From the very beginning, Lin Mubai used the magic guide book to explore the way this world was formed.

Of course, it is impossible for the Void Creation to have such a powerful power, and it will not be a dependent, but a top old dominator, or an alien god-level lifeform.

Then, there are only two possibilities left: shifting space and dreaming.

Dreams become reality and exist.

Many living beings have similar powers.

They replace reality with dreams, somewhat similar to mental image enchantments.

And the blood moon in front of him obviously also has this ability.

Lin Mubai was pulled from the Dongye Town Illusion Realm to another illusion by the blood-colored moonlight it emitted.

Although it is said to be a fantasy, everything in front of you is real.

The wind in the distance smelled of blood, and the unknown bones on the ground still had flesh and blood that had not yet been gnawed clean.

There was only a blood-colored sky and a land covered with blood-soaked soil that revealed a hint of dark red soil.

Lin Mubai squatted down, rolled up a small piece of soil, put it in his fingers and rubbed it, he could clearly feel the friction caused by the soil particles rubbing between his fingers.

“Does the mind image world replace the real world?”

“It is said to be an illusion, but in essence there is no difference from the real world, and dying here is equivalent to real death, and there is no chance of repeating.”

Standing up, the barren earth has no end in sight.

Lin Mubai took the magic staff and walked forward.

There are corpses all over the way, and it seems that this was once an ancient battlefield.

Of course, it is not a human battlefield.

It was the battlefield of these high-level lives, and Lin Mubai speculated that the owners of the bones here were all the same clans of the old dependents.

Well, the matter is simple.

“Since it is a battlefield, there must be survivors, right?”

What is the situation in this universe, Lin Mubai does not know for the time being.

But he knows that humans are not the only intelligent beings in the multiverse.

There is a race where the brain is born with computing power comparable to that of a supercomputer and is extremely sane.

It is claimed that only three of them can allow an indigenous primitive civilization to leapfrog into the interstellar era in a hundred years.

You know, it took about 5,500 years for human beings to develop from primitive civilization to the present half-foot into the universe.

In comparison, this achievement of human beings is really not enough to look at.

Therefore, Lin Mubai, who knows this well, certainly will not underestimate these seemingly brainless lifeforms.

They just look strange, not in line with human aesthetics, does not mean that their intelligence is inferior to humans.

If you underestimate them, you will inevitably die a miserable death.

Blood Moon was indeed very clever, and after sensing that Lin Mubai was not easy to mess with, she decisively pulled him away and did not let him hinder his old dependents.

In this way, even if Lin Mubai was able to break through the Illusion Realm, Blood Moon could retain most of his strength and continue to drag him down.

The strategy is very good, but Lin Mubai may be far more powerful than it judged!

Not far away, the wind and sand are raised.

It looks like a cockroach, but it is a creature that walks on two legs, and it strikes like a wave.

They have a strong reproductive ability, and after the end of the war, in a very short time, they pulled up new groups.

At this moment, galloping, it really makes people feel like facing thousands of troops.

However, Lin Mubai was not flustered, he just held his left hand and whispered to summon the Magic Guide Book.

“If you want to leave as soon as possible, there is only one way-”

“Crush the Illusion Realm!”

When the words fell, the golden divine power, like a stream of water, surrounded Lin Mubai’s body and slowly flowed into his body, turning into the most solid source of strength.

The surface of his body was covered with a layer of golden light flame.

The fiery divine flame burned, distorting the air and making the boy’s face blurry.

Faintly, there is a divine nobility. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In order to prevent similar situations, the power of the god doppelganger has already established a very stable channel with the magic guide book.

Even if there is no universe, Lin Mubai can borrow this power at any time.

Now, it’s time to unleash the power of the god doppelganger!

The fierce flame of light continued to rise, and the abundant divine power filled the limbs and bones.

Lin Mubai casually turned his divine power into a magic cannon and fired it from the tip of the magic staff.

The golden pillar of light, like the breath of a rushing star, caused a big explosion in the humanoid cockroach life group!

It’s just that this group of humanoid cockroaches has a very high resistance, and the damage that ordinary magic cannons or mysteries can do to them is not ideal.

As soon as the magic cannon went down, a few died.

Compared to the army of humanoid cockroaches rushing towards Lin Mubai, it was not even a drop in the bucket.

They roared excitedly, a sound similar to the sound of insects.

Compound eyes are full of killing desire and difficult appetite.

I don’t know why, Lin Mubai actually gave birth to a feeling of meeting an old friend.

That’s right!

If the monsters encountered are as smart as the Blood Moon, it will be strange!

Only pure biological instincts remained, and the cruelty of wanting to tear apart all living forms was more in line with Lin Mubai’s stereotypical cognition of these guys.

It’s like a grievance in the real world, and a little sea demon.

“‘~ Actually, I’ve always wanted to be a master.”

“But, since the magic cannon is useless, you can only go up and fight hand-to-hand, right?” (Good money)

In the seemingly helpless words, there is an indescribable excitement.

A mage who can’t fight melee is not a good berserker!

Lin Mubai is naturally the same, and even his melee combat skills are very superb!

According to rumors, Jacob, whom the archangels taught King Solomon, had long been well practiced, but they could only do it, and they never had the opportunity to use it.

On the back of the slender palm holding the staff, the green tendons burst out.

Lin Mubai’s not too thick arm actually has the terrifying power to tear down buildings with bare hands and open mountains and rubble!

That’s right!

He’s going to start smashing people with his staff!

Before that, Lin Mubai casually applied a few buffs to himself, feeling the strength speed of the body that had fully increased its ability to resist blows.

He laughed excitedly and rushed towards the humanoid cockroach colony without retreating.

…………. Regiment..

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