Jiang Han's heart was dark, but the surface was still pretending to be bitter.

I have always wanted to find opportunities, but I was trapped in such a desperate situation that I had no time to act.

In Fantasy Township, the big demon love is extremely terrifying. If you really fall in love, Mi Qing may die as a demon.

Mira, dumbfounded, looked at the girls who were discussing who was sleeping with Jiang Han tonight, "Should I also join in?"

Soon, she dismissed the idea.

She is not familiar enough with Jiang Han's wives, and if she joins rashly, it may cause hostility.

Then they will be hostile in the future, they will all be hostile to themselves, and the days in the future will be very sad.

"Cough, I will take you to join Fairy Tail, please come with me."

Mira coughed and interrupted the girls' whispering.

If they were to keep talking, it might be necessary to discuss what kind of erotic clothes to pass on to make Jiang Han more tempted.

: Readers, there are still more than [*] flowers left, and the flowers in this book will break through [*] to [*]!

Chapter 15

"Going to Fairy Tail? Well, okay."

Kaguya thought about it, and then agreed to Mira's request.

If it wasn't for Jiang Han's request, maybe she would be a house girl and stay at home every day.

Mira smiled slightly, "I'll show you the way."

After finishing speaking, Mira walked straight away, and the graceful and delicate body walked out of moving steps, and every move tickled people's heartstrings.

As the only male here, Jiang Han turned a blind eye to Mila's sultry figure without the slightest bit of interest.

There are too many wives, and the simple good figure can no longer simply attract him.

At the very least, you have to be his wife to be able to flirt.

Along the way, it's not as sensational as when it came.

Fairy Tail Guild, at this time, with everyone's hard work, it only took one day to complete the construction.

The rest of the work is... to move all the miscellaneous items from the original guild to the new guild.

"Magic changes the world!"

Jiang Han's eyes flashed with brilliance. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely not have believed that a huge, four-story guild was built in just one morning.

Mira didn't say anything about this, if it wasn't for the guild's insufficient budget..., the guild actually wanted to build a higher one.

However, considering the destructive power of Natsu and others, Makarov decided to keep some more funds to facilitate compensation in the future.

"Wow, beautiful!"

"The woman in a white dress and gauze is so pretty!"

The members of the guild who were carrying various magic books at this time stopped one by one, their eyes were all obsessed. It was because they had seen a stunning beauty like Mira, but they couldn't help but lose their minds when they saw Kaguya.

At this time, a handsome orange-haired young man in a straight suit walked up with a delicate flower in his hand, with a look of surprise in his eyes: "Hello, beautiful lady, can you give me a chance to meet you? I am Loki of the Fairy Tail guild!"

Kaguya's beautiful eyes were always flat, without any reaction, even looking at Loki was disgusting.

Mira just wanted to stop Loki's actions, but Jiang Han, who was walking behind, had already started to roll up his cuffs and came to Loki: "You are very courageous to pry my corner in front of me, newcomer, you are very brave. good."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Han's fist slammed out, and the terrifying force directly made a series of sonic booms.

Before Loki could react, he was directly knocked into the air by Jiang Han's punch, and his handsome face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Don't think that you can escape by doing this. For so many years, no one who thinks about my wife will end well!"

Jiang Han doesn't care who he is, whether he is his companion or not, if he dares to think about my wife, then he will draw his sword.

Seeing Jiang Han approaching slowly, Loki cried out in fright: "Wait..., Jiang Han, I didn't know she was your wife, please forgive me!"

He was dumbfounded, he actually dared to flirt with Jiang Han's old man, was he courting death? "If an apology is useful, then what should a husband do, just wait until I beat you up!"

Jiang Han's eyes are full of indifference, dare to tease my wife, you have never seen what hell looks like.

In an instant, no one in the guild dared to look at it, and Ji's screams made almost those who heard it sad and those who saw it wept.

When Natsu saw it, he couldn't bear to turn his head away, he didn't dare to persuade Jiang Han.

