Chapter 82 The Aurora Pillar of Destruction

“Aurora Pillar!”

At this moment, the countless third star particles in Su Hai’s body quickly converged toward the right fist, and a faint radiance radiated from the right fist.

Apparently, Su Hai is ready to deliver the final blow to the God of Disobedience, with an attack that rivals the simulation of the innovation map, capable of shattering the power of the stars in the night.

Looking at such a situation, the God of Disobedience finally felt the danger and instinctively wanted to avoid it.

But unfortunately, at this moment, countless golden chains were explored again from all directions. Instantly no longer bound from God.

Although the lock of the sky can’t restrain the gods of the level of God who can’t obey, but it can cause a moment of hindrance, and what Su Hai wants is this moment’s opportunity.

At the moment when the lock of the sky appeared, Su Hai waved his own group without hesitation, and an aurora that penetrated the heaven and the earth instantly shot into the sky.

Although the God of Disobedience broke the lock of the sky in an instant and got rid of the shackles of the golden chain, the moment of hesitation 03 made the God of Disobedience too late to dodge.

In an instant, he was hit by a beam of light that penetrated the sky. The beam of light penetrated the body of the God of Disobedience, penetrated the atmosphere, and cut through the endless starry sky.

It finally dissipated after smashing a few stars in distant galaxies.

Under this arrogant and unreasonable force, the heavenly world constructed by the God who did not obey collapsed instantly.

The world returned to its original appearance, and the people who were still on the ground also stood up blankly, a little confused as to why they were lying on the ground, apparently forgetting their previous memories.

The body of the disobedient god also dissipated again, and a familiar but more terrifying force merged into Su Hai’s body. Apparently power and divine power plundered from a God who is not taken from him.

Under the influence of the perfect god-killer reincarnation ritual in his mind, Su Hai could clearly feel that the magic power in his body was increasing at an extremely terrifying speed.

In the end, it stopped after a tenfold increase. If the mantra within the body was said to be a lake, it has now become the sea.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar drowsiness struck, needless to say, it was obviously the call of Pandora in the underworld. It seems that even with the perfection-level godslayer reincarnation ceremony, he still cannot escape the fate of going to the underworld.

“This is.”

On the other side, the godslayers who rushed from all over the world to the land where the God of Disobedience came, also saw the aurora pillars cast by Su Hai.

Immediately afterwards, he found that the heaven that shrouded the world and the breath of the God of disobedience had disappeared, and after a little thought, he realized that the god of disobedience had been killed by the master who carried out this attack.

Although there are some doubts about who did it, it is a fortunate thing that the crisis in the whole world has been resolved this time.

Luo Liang, King of Swords, and others had to go back the same way.

“Looks like the king has succeeded!”

As for Erica and Luculazia Zola, who had been watching the battle from a distance, it was obvious that Su Hai had succeeded. At the same time I was very happy, I quickly drove to the messy Vatican.

“What an amazing kid!”

“The gods of the creation level were not supposed to come, but I didn’t expect to be summoned by you.”

“What surprised Mom even more was that you were actually able to kill that Yushen.

“You are really amazing!”

In the familiar space, Pandora with a surprised face appeared in front of Su Hai.

Said in a very excited manner.

Obviously, this time, whether Su Hai successfully summoned the God of Disobedience, or killed the God of Disobedience. All far exceeded Pandora’s expectations.

In fact, what Pandora said was pretty good. Even ordinary gods needed to gather enough witches to find items related to the gods before they could summon them, and the success rate was extremely low.

It is impossible for a god of the creation level to come into the world at all. The summoning method used by Su Hai this time is extremely simple. Whether it is an object or a method, it is destined to be impossible to succeed.

But it was miraculously successful, which is really incredible.

If the current Su Hai renews the God’s gift he obtained in the wrong world, he will find that the luck and mystery in his development ability have been greatly improved.

It turned out that the reason why Su Hai was able to successfully summon the God of Disobedience this time was due to the two very rare developmental abilities of luck and mystery.

Both of these abilities represent miracles, and to a certain extent, if triggered, some impossible things can be accomplished.

“Pandora as I said last time, I don’t remember having such a young mother.

Looking at Pandora, who had an incredible face in front of him and looked very cute. Su Hai unceremoniously stretched out his right hand and touched Pandora’s head.

He also retorted with a smile.


“What a naughty kid.

“But it seems that you really haven’t forgotten your memory in the secluded world, mother is very happy.

Pandora puffed out her cheeks, looking a little annoyed and turned away Su Hai’s right hand. Like a little adult, he slowly criticized.

But after finding out that Su Hai really didn’t forget himself, a smile appeared on his face.

It appears that “the time has come.”

“See you next time, Pan 263 Dora”

After the two chatted for a long time, the familiar feeling came again, and Su Hai’s body turned into a little light and disappeared into the world.

“See you next time…

With Su Hai’s departure, the secluded world, which had no color, once again became incomparably silent. There was also a trace of loneliness in Pandora’s eyes, looking at the place where Su Hai disappeared and muttering to himself.

The moment he woke up, Su Hai found himself lying in a deep pit created by a previous battle.

Su Hai found that this time it was not like the last time, three days had passed in a flash. Obviously, the time in the world and the time in the real world are chaotic. If you spend a cup of tea in the world, it may be three days or a week outside. It could also be a moment.

“Name: Su Hai (God Killer, Demon King).

Strength”: Four-digit mid-level peak.

“Power: God’s Gift, Sky Power, Earth Power, Genesis Power, Twelve Trials, Spirit of a Thousand Words

Items: Sword of Promised Victory, Chain of Heaven, Scarlet Dragon Emperor’s Cage Hand, Six-Star Golden Egg Fragment (1/3), Rias’ Original Fatty,

“Heroic Spirit: Medusa (Rider, Sister R).

As soon as he came back to his senses, Su Hai immediately opened his attribute panel in a hurry. Observe carefully.

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