Chapter 101 The Three Gods Unite

“Don’t worry, senior brother, with me and the third junior brother guarding, no one can disturb you!”

The rich-looking pig just patted his chubby belly and said confidently.

In this regard, the Monkey God Monarch, who understands Zhu Ganghya’s character, didn’t care, and sat cross-legged directly.

Quickly absorb the power of the stars in the sky and the power of the earth from the mountains and rivers, quickly recover the injury, and replenish the consumed power.

“I am also known as Jiutian Shangfu Lingkui Master Hanyuan Taixu Tianliandu Marshal Zhenjun. That is, the Marshal of the Emperor! With my martial courage, I will show the North Star! Three heads and six arms!”

“Eight hundred quicksand world, three thousand weak water depths. The goose feathers can’t float, and the reed flowers will sink to the bottom! — General of water!”

Seeing the unsuspecting Ape God Monarch, Zhu Ganghya and Sha Monk activated their powers one after another. “Three Four Zeros”

At that moment, Zhu Gangye turned into a monster of about ten meters, with three heads and six arms holding swords, halberds, axes, clubs, bows, arrows, and dark armor on his body.

And Monk Sha also attracted three thousand drownings out of thin air, turning into dozens of giant water dragons, circling around his body. When the water drops on the ground, there will be a sound of corrosion.

Judging from the corroded pits on the ground, these seemingly clear waters have a strong corrosive effect.

In this way, Zhu Gangheng, with three heads and six arms, rushed towards Su Hai without hesitation. The weapons in the six arms quickly launched attacks.

On the other hand, Monk Sha was manipulating the water dragon formed by 3,000 drownings beside him to provide long-distance assistance. It’s a perfect combination of melee warriors and ranged mages.

Su Hai’s physique and strength should be above Zhu Gangjiao. In close combat, Zhu Gangjiao is by no means an opponent, but every time Su Hai resists Zhu Gangjiao’s attack and wants to take advantage of the opportunity to launch a lore.

He would be attacked by the water dragon, and under the siege of Wei to save Zhao, Zhu Gangjiao and the monk Sha relied on the strength of the two to hold Su Hai for a short time.

I am “the strongest and the one who holds all victories in hand, I will gain the majesty of ten mountains, the strength of a hundred rivers, and the strength of a thousand camels! – The power of the earth!”

However, the two tried their best, and in the end, they could barely hold back Su Hai, who was in a normal state.

After getting bored, Su Hai didn’t plan to waste any more time with Zhu Ganghye and Sha Monk.

Massive power of the earth emerges from the depths of the surface, and at this moment Su Hai’s strength and physique have reached a new level.

Stepping on the ground with both feet, a deep pit burst into the ground in an instant, with the sound of air bursting. Su Hai savagely charged towards Pig Ganghya.

Even though Monk Sha once again manipulated dozens of water dragons to block the attack, Su Hai ignored him this time, and broke through the water dragons arrogantly and instantly came to Zhu Ganghye.

If the 3000 drownings with corrosive effects in the past can hurt Su Hai, now, Su Hai living in the power of the earth is still not that small drowning can hurt.

Carrying unparalleled strength, the right fist slammed heavily towards Zhu Ganghya’s head.

At the moment of discovering the danger, he was also a little surprised by Su Hai’s sudden increase in strength and speed. He quickly raised the weapon in his hand, resisted it in front of him, and wanted to take the blow. Because it was too late to dodge.

After all, Zhu Gangxian underestimated the power contained in Su Hai’s fist. Swords, halberds, axes, clubs, bows, and arrows were enough to cut mountains and rivers. The indestructible artifacts were instantly broken under this pair of flesh fists.

Su Hai’s right fist hit Zhu Ganghye’s head unobstructed, and Zhu Ganghye’s head was instantly deformed under the tremendous force.

The huge body broke through the obstacles of the air at an extremely fast speed, and flew out towards the monk Sha in the back. During the flight, the jet-black armor on his body also shattered instantly.

It was obviously shattered by terrifying force.

“Second Senior Brother!”

Seeing this, Monk Sha hurriedly rose into the air, trying to catch the pig’s mane that flew upside down, so as to avoid the pig’s mane’s secondary damage.

It’s a pity that the moment when he came into contact with the pig, the monk Sha finally understood how terrifying the power contained in Su Hai’s punch.

Not only did Monk Sha fail to help Zhu Gangjiao to stabilize his body, but he himself lost control of his body under this terrifying force.

The two flew backwards together, and finally fell heavily on the ground. With a thunder-like roar, a mushroom cloud formed of dust and smoke suddenly appeared.

The poor ground was once again devastated.


With the sound of intermittent coughing, the already seriously injured Pig Ganghya and Monk Sha climbed up from the deep pit.

Before the two could relax, Su Hai entered a state of rapidity and instantly appeared behind them, two golden long swords in his hands piercing their hearts from behind.

At the moment when the golden long sword came out of the body, Pig Liver Crack and Monk Sha slammed onto the ground with a hint of surprise and unwillingness on their faces.

It is already dying, if it is an ordinary weapon, it is impossible to die with the body of the gods of the two. It is a pity that this golden long sword is the manifestation of warrior power. As long as you know the origin of the opponent, it has the effect of severing the godhead.

Unfortunately, as a Chinese, Su Hai is very aware of the origins of Zhu Gangxian and Sha Monk.

“Two brothers and sisters have worked hard!”

Greedy Wolf”, Jumen, Lucun, Wenchang, Lianzhen, Wuqu, Pojun! Seven stars of the North, please show the effect! Snake, dragon, sacrifice your flesh and bones to me; flame, burn Iron is smelted into steel; hammer, beat steel into knives; the water of Qinghe, cool the blade! All of them are to improve the divinity of my sword god!–Three Gods 0.2-!”

However, although Zhu Ganghya and Sha Monk were defeated, their goals were achieved. In this short period of time, the Monkey Monarch absorbed the power of Zhou Tianxingdou and the earth’s breath, and has returned to its prosperous state.

And knowing that Su Hai’s powerful Monkey King used the final trump card, I saw Zhu Ganghye and Sha Monk who fell on the ground as if being pulled, and flew towards the Monkey King quickly.

In the process, the pig just turned into a black pig and became the mount of the monkey god. Monk Sha turned into two water dragons, entwined behind the monkey god.

Su Hai could feel that after completing the final change, the aura of the ape goddess was raised again, reaching an unprecedented height.

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