The three of them walked and talked while walking.

Perfect for men, perfect for women.

This scene is like the most loving couple, but there is an extra beautiful woman, which seems so discordant.

"City in the sky, is it really that powerful?"

Feng Jian Youxiang was stunned. Although she lived in the sunflower field, she wouldn't be so far behind.

Yakumo Zi nodded in agreement: "The City of the Sky has many world-class props, just... the terrifying props that almost killed you in seconds."

"World Class Items"

Thinking of the terrifying power just now, Feng Jian Youxiang was a little fortunate. If it was really implemented, he might be hit hard on the spot.

Jiang Han smiled and said nothing.

How could he shoot the bow and arrow of the godslayer, at that time the urban management of Gensokyo, Hakurei Reimu, would definitely appear and use the power of the Great Barrier to stop him.

As long as she is still in Gensokyo, the city administrator Hakurei Reimu is... invincible, as long as she wants to, any attack from her will be completely wiped out.

"Hey, brother Jiang Han!"

At this moment, a young female voice caught the attention of Jiang Han and others.

I saw a little girl wearing a blue and white Lolita looking at her in surprise.

Jiang Han was a little stunned, but he quickly recovered: "Little Binai"

His tone was a little unsure, Hiruko Xiaobinai was like this two years ago, why hasn't it changed after two years.

"Mmmm, brother Jiang Han!"

Xiao Binai rushed over and hugged brother Jiang Han, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Brother Jiang Han, where have you been for so long?"

It has been two years since they were sent to this world by a ray of light, and they have not seen Brother Jiang Han who took them out of that world for two years.

Jiang Han smiled and gently touched the little head of Xiao Binai, the leeches: "Brother also has his own affairs, so it's impossible to stay forever."

"Really? That brother's business is important, so Xiao Binai won't drag his brother back."

Although he was reluctant to give up, Xiao Bina, the leech child, let go of Jiang Han's hand.

Silently stood aside, as if to say, I'm very good, and I won't cause trouble to my brother.

Jiang Han was dumbfounded. Back then, he worried a lot about these little guys.

"These hours, my brother won't leave, don't worry."

Jiang Han took Xiao Binai into his arms and carried him away.

Immediately, Jiang Han wondered: "Rumia just went to find you, didn't you see it?"

"Rumia? I haven't seen it for more than half a month."

Talking about Rumia, Hiruko and Little Bina pouted and seemed very dissatisfied.

"At that time, Lumia said that she would go to farm with us, but she stole away."



Chapter 14

Jiang Han was a little puzzled: "What kind of land to plant?"

"Everyone needs a lot of food, so we need to farm!"

Although farming was hard work, Hiruko Xiaobina could see from her big eyes that she enjoyed it very much.

Yakumo Zi suddenly said, "Brother, aren't you wondering why Xiaobina keeps staying like this?"

"Well, yes."

Jiang Han nodded. It stands to reason that with his sister's ability, it would not be a problem to cure Xiao Binai.

Yakumo Zisu pointed: "Look ahead!"

Jiang Han's eyes followed the direction that Eight Cloud Purple was pointing. At the apex of the human world, there was a huge ball of light floating in it.

A strange energy continuously radiated from it and fell on everyone in the human world.

"The Power of Life"

Jiang Han hesitated, isn't this the rule of life? How could Yakumo Zimeimu appear in Gensokyo? It seems that he is very familiar with this rule of life, "It is... two years ago, when the city of the sky appeared, together with coming."

"Arriving together is a system"

Jiang Han immediately denied, this rule of life is not something that... the system can come up with.

Although the strength of the system is very strong, it is absolutely impossible to use the power of the rules.

Only the source can apply this rule.

Unable to figure it out, Jiang Han no longer thought: "Let's go and have a look."

Why the little guys don't grow up should be related to the rules of life.

The rules of life can make living things have eternal life.

However, you must always accept the supplement of the rules of life, otherwise it will turn into a fly.

Along the way, Jiang Han found some little guys from time to time, holding various tools and working hard in the cultivated farmland.

"With the self-sufficiency of the city in the sky, it is completely enough for the little ones to have enough food, so why work?"

