This is the location of the 28th floor maze of SAO – Yerlus, for players, everything in the 28th floor maze is fresh, an unmined treasure mine, and gold coins and various props are waiting to be explored.

So the genius has just shined, and a large number of players have gathered outside the maze on the 28th floor who are eager to try.

The real reason for the crowding of the entrance to the maze is because the people of the Smile Coffin Guild actually provoked the head of the Holy Domain Guild, and at this time, the two guilds were facing off outside the entrance of the maze, but instead of confrontation, it was the players of the Holy Domain who forced several people from the Smile Coffin into a corner.

At this time, several players who were approaching the corner of the wall glanced at each other, they could see the urgency and panic in each other’s eyes, they didn’t understand why they were hiding so perfectly, but they would still be discovered by those players with secondary diseases in the Holy Domain.

Several players nodded quietly to each other, and a clear look appeared in their eyes.

“You guys! Can your Holy Domain bully us players of the small guild!” Heavenly reason! “The man at the head took the lead.

“That’s it! Let’s see, their Holy Domain claims to be the first guild and bullies us players casually, will the players of our small guild be bullied by them casually in the future? Why is that! “The man’s companion acts as a grievance and constantly inflames the emotions of the players around him.

Human beings are naturally emotional creatures, have inexplicable trust in vulnerable groups, and human emotions are also the best incitement, often some people who want to use the status of vulnerable groups to obtain benefits will constantly incite the emotions of people around them to make themselves stand on the moral high ground.

For them, it is easy to incite the emotions of the players around them, repeatedly emphasizing ‘us’ and ‘ordinary players’, such a statement undoubtedly pokes the hearts of most players, as long as there is the first, there will be a second, then the overwhelming rhythm will come, even if it is white, it can be forcibly dyed black by them, this is human nature.

These people often do not seek the truth of the matter, they just go with the tide to verbally criticize, they will speak according to the group, as if in their eyes, they are Jesus, Buddha, God, and say no to all the darkness of the world.

But the player of the Holy Domain Guild just glanced up at him, and even the corner of his mouth pulled out a trace of disdain.

“Is that all you have to do?” The players of the Holy Domain smiled lightly, not paying attention to the emotions that surged up from the surrounding players in their hearts.

He was laughing wildly in his heart, laughing up to the sky, and even wanted to applaud the smiling coffin players in front of him and said that you are really awesome, but unfortunately your version is too backward, and our Pope has demonstrated us the new quotes of version 3.0:

“I’m a little girl, he bullied me when he came up. 】

【The family is far away from the lewd man, I suspect that she secretly photographed me, although he did not secretly photograph, but is he holding the mobile phone to plot wrong? Hang him, lewd man. [

Why doesn’t he speak up?] 】

【She is just a girl, you are enough, do you want to ruin other people’s lives?】 She already knew the mistake. 】

【Your shoes have a miniature camera, even if you are tens of meters away from us, then you also want to shoot us

】【This person is a pervert, oh sorry, recognized the wrong person, what are you doing loudly?】 Wow

click! The Pope really had the foresight to know that some players would be deflected by certain people and verbally criticize them, and now they have achieved great results, and this rhythmic wave is as simple as drizzle.

“What kind of attitude are you! Can the Holy Domain look down on people? Should we ordinary players be bullied and oppressed by you? We are not as high as you, but we are also trying to contribute to clearing the level, why do you bully us ordinary players, even if one me falls, there will be thousands of me! The man squeezed out a tear and shouted hoarsely, as if he were a warrior who would rather die in the face of the enemy.

“Big brother! We are just ordinary players, how can we fight against a great guild like the Holy Domain? We ordinary players can only let their top guilds bully… Hey…” the man’s companion knelt on the ground and squeezed out tears, successfully bringing the rhythm up.

“That’s it! What’s so great about your Holy Domain! Why bully us ordinary players! Say they are evidence of a smiling coffin!

“Bah! What shit first guild, I didn’t practice the level early, if I seriously brush the level, where is this Holy Domain Guild what’s going on?

“It’s just, not to mention is the 18th to 20th floor really that difficult?” We haven’t participated in the recent layers of raiders, which one didn’t pass smoothly? It seems that those bosses are not a big deal, I can do it too.

