Life is a trial, and it will not rest until death.

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly thought of this sentence.

The world is dangerous, but human beings are like weeds and tenacious species.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, civilization can be passed on endlessly.

Even if you die, you can at least leave a little trace on the world.

Proof that I’ve been here before!

Not to mention…….

Under the snow, Xue Nai glanced at Lin Mubai without a trace.

This guy knows more than I do, isn’t he still giggling and alive every day?

What am I afraid of?

Needless to say, it’s really much easier to think about it like this.

She shook off her despair and continued to analyze the situation of Yotsuya Miko: “That is, Yotsuya Miko-san is dead? ”

“If nothing else, it should be dead.”

Lin Mubai was very pleased that Xue Nai could recover so quickly, first cast an appreciative look, and then said: “She is also amazing, I estimate that there are many high-level spirit bodies in her family now.” ”

“Being able to support it until now has not collapsed, as an ordinary person, it is really powerful.”

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded approvingly.

Compared to Shitani Miko, he was really embarrassed at that time.

If it weren’t for Lin Mubai’s presence, it is estimated that he would have been captured that night and used as a deep diving sacrifice.

If you really become that ghost, it is better to die directly.

The two can also be regarded as having the same illness.

However, sympathy is sympathy, and Yukinoshita Yukino now has no idea of saving Yotsuya Miko.

Does the devil know how terrifying it is to target her pseudo-god?

Strong will only catch himself and Lin Mubai, and Xue Nai under the snow is just kind-hearted, not stupid.

She wouldn’t do it.

It was Lin Mubai’s words that gave her a bit of a bold idea.

“Wait! Lin Sang, you said that Yotsuya Miko-san’s family has a lot of high-level spirit bodies, right? ”

“Yes, limited by the thoughts accumulated by humans for thousands of years, the pseudo-gods cannot leave the scope of the shrine, and those spirit bodies that entangle Yotsuya Miko are most likely its doppelgängers.”

Lin Mubai said with great certainty: “The doppelganger of the pseudo-god is naturally a high-level spirit body. ”

“And this statement?”

Yukinoshita Yukino is interested, and she is only very interested in the inner world now.

“A peck and a drink, there is a conclusion, there is no lunch in vain.”

Lin Mubai said: “Although the good spirits enter the shrine, although they can obtain human thoughts to maintain their existence, these thoughts are also a bondage. ”

“False gods cannot be separated from thoughts, that is their origin, just as fish can never leave water, it is a truth.”

“As for the grievances, it is because they kill too much and absorb too many negative emotions, resulting in almost no reason and no brain.”

“It can only be said that the two spirit bodies have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they are not perfect.”

I see.

Hearing that the false god could not come, Yukino was somewhat relieved in his heart.

But if you think about it, it’s actually normal.

If the pseudo-gods could move around at will, the world would probably have been out of order.

Neon alone, there are eight million gods, remove those weak chickens, there are dozens of powerful gods, right?

There are so many neon islands, and the number of gods around the world combined is estimated to scare people to death!

After all, what humans do best is create gods.

“By the way, what are you asking this for?”

Lin Mubai tilted his head slightly, as if he had thought of something, and asked with some surprise: “You shouldn’t have hit the idea on the pseudo-god, right?” ”

“Why not?”

Yukinoshita Yukino asked rhetorically: “First of all, the false god can’t come in person, and its doppelgänger Lin Sang should be sure to deal with it, right?” ”

“Even if we can’t beat it, we can run!”

“If it really doesn’t work, you just summon the Tyndalos Hound again and erase our traces?”

Don’t say, it really makes sense.

Listening to Xue Nai’s plan, Lin Mubai suddenly felt that there was something to do.

He has always wanted to collect more spirit sand, after all, this thing is really easy to use, and it can be called a universal material.

Its own power is very average, but because of the pure nature of the spirit body, the spirit sand is suitable for almost all mysteries!

You can use it for summoning, you can use it to cast elemental mysteries, and you can still use it for causal mysteries!

There are such good props, why not use them?

If it weren’t for the fact that high-level spirit bodies were difficult to find and too rare, Lin Mubai would have dropped out of school to hunt spirit bodies all over the world.

“You mean, we use Yotsuya Miko as bait to lure the false god down the doppelganger, and then hunt it to collect the spirit sand?”

“That’s right!”

Yukishita Yukino became more and more excited: “As long as we ensure that Yotsuya Miko does not die, we are almost equivalent to having a treasure trove of spirit sand!” ”

“If you can fight, you can fight, if you can’t beat us, let’s run!”

“There won’t be any loss anyway, what about Lin Sang?”

Hey! You kid is really a genius!

Lin Mubai touched his chin, looked Xue Nai under the snow up and down, and said in amazement: “I originally thought that only people like me would do this kind of black-hearted business, but I didn’t expect that your thick-eyed snow would also be in cahoots with me.” ”

“What’s the mess? Can’t you just say something nice? ”

Hearing this, Yukinoshita Yukino rolled her eyes and corrected, “I call this mutual benefit, we helped Yotsuya Miko-san solve the high-level spirit body that was pestering her, and she used it as bait to facilitate our collection of spirit sand.” ”

“In this way, Yotsuya Miko-san’s life is temporarily not in danger, and we can also get what we want, which is a win-win!”

“Yes, yes, you’re right.”

Lin Mubai smiled and said, “It’s a win-win!” ”

“So when do we start?” Tonight? ”

“No hurry, let’s see the situation first.”

Although he was moved by Yukishita Xuenai’s words, Lin Mubai had always been cautious, and he wanted to see the color of the pseudo-god first.

Good villains are also known as the great gods of heaven, don’t Tianjin God.

If you underestimate it, you can’t get the spirit sand, but you will get yourself into trouble.

That’s not worth the cost.

When you come out to mix, the most important thing is to be cautious.

The most taboo thing is to see the eyes of money.

To sum up, Lin Mubai’s style of acting is just one word——


“Tonight, let’s sneak up on Yotsuya and go to her house to take a look.”



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