In the eyes of Niu Ghost and others, Nu Liang is an example who is not afraid of heaven and earth, and he is a bohemian face to any monster.

In other words, when fighting, it will be taken seriously.

When will you be so humble and respectful in front of a person, oh no, a youkai.

“I asked you to be recalled before, did you hide?”

“What are you thinking?” Killing Pill ignored it, but scolded lightly.

“!!!!” Being reprimanded by the killing pill like this, Nu Liang suddenly trembled, cold sweat broke out on his face, and the beating speed of his heart also reached the limit.

In this quiet dark night, the sound of this heartbeat is very obvious.

This made many of the Slave Group monsters behind Nu Liang Slippery Scoop even more terrified.

Following the humility and respect just now, their chief marshal would actually be reprimanded by a person like this, and he was scared like this with just a few words.

Listening to the intensity of this heartbeat, it almost jumped out of the throat.

Is it necessary?

Is it necessary?

The many youkai behind Slippery roared inwardly.

It’s not like their general general!!!

“General General !!!!” The cow ghost came back to his senses, shouted, and stretched out his hand, trying to pull Nu Liang Slippery Scoop up.

He couldn’t look down on the humble appearance of his assistant general.

However, he also knew that it was not a simple existence to be able to make Nu Liang slippery so humble, and although he could not sense the demon qi of the killing pill, he could be sure that the origin of the killing pill was very large.

However, as soon as his hand reached out, he was stopped by the crow tengu on his right.

The crow tengu shook his head at the cow ghost, and then directly knelt on one knee.

“See Sesshomaru-sama !!!” The Tengu knelt on one knee and bowed his head in respectful greeting.

“Who are you?” Orochimaru squinted slightly and spoke up.

“Father Daming Maru.” The Tengu replied respectfully.

“Heir of Daming Maru?”

“Get up, I don’t like this, didn’t your father tell you.” Orochimaru ordered lightly.

“Yes!!!” The Tengu replied, and then stood up respectfully behind Ah Nura Slippery.

Behind him, many youkai were stunned after hearing the conversation between Sesshomaru and Crowtengu, and the next moment they all bent their calves, knelt on the ground on one knee, and lowered their heads.

“Meet Sesshomaru-sama!!!” Many youkai said in unison.

In the demon world, little one knows the appearance of the killing pill, except for the monsters of the West Country, the monster world only knows that the killing pill is a silver-haired, trembling noble son.

Although his face is not showing, the reputation of the killing pill is well-known in the entire demon world.

Originally, although many youkai were surprised by the peerless appearance of Orochimaru, they did not think about this aspect.

But as the crow tengu shouted out the name of the killing pill, many monsters immediately determined the identity of the killing pill.

Killing Pill nodded slightly and ignored it, and his gaze once again fell on Nu Liang’s slippery body.

“Say, what are you thinking?” Looking at the slippery scoop, Sesshomaru asked again.

“Sesshomaru-sama !!!”

“Lord Sesshomaru, I want to be the Lord of the Demon Ray.” Gritting his teeth, Nu Liang replied in a low voice.

When Orochimaru heard this, he was slightly surprised, and did not speak, but quietly looked at Nu Liang Slippery.

“Lord Sesshomaru, under your protection, even if I have become a great youkai, I do not have the qualifications to become the lord of the Demon Dragon.”

“So, when Lord Sesshomaru summoned everyone to go back, Slippery Dou dared to hide and did not go back.” Still bowing ninety degrees, Nu Liang kept this posture with his eyes closed, and said with a look of dying at any time.

“yes, I see, in that case, you can continue to stay outside.”

“However, since you have chosen this path, you can only continue walking.”

“The country of the West may disappear in a short time, so take care of yourself.” After a moment of silence, Orochimaru said lightly.

After speaking, he turned into a phantom and disappeared from the sight of many youkai.

“Wait, Sesshomaru-sama !!!” Killing Pill’s words made Nu Liang stunned, and he quickly shouted out after reacting.

But it was too late, and Sesshomaru and Orochimaru had already disappeared.

“How did it come to this?” Nu Liang sat on the ground, full of bitterness, and muttered.

“It’s okay, Commander-in-Chief!!!” Seeing this, the cow ghost, who had not moved after being stopped by the Crow Tengu, squatted down and asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, I just feel a little empty.” Nu Liang took a deep breath, then shook his head.

“I picked sesame seeds and lost watermelons, it’s me.”

“For the sake of a ghostly lord, he was swept out by Lord Killing Pill.” Nu Liang muttered in a low voice, he really didn’t know if what he was doing was right or wrong.

“As for the Lord of the Mighty Rays, only a big monster from the Western Country like you, the commander-in-chief, dares to say so.” Hearing Nu Liang’s slippery whisper, the Crow Tengu shook his head speechlessly.

The Lord of the Mighty Rays, the Lord?

If someone else said so, the Crow Tengu would definitely directly incarnate as a keyboard man and spray that guy to autism.

After all, the title of Lord of the Demon Dragon is the Lord of the Monsters in the Demon World, and it is a powerful monster recognized by the Demon World.

However, if it was a big youkai like Nura Slippery Scoop that came out of the West Country, he couldn’t spray it at all.

Because his father is also a great youkai of Nishinokuni, he himself followed Nura from Nishinokoku and knows the details of Nishinokuni.

Once those big monsters in the West Country come out, then the pattern of the entire demon world will change.

At that time, except for the Great General Killing Pill of the Western Country, there will not be a single youkai qualified to bear the title of Lord of the Ray.

Even the big youkai feather fox who dominates Osaka Castle is not qualified.

However, the Crow Tengu knew that Orochimaru’s character did not disdain this title at all.

It is better to say that the title of the Lord of the Magic Dragon fell on the body of the killing pill, which is an insult to the killing pill.

“Crow Tengu, what are you talking about!!!” When the cow ghost heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied, and the other monsters were also very dissatisfied.

“I’m not wrong, I don’t believe you can ask the general general.” The Crow Tengu glanced at his mouth and asked them to ask Nura Slippery.

When the bull ghost and other monsters heard this, their eyes were on Nu Liang’s slippery body.

“Ah, the Raven Tengu is right, the title of Lord of the Dragon may be contested by many people outside the Western Country, and it is the supreme title.”

“But in the country of the west, no one will want this title.”

“To be honest, those guys in the Western Country came out, and I don’t even have the qualifications to compete for the Lord of the Mighty Evil.” Being stared at by the many monsters under his command, Nu Liang shook his head with a wry smile, and did not deny it, but agreed with the words of the Crow Tengu.

“I am the weakest of the youkai that came out of the Nishinokoku, and those who are stronger were summoned back by Lord Sesshomaru, and now the only big youkai from the Nishinokoku is me.” At the end, Nu Liang said one more word, which directly shocked Niu Ghost and others for a whole year.

Many youkai opened their mouths wide and froze on the spot.

In this regard, the crow tengu pouted, and secretly said in his heart, “A guy who has never seen the world.” ”

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