"Willow, I want to know my own life and know what I forgot."

Little Stone stood in front of the scorched black willow tree, clenched his small fist, and said such words.

He had some communication with Willow, and vaguely felt that although he was not as good as his 'teacher', he was also very good and might have the ability to reach the sky.

So Little Stone raised this point.

"Yes, the treasure liquid you brought has already revived my nirvana, and that phoenix treasure art has made me understand the principle of life and death nirvana."

The willow shoots waved slightly, and conscious fluctuations came: "I can tap your subconscious and let you recall everything that has happened." "

"However, your past may be cruel, are you ready?" Liu Shen asked seriously.

"Think about it, I want to know my background, I want to remember who my father is."

Little Stone also nodded seriously.

Returning from the 'Anping Dao Palace', the small stone body is like a young murderer, and the body is full of qi and blood.

At the same time, when he practiced the Phoenix Treasure Art, there would be some flashbacks of memories in his mind, but they were all just fragments.

He once had a lost memory, and now he wanted to retrieve it, so he asked Willow.

"Okay, this will help you get your memory back."

Liu Shen said, and the young shoots were waving, and suddenly emitted a ray of light, giving birth to a mist burst, shrouding the small stone in it.

Suddenly, the distant experience of small stones was excavated.

It turned out that the little stone was born eminent, born with supreme bones, and was originally destined to be the supreme of the human race.

But in his family, an aunt was not kind, and took advantage of the time when Xiaoshi's parents went out, dug up the supreme ghost bone of Xiaoshi, and grafted it on her own naturally heavy pupil child.

And he took out the small stone and a body of true blood to contain the supreme bone.

Little Stone's parents returned, and there was a big fight, but they never got justice, and even for the sake of Little Stone's life, they were forced to leave the wilderness.

Then they got the news that their people had ancestral land, so they came to this big mountain and settled the small stones.

After that, his parents went to find the opportunity of the holy medicine for the sake of the little stone, and never returned.

Little Stone personally watched these memories of himself.

During this period, Xiaoshi couldn't help but feel distressed and cry for his parents.

After reading it, Xiaoshi couldn't help but call: "Dad, mother." "

But this is always a memory, all memories dissipate, and only Willow God appears in front of the small stone.

"Little stone, you lost the Supreme Bone, hate?"

"Originally, you should be the Terran Supreme, but now all this has been taken away by others, and others may rely on this bone to achieve the Supreme."

Xiao Shi shook his head and said, "The Supreme does not rely on only one bone. "

Saying that, the little stone raised his head and looked at the willow tree in front of him: "Besides, I have you Willow God, I still have Master, and I still have the Treasure Art Collection!" "

"True achievement, as long as I work hard, I don't necessarily need that bone."

Little Stone clenched his fists and cheered himself on.

"Very good, your mentality is very good, this is the mentality that a strong person should have."

The willow shoots swayed slightly, and a voice came out: "You are right, your starting point is no worse than anyone." "

"Even without me, just relying on the master you worship, the treasure liquid you drink, and the 'treasure art encyclopedia' passed on to you by your master is enough to make your starting point proud of most living beings, and even not inferior to the ancient fierce beasts!"

"These are your capital, and you are by no means weaker than anyone."

Willow swayed and said, "And, I have good news for you." "

"You drank the treasure liquid, and the phoenix treasure art you practiced is making a change in your body."

"A new supreme bone is being reborn from your body and reborn!"

"The supreme bones that have experienced nirvana and are reborn, once they are conceived, will surely shock the earth and be proud of all the supreme bones of the past and present!"

"Like the withered glory of grass and trees, like phoenix nirvana, your supreme bone is also being reborn."

"Practice well and look forward to this day."

The light on the young shoots of the willow tree gradually dimmed down, and the mist emitted also dissipated.

The villagers immediately gathered around and comforted the small stones with tear stains on their faces.

And Xiaoshi's eyes have become firm.

"I've suffered that, but now I have a lot."

"There are the villagers, there are the willow gods, and... Master! "

"Liu Shendu said that my current starting point is no worse than anyone else, then if I practice hard, I will definitely be able to reach the peak and find my parents!"

Little Stone made up his mind.

At this time, the old village chief pulled over the small stone.

"Little stone, you have a mysterious and powerful master, Liu Shen is pointing you again, and now there is no better one for you in the village."

"But I have a treasured bone, and I give it to you now, I should be able to use it."

The old village chief took out a crystal clear, jade-like treasure bone, and at the same time told the small stone the origin of this treasure bone.

Together with the village spirit willow tree, it fell from the sky, and its origin is extraordinary.

"This is the original true solution, but at the beginning of the cultivation stage, it is required to have 100,000 jin of strength to move the blood realm, and you are almost reaching it now, and you can practice with a hard work."

Willow Shu spoke again and said to Xiaoshi: "Although you have obtained the treasure art completed by your teacher, this original true understanding is definitely not worse than any of the treasure arts above, but it is different. "

"So it is." Xiao Shi said solemnly, "I will practice well, together with those treasure arts." "

"You can practice, and when you see your teacher again in the future, you have to pass on other stronger methods, and you can change to practice again." Willow instructed the little stone.

"Good." Xiaoshi nodded seriously, and after recovering his memory, he surged with infinite enthusiasm for cultivation.

Now he is practicing not only for himself, but also for his parents, for the village, for the sake of Liu Shen, for his supreme bone, and for his master.

And in order to one day, return to that home and make all those who bully themselves and bully their parents pay!

From this day on, Xiaoshi practiced harder than the adults in the village, and truly devoted all his body and mind to cultivation.


Jiangcheng, Linjiang Street, among the Anping tutoring classes.

Li Anping was bored and said to himself: "My students, which one will be the first to study next?" Is it Zhao Zheng? Or little Naruto? Or small stones? "

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