layer for a month, even those closed beta participants have not made the slightest progress, and no one has ever been able to reach the boss’s room.

There were once rumors that a man holding a Fang Tian Drawing Halberd killed seven in and seven out in a maze on a floor, chopping monsters like chopping vegetables, no monster can survive a move under him, but every time the man is about to come to the end, he stops, and then walks out of the maze without saying a word, no one knows his intentions.

And today is the moment for players to hold a first-layer boss strategy meeting, they clearly understand that relying on the scattered cooperation of alone and squads will never be able to clear the first layer of bosses, only by uniting the players to hug together, can there be hope of clearing the level, towards the second burial.

The square is bustling with a large number of people, and although it has been a month since entering the game, most players’ equipment is still bronze armor or leather coarse cloth, the only thing that has changed is their level and combat skills, which are very different from a month ago.

Everyone sat down on the stairs around the square, quietly waiting for the meeting to be held, when suddenly someone made an exclamation sound, the players turned their heads and looked over, only to see a handsome man in bright silver armor walking slowly towards this side, as for the Fang Tian Painting Halberd he was carrying on his shoulder, it attracted everyone’s attention.

Fang Tian drawing halberd? Bright silver premium armor? Isn’t this the fierce brother who went in and out seven times in the maze?

Some people even say that he can completely brush all the monsters on a single floor, and he delayed attacking the boss of the first layer just because he was not interested, and once a player who claimed to be a beta tester dismissed him and threatened that he was a silver gun wax head, but the next day players found him with a sign around his neck that said I am a stupid pig walking through the streets of the city, with a dull expression on his face.

Although no one could prove that it was the work of the fierce brother, no one has questioned the strength of the fierce brother since then.

For these players, with this legendary man of seven in and seven out, their chances of clearing the level will increase several times, and his arrival is undoubtedly a reassurance pill for all players, but some people still wonder why a strong man like him will also participate in this meeting, shouldn’t it be a person to cut it directly?

It wasn’t until they saw the fierce brother sitting next to a young girl in the corner on the edge that they showed a clear look, and their faces showed expressions that all men understood.

Kirito sat in the crowd and looked at Jiang Qi’s back in front of him, his eyes showed a thoughtful look, he knew very well that there was no player holding Fang Tian’s halberd in the original closed beta participants, then it meant that he was an ordinary player.

But the strength of the man in front of him is clear, he has witnessed the man cut the Minotaur monster in half with just an understatement, he has no doubt that this man has the terrifying strength of a single brush head, but why didn’t he do it? Is he waiting? Still…

“Okay, then let’s start, today I…” At this time, the man standing in the center of the square coughed lightly, his eyes looked away from Jiang Qi’s body and scanned the surroundings, and began to speak at a long time.

Jiang Qi put Fang Tian’s halberd into the equipment column, sat next to Asuna unceremoniously, reached out and took the cloth bag in her arms, took out the bread inside and ate it in a big mouthful, and sighed with emotion.

“Yes, this bread can be made by you, sure enough, I ordered you to learn cooking skills at the beginning, this level is directly after me.” Jiang Qi sighed.

“Bragging king, why don’t you do it so powerful, grab bread with me every day to eat, you old man and brother, can’t you afford to eat?” Asuna pouted, took out the water in the inventory and handed it over, “I don’t grab it with you, really.”

Jiang Qi swallowed the bread in his mouth, took the water handed by Asuna and poured it a few times before sighing faintly: “Is the title of fierce brother cool?” You can imagine someone calling you Sister Mammoth.

Asuna couldn’t help but shiver, chuckling, it is true that titles such as Brother Fierce or Sister are not good, and even make people feel embarrassed and frowned.

Asuna rubbed her shoulders lightly, raised her head and became serious: “What do you think is our success rate in clearing the first layer?”

Jiang Qi took a sip of water and did not speak, but just raised an index finger and shook it in front of Asuna.

“Ten percent?”

“No, it’s 100 percent.”

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