If the time comes, Jiang Han even beat himself up, but he just ate all the lunch he prepared, it is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Natsu was even more certain in his heart: "I'd better hide for a while, or I might be beaten badly!"

Natsu, who used to love to watch the fun, sneaked out with his kitten when everyone was not paying attention.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Han lightly clapped the dust in his hands, and looked down at the immature Loki who had been beaten: "I don't want a next time, they are all my wives!"

Jiang Han pointed to the wives behind Hui Ye and made his own voice.

At the same time, his eyes were cold and he looked around, and there was a warning in his eyes.

How could he not know what the members of the guild are like, whether it is a joke or not, he cannot allow his wife to be molested.

At the same time, it is also a blessing that Loki is a member of the Fairy Tail guild, otherwise he would have been taken by Jiang Hanxu to an unknown world.

"Well, Jiang Han can rest assured that we will never do anything that does not conform to the norms of guild members!"

Everyone in the guild expressed their agreement, looking at Jiang Han's wives like tigers and wolves.

It was just a few flirting words that made Loki like this.

If the target were replaced by them, I would like to ask who can resist Jiang Han's beating.

Loki, who was lying on the ground, had long since burst into tears, secretly indignant: "Didn't you just molest your wife? As for beating me like this?"

It's not that he didn't think about resisting just now, but Jiang Han's strength is as boundless as the sky.

Even his head, the King of Star Spirits did not have such vast and powerful strength, so he was beaten by Jiang Han all the time.

"Small snacks in the future, don't tease people casually."

Jiang Han glanced meaningfully at Loki, a life of unknown race.

Hearing that, Loki quickly straightened his glasses that were slanted to the side, and nodded again and again: "Yes, I will never do this stupid thing again."


Jiang Han nodded with satisfaction, and continued to follow behind the girls, feeling at ease as his own flower protector.

Mira's eyes were full of helplessness, but she didn't say anything. Luo Ji had such a personality. If he didn't teach him a lesson, he might get into some trouble in the future.

Hui Ye looked at Jiang Han's beautiful eyes with a flash of affection, and a pair of Rou Yi hugged Jiang Han's arms, and said softly: "Husband, let's finish it as soon as possible, I'm not used to this atmosphere."

In the past thousand years, she has gone out only a handful of times, and the most recent trip was to find Jiang Han.

Under the eyes of so many people, as if looking at rare animals, she couldn't accept it.

"Mira, let's finish it as soon as possible."

Jiang Han nodded in agreement, his wives came to this world only for cultivation, and would not participate in the plot of this world.

Well, let's end it early and let them practice their own magic.

Mila looked at Hui Ye, and after looking at Jiang Han, Mei Mu suddenly said, "Okay, come here!"

Immediately, Mira brought the girls to the guild's coat of arms

"Oh, didn't someone say that there are a lot of beautiful girls in the guild? Why didn't anyone inform me about this old man!"

At this moment, a short figure squeezed through the crowd with great effort, with a gleam in his eyes, as if he was looking for a beautiful girl.

Jiang Han turned his head, smiled slightly, and his eyes were full of chills: "Master, they are my wives, you seem to have any special thoughts."

Chapter 16


This old man was naturally the guild president Makarov.

Just as he was about to say something, Makarov was pulled over by Gray who was beside him, and said in a low voice, "President, Jiang Han is a wife-protecting madman, and Loki is still lying there, you have to be careful!"

"Wife Protector"

Makarov can't believe it, Jiang Han has found his wife in just seven years.

But when he saw Loki, who was wearing a tattered suit and his handsome face was swollen like a pig's head, he was silent.

I was very fortunate in my heart: "Fortunately, I didn't say anything about the old man, otherwise Jiang Han might beat himself up like this."

He didn't dare to bet on whether Jiang Han would respect the old man. If Jiang Han didn't respect him, he might lose his face as president.

"Jiang Han, we're done."

At this time, Hui Ye walked out slowly with a group of wives, and raised the emblem on Yang's jade-white arm.

Jiang Han nodded, "Since we're done, let's go