Chapter 11 Are you my master?

Fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly, and it didn’t take long for Hestia to take out the prepared paper and rubbed the status behind Su Hai.

“Name: Su Hai.”

“Power: I0”

“Durability: I0”

“Smart: I0”

“Agility: I0”

“Magic: I0”


“Okay, from now on, Ahai will be the child of the Hestia family.”

Looking at the attribute panel that is no different from that of ordinary people who have just become adventurers, Hestia was not surprised at all.

He directly handed the attribute panel he had checked in to Su Hai, who was still lying on the bed. He seemed very happy and said:

Apparently, he was happy that he had found his first kin.

Looking at the happy Hestia, Su Hai also smiled. After all, after receiving the blessing of God, Su Hai can quickly improve his strength by going to the dungeon to hunt monsters.

But it was getting late today, and Su Hai had just arrived in this world, so he was really tired. I can only go to the dungeon early tomorrow morning.


“Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission, becoming Hestia’s family, and obtaining the gift of God from the Hestia family.”

“Get a hidden four-star golden egg!”

Just when Su Hai was thinking about going to the dungeon early tomorrow morning to test the gift of God, a systemic voice suddenly came into his mind.

At the same time, a dazzling golden egg engraved with four stars appeared in the system space.

“What the hell is a system hidden mission?”

In the face of this sudden happiness, Su Hai was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked:

After some systematic explanation, Su Hai also roughly understood the reason. It turns out that in addition to the golden eggs that usually appear, in the trial world, some specific characters also have hidden punch-in tasks.

As long as you meet the requirements, you will get hidden rewards. Although such a task is full of uncertainty, whether it can be triggered and completed depends on luck, but the corresponding rewards are also very rich.

“I didn’t expect Ah Hai to be so happy to be my servant. As a god, I am very happy.”

Looking at Su Hai, who couldn’t help but smile because he was shocked, and stood there with a smirk.

Hestia obviously misunderstood something, looked at Su Hai a little excitedly and said:

At the same time, she was very relieved, she jumped directly on Su Hai and rubbed Su Hai hard.

Feeling the sudden feeling behind him, Su Hai also immediately woke up.

“Hestia, where do I rest tonight?”

Although he didn’t hate Hestia’s intimate behavior, Su Hai, who felt a little inconvenient, pushed Hestia away gently.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and said:

After all, Su Hai seems a little impatient to return to the room and open the highest-level four-star golden egg in history.

“Oh, by the way, Ah Hai has just come to the labyrinth city Orila, and he has no place to live yet.”

“Then Ah Hai can sleep in my room, this is your privilege as my first family member!”

Facing Su Hai’s words, Hestia, who was obviously slow to respond, realized that Su Hai didn’t have a place to live.

There was a hint of slyness in his eyes, and he made an expression as if he had given Su Hai a great gift, come and praise me. Slowly he said:

But facing Hestia’s behavior, Su Hai didn’t even have time to say yes or no. Hephaestus suddenly knocked on the door, and while asking if the gift of God was over, she said that a room was ready for Su Hai to rest.

In the face of Hephaestus’ words, even Su Hai, who was willing to agree, could only open the door and walk outside.


“My best friend is really…”


Facing Hephaestus who suddenly stepped in, Hestia murmured and complained for a while.

“Thank you Hephaestus for preparing a room for me.”

“But then again, Lord God and Hestia are really good friends.”

The moment he left Hestia’s room, Su Hai saw Hephaestus standing outside the door.

While following Hephaestus to his room, he slowly said:

Obviously, Hephaestus was uneasy from the beginning, and has been standing at the door. So it was time to speak up.

“Is Hestia?”

“That’s it!”

Hephaestus was stunned when she heard Su Hai’s name for Hestia.

Immediately afterwards, as if recalling a past event, he slowly nodded and said:

“Okay, here we are.”

“Just stay here for now!”

While the two were chatting, they soon came to the door of a room.

I saw Hephaestus stopped, standing in front of the door and said slowly:

This room was prepared by Hephaestus for Su Hai.

After casually saying a few words from the opened room, Hephaestus turned and left.

Looking at Hephaestus leaving, Su Hai did not hesitate, entered the room directly, and locked the door.

“System, use the four-star golden egg!”

With excitement, the moment he entered the room, Su Hai said to the system in his mind:

“Excuse me? Are you my master?”

With a familiar burst of light, a circular circle appeared on the floor in front of Su Hai.

Immediately followed by a mature voice, a charming charm that Su Hai was very familiar with appeared in the magic circle.

At the same time, a scarlet charm appeared on the back of Su Hai’s right hand.

“It turns out to be…”

Looking at this familiar figure in front of him, Su Hai was a little surprised and excited at the same time.

In this way, the time of the night passed slowly, and the next day just dawned.

Su Hai got up early and left the room. Get ready to explore the dungeon.

“Are you going to the dungeon so early?”

When coming downstairs, Su Hai accidentally met Hephaestus, who was habitually waking up early.

And when Hephaestus saw that Su Hai got up as early as herself, she asked unexpectedly:

“Well, I’m more interested in dungeons, so I want to see what it’s like early.”

Facing Hephaestus’ question, Su Hai replied very casually:

Then, after speaking, he was ready to go outside. *

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