"According to the news of the reincarnation space, the 'teleportation phone booth' is a great thing."

"Even if it appears suddenly on the side of the street, it will automatically block itself out so that most people cannot notice its presence."

"But it also actively attracts people into the phone booth and then randomly transmits or 'refuels'."

Xi Zhengqi had already arrived in Jiangcheng, and had arrived at Linjiang Street, looking for the 'teleportation booth'.

"If you know the coordinates of a plane, you only need to enter the coordinates in the phone booth to achieve directional transmission."

"It's just that people in this world don't seem to know this, so until now, they only think that this phone booth can only swallow people randomly."

Xi Zhengqi thought about this information, and he was very interested in the 'teleportation phone booth'.

Now, he walks the streets of Linjiang, paying attention, making sure that he will not be deceived by the disguise of the phone booth, trying to find the phone booth.

And Xi Zhengqi soon made a discovery.

"The red phone booth is the teleportation phone booth!"

Suddenly, seeing a red phone booth, Xi Zhengqi was immediately a little excited.

But when he saw the red phone booth, he also happened to see Li Anping enter the phone booth and pick up the phone.

This made Xi Zhengqi's face change.

Because this phone booth has a characteristic... Yes, it will randomly disappear after running once.

No one knows where the phone booth will appear next time, it may be a remote wilderness, it may be a downtown block, it may be a deep sea or something.

That's why, until now, teleportation booths have never been contained.

Now, the reason why Xi Zhengqi's face changed was because once this teleportation phone booth was activated once, it might disappear the next moment.

At that time, without the information of the Lord of Reincarnation, it will be more difficult to find this phone booth than to find a needle in a haystack!

Almost the next moment, Xi Zhengqi rushed forward and tried to rush into the phone booth as well.


Li Anping entered the phone booth and answered the phone that kept ringing.

As soon as he connected the phone, a hoarse voice like a mixture of radio waves came from inside.

"At the cost of your life, you can talk to any being and go anywhere."

"What the hell?"

Li Anping took the phone away from his ear, glanced at the phone, and muttered: "Liar? And now there are such scammers? What a little education. "

After speaking, Li Anping was not ready to respond, and directly hung up the phone.

"Break up, hang up automatically, try to give up your life."

Li Anping, who hung up the phone, did not hear the voice on the phone and let out such a strange laugh.

Li Anping was ready to walk out of this phone booth.

On the phone booth, a light was born, which wanted to wrap Li Anping.

However, when the light of the telephone booth just fell on Li Anping's body, it suddenly stopped moving.

The next moment, the layer of light wrapped around Li Anping's body was like a layer of bubbles, and it burst with a 'bang'.

Li Anping didn't notice anything and walked out of the phone booth.

The next moment, Li Anping looked back, but found that the red phone booth just now had disappeared.

Only on the ground, there was a small phone booth that was only 30 centimeters like a toy.

"Huh? What's going on? Who is doing magic? "

Li Anping was surprised that the telephone booth that was just two meters suddenly became only 30 centimeters, and the shape was exactly the same.

Li Anping took it for granted and thought it was a magic trick.

But looking left and right, there was no 'magician' to come forward.

"Street variety? Hide the camera? "

Several possibilities came to Li Anping's mind.

But Li Anping was not a well-behaved cooperative, seeing that no one came forward at the moment, he directly picked up the small telephone booth on the ground and went to his tutoring class.

"Hehe, I'll take this prop away, I don't believe no one will find it."

With such a mischievous mentality, Li Anping returned to the tutoring class with a mini phone booth.

"Unknown changes, unknown changes!"

"The target 'contained' the 'teleportation booth'..."

At the same time, this was noted in the Special Service that conducted the observations.

Su Zhiming and Hua Chen, who arrived in the monitoring room urgently, looked at each other, not knowing what to do in this situation.

Still Brilliance muttered, "According to global records, people who enter the phone booth have never come out. "

"Looking at it now, although this phone booth is weird, it is still a little worse than Li Anping."

Su Zhiming nodded, feeling the same way.


"Huh? How has the phone booth changed? "

At the other end of the street, Xi Zhengqi, who was about to rush to the phone booth, paused in his steps, because he saw the person who had just entered the phone booth, and walked out again in a blink of an eye.

Not only that, but the phone booth has also changed from two meters in size to a 30-centimeter miniature.

Then, Xi Zhengqi watched the man take the mini phone booth away.

"This man is an alien in this world? Spooky investigator? "

Xi Zhengqi had such an idea in his mind, and then watched Li Anping enter the 'Anping Tutoring Class'.

The next moment, Xi Zhengqi shook his head: "No matter what, I am determined to get this teleportation phone booth, this is the most easily obtained teleportation treasure through the reincarnation space." "

"With this 'teleportation phone booth', I can also return to Daqin Jiaojiao!"

Thinking like this, Xi Zhengqi walked towards the 'Anping Counseling'.


Li Anping returned to the tutoring class and casually put the mini phone booth on the table, waiting for who would ask for it.

What Li Anping didn't notice was that at the same time as he put the phone booth down, an invisible chaotic aura emerged from all over the room, wrapping the phone booth.

When the mini phone booth was wrapped up, it let out an undetectable scream, and then it returned to calm, affected back and forth by the chaotic aura.

Xi Zhengqi's figure also entered the tutoring class at this time.

"Hand over the teleportation electricity..."

Xi Zhengqi wanted to say hand over the teleportation booth.

But before he could fully speak, he froze.

Because, Xi Zhengqi's gaze fell on one thing in the tutoring class.

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