The sky of the three realms has darkened.

More precisely, the brilliance of the sun star is taken away and obscured.


Sun Wukong was so excited that he trembled a little.

The god Buddha in the sky was solemn, like the face of the Buddha Dharma, and there were some undetectable tremors, but the pressure was impressive, like the sky falling.

"What exactly is... What a sacred! "

Thirty-three days away, in the chaotic void.

Six figures that seemed to exist for eternity suddenly woke up one by one.

They are the supreme six Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortals in this world, that is, the six saints between heaven and earth.

Sanqing, Western Two Saints, Nuwa...

Their Yuan God pinned on the void and achieved the Golden Immortal of Mixed Yuan Daluo, and they were already immortal and immortal.

It's just that when the God Sealing Tribulation, Dao Ancestor Hongjun set up a rule that the saints of the world must no longer come out, so several saints have opened their own residences in the chaotic void outside the sky.

Since the Great Tribulation, the essence of these six beings has not moved at all, at most, they have incarnated to affect the three realms.

But at this moment, a breath descended on the three realms, causing the six saints to wake up from the retreat one after another.

"Who is it? It is comparable to the power of a saint, and it has descended into the three realms! "

"Such a come, coercing the three realms, is it really a decoration for Teacher Hongjun?"

"However, this breath is somewhat similar to the teacher, but it is the teacher before the Tao."

In the chaotic void, the six saints fluctuated in their thoughts, all guessing who this breath was.

They are not ignorant of the world, but they know that between heaven and earth, a mysterious existence has appeared, that is, Sun Wukong's 'teacher'.

What surprised them was that the power displayed by Teacher Sun Wukong now seemed to be the supreme power of the mixed element that covered the world!

Even, not just a mixed element...


"Goku don't panic, the division is here."

"No one can bully you anymore in heaven and earth."

Li Anping stepped into the Chaos Portal and spoke at the same time.

Along with the voice was Li Anping's figure.

At this moment, the entire three realms, the gods and Buddhas in the sky, all saw a figure, as if it appeared out of thin air in front of everyone's eyes!

I saw that the figure was huge, like an illusion, from beginning to end, standing directly across the three realms, like a giant crossing the three realms.

But there is a chaotic aura circulating on his body, which vaguely shows that he is dressed strangely but extraordinary.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth have no light because the light is covered.

But at the same time, the three realms of heaven and earth also have new light, bright as the sun and the moon.

This is the eyes of that huge figure, like the sun and the moon, illuminating the three realms.

His face was hidden in the chaotic aura, and it was not very real, but he could see that his eyes were like the sun and the moon.

In the chaotic aura around him, there were also extraordinary purple auras rotating and circulating.

At this moment, among the three realms, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky lost their voices!

If the Buddha is looking up, even if his body is like a young child in front of this figure at this moment!

More importantly, under the coercion of the breath of this figure, the body of the Dharma Buddha trembled a little.

"Master! Master! "

Sun Wukong shouted repeatedly, but his heart was grievances mixed with incomparable joy.

"Rulai Laoer, Jade Emperor Laoer, this is Lao Sun's master!"

Among the five fingers of Rulai, Sun Wukong couldn't help but let out a long roar with excitement, all the grievances, all the indignation, all the moments when he saw Li Anping, with this long roar and disappeared.

Li Anping lowered his head and looked at the golden 'Rulai', but at this moment, compared to him, it was just the same as an infant.

Even Li Anping himself was a little surprised, "How did I become so big here?" "

Such doubts only lasted for a moment, and the next moment they were forgotten.

"Now in a dream, naturally I can get as big as I want."

Li Anping thought of this, and immediately took his current state for granted.

His eyes moved, his gaze swept, and Li Anping saw something other than the Monkey King.

He saw the shock on the faces of many immortals in the Heavenly Court, including the Jade Emperor.

He saw the astonishment of the ghosts and gods of the prefecture under the nine ghosts.

Even in the chaos of the outer heavens, there were six supreme beings who were observing him at this moment.

These gods and Buddhas existed, and Li Anping could even sense their shocked emotions at the moment.

"This dream is quite realistic."

Such thoughts flashed in Li Anping's heart, but the next moment, Li Anping thought of his 'business'.

He is coming to save Sun Wukong and support his own students!

Li Anping was very sure that the Monkey King in his 'dream' was the Monkey King who worshipped him as a teacher before.

Now, Sun Wukong has been bullied, even in a dream, Li Anping is obliged to stand out for him.

"The little is like coming, bullying the small with the big, and still don't let go of Goku."

Li Anping's words fell, and suddenly the Buddha was under great pressure.

"Oh!" of a sound.

As if a bubble burst, the Buddha kingdom in the palm that the Buddha originally maintained between his five fingers burst open like a dream bubble.

A figure immediately tumbled out of it, and it was the current Qi Tian Great Saint Sun Wukong.


As soon as Sun Wukong got out of trouble, he was infinitely happy, and directly urged Douyun to go towards Li Anping.

For example, the Buddha did not care about the broken Buddha country in his palm and the Sun Wukong getting out of trouble at this moment, so he directly clasped his hands together and asked Li Anping.

"Dare to ask the name of the Venerable?"

For example, the Buddha is careful and cautious, because just in terms of breath, Li Anping in front of him is not something he can handle, even if he is the master of Western Buddhism, the top great god in heaven and earth.

Li Anping watched Sun Wukong get out of trouble, heard Buddha Rulai's inquiry, and only felt that this dream was interesting in his heart, and responded at the moment.

"Buddha-figure Li Anping."


When Li Anping said his name, the entire heaven and earth sounded a thunderbolt!

In the Heavenly Court, many immortals looked at each other, and some immortals couldn't help but ask: "Have you heard this name?" "

Many immortals shook their heads, but did not hear Li Anping's words.

At that moment, an immortal said, "Could it be that you haven't reported it yet?" "

The Jade Emperor looked solemn: "It's not that it wasn't reported, but its name is unheard of!" "

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