Jiang Han was puzzled, he had already arranged everything, but the little ones still had to work hard. The leech Xiaobinai, who was in Jiang Han's arms, covered his mouth and smiled: "Brother Jiang Han, everyone is too bored. Come on, after Mr. Bai Ze's class every day, there is nothing to do."

"Is that so?"

Jiang Han was stunned, as long as he didn't force the little guys to do it.

"Jiang Han, are you back?"

At this moment, a slightly charming female voice came.

Jiang Han looked back, and a girl in black and white school uniform was looking at him in surprise: "Mu Geng, long time no see."

At this time, Mu Geng's appearance was the same as two years ago, and there was no change in any way, it should be illuminated by the rules of life.

"Did you come back"

Mu Gengmei had tears in her eyes. If she didn't have her own magic, how could she kill the enemy who killed her parents.

"Well, today I'm here to take you to the city. Tomorrow night, there will be a banquet in the city of the sky. Then you can get to know the monsters in Gensokyo."

Jiang Han said softly, Mu Geng and the others came to Gensokyo, but they never left the world.

As expected, Mu Geng looked at Jiang Han hesitantly: "Can we not go?"

"Why not go"

Jiang Han couldn't figure it out, what's wrong with this banquet? Immediately, Mu Geng blushed: "No, it's because I'm afraid of those...monsters! They look scary. ."

After staying in the world for two years, she has seen many terrifying monsters.

Mugeng, who is not afraid of gastritis, is only afraid of those... monsters.

Knowing the reason, Jiang Han laughed and comforted: "Those...the monsters who look scary are actually weak chickens, and those...looks beautiful and cute. You must be careful with the monsters, their strength is terrifying."

As he said that, Jiang Han glanced at his sisters, Yakumo Zi and Feng Jian Youxiang, beside him intentionally or unintentionally.

The meaning is obvious, they are beautiful, absolutely beautiful! But their strength is definitely one of the most terrifying people in Gensokyo.

"Oh, really"

Mu Geng's tone was suspicious, and the weakest monsters in Gensokyo exuded a terrifying aura.

"How could I lie to you, those... monsters look fierce, but they are powerful on the surface, but they are actually weak."

Jiang Han curled his lips in disdain, that kind of... monster, is not as powerful as Qi Lunuo, an insane goblin.

"I'll take you to Sky City later. The monsters that will arrive tomorrow night are all top-level monsters in Gensokyo. There are absolutely no... scary monsters."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Jian Youxiang on the side was not happy: "What do you mean we are not enough... scary"

She only needs one look to scare a bunch of monsters, when will they stop scaring.

She is a flower monster. The monsters are not scary, can they still be called monsters? "Yes, brother, do you think my sister is good-looking?"

Yayunzi's delicate and beautiful face is like a flower, and it seems to be able to confuse all life.

Jiang Han shook his head without hesitation: "You're not pretty, elder sister, your appearance is too scary.

But it's powerful and strong!"

"Clap! What do you say?"

Eight clouds and purple willow eyebrows stand upside down, very dissatisfied with Jiang Han's answer.

To say that to a lady is to be punished by heaven.

At this time, Jiang Han turned into a straight steel man, and was extremely honest: "Sister, if you are the most frightening monster in Gensokyo, you will definitely be ranked first."

As a realm demon, Yakumo Zi's body is full of hideous eyes, very terrifying.

Even if he saw it, his heart would tremble.

"Brother, do you want to try our power?"

Yakumo Zimei's beautiful eyes glowed with a dangerous light, as a monster who claimed to be beautiful, how could he accept Jiang Han's words?

Feeling the threat from Yayunzi, Jiang Han hurriedly shut up and stopped talking.

Yakumo Zi's body, almost no monsters have ever seen.

As soon as the realm demon is born, it will descend into the world in the form of a human, and no creature can see its body.

At the same time, Jiang Han still has a trace of happiness in his heart: "Fortunately, my body is like this."

At the beginning, when he was reincarnated as a realm demon, his body was this posture.

He has always appeared in front of everyone in the form of his own body.


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