“I believe in the Saint Seiya of the Holy Domain Guild, they are all players who are struggling on the front line…”

“Laughing to death, licking the back of the dog row, you still believe them?” Are you a troll? Brain-dead powder? How much? Count me in, lately short of money. ”

I see, the Holy Domain Guild is held too high, what shit number one player Jiang Qi, those people in the Holy Domain really think that they are the savior? They’re not the only players on the front lines, right? Isn’t the Knights of the Blood Alliance in Hizcliffe better than them?

“You wall-headed grass, when the Holy Domain opened the 18th to 20th floor, it was your dog’s favorite barking, without Mr. Jiang Qi, you can clear the first layer?” White-eyed wolves! Malfoy squeezed out of the crowd and scolded them.

Some players suddenly looked like dogs whose tails had been stepped on, and one by one they sprayed wildly at Malfoy, and words such as ‘I didn’t ask him to clear the level’ and ‘That’s what he wanted’ came out one by one.

Malfoy blushed, looking at the ugly faces of these players and couldn’t help but feel sad for the players of the Holy Domain, Mr. Jiang Qi! You see what you have protected! These people are not worth your protection!

The players’ emotions became more and more high, they watched the once unattainable Holy Domain Guild players silent under their righteous crusade, their vanity was greatly satisfied, and even their arrogance became more and more arrogant, and they couldn’t help but have players take out their weapons, shouting in their mouths that if they couldn’t give them an explanation, even if Jiang Qi came, they would be scolded by them.

Just when the scene became more and more uncontrollable, the Saint Seiya, who was denounced by everyone, suddenly laughed, the laughter became louder and louder, gradually covering everyone’s denunciation, and finally all the players fell silent, and only the Saint Seiya was laughing outside the entire maze.

“I am Filth, the bronze Saint Seiya of the Serpent, and the idle people are leaving at a rapid pace, I don’t need to explain anything to you.” Filth’s laughter stopped, and his eyes remained fixed on the three players in the corner, the three players who belonged to the Smiling Coffin.

The surrounding players instantly stirred, and Fields’ attitude ignited the anger in their hearts, they needed to get an apology, so as to satisfy their desire to do justice, but instead of apologizing, he still had this attitude, where did they put their faces?

At this time, some players have already taken out weapons and constantly encouraged the crowd around them, because they dare not openly oppose the Holy Domain, and can only encourage the players to rush up, and then they can mix in the crowd to launch an offensive against the players of the Holy Domain.

But Fields only glanced at them faintly, and then took a step towards the trio of smiling coffins, the bronze armor on his body glowed with a trace of coldness, and the serrated knife in his hand began to glow cyan in the sunlight.

“Let’s go together! He is looking down on us players! The short man in the trio rolled his eyes and began to shout.

Sure enough, some players couldn’t sit still, and they all walked towards Fields, and just as they were about to touch Fields, a rain of arrows suddenly struck, landing accurately behind Fils to stop the footsteps of those players.

As the crowd automatically separated a path, five men in bronze holy robes walked out of the crowd, their cold gazes directly locked on the three smiling coffin players, and the aura they exuded once forced the surrounding players to take a few steps back.

The eyes of the trio instantly became gloomy, and their hearts became heavier, players can ridicule the Holy Domain Guild players are a group of middle and second sickness, they can also ridicule that they really have become Saint Seiya, but no one questions their strength, it is said that the level of bronze Saint Seiya is generally above level 40, and level 40 at this stage definitely belongs to the first echelon in SAO, and no one will be stupid to provoke the Holy Domain.

Although they were very clamoring in their mouths just now, saying what to fight one by one, to fight a pair by a pair, but if they really fight, the damage of these people has not been recovered by others.

The eyes of the man led by the trio appeared a trace of fierceness, he violently pushed the teammates around him forward, he was riveted with full strength, threw off his long legs and rushed, but before he could swear in his heart that he swore something like ‘thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, avenge the two brothers in the future’, a galloping bow and arrow was like a meteor through the air, just in the blink of an eye, his body instantly dissipated in SAO.

The faces of several bronze Saint Seiya suddenly changed, from the initial coldness to worship-like fanaticism, they slightly lowered their heads and stood on both sides, greeting the incoming Lord of the Holy Domain,

“Welcome Lord Pope.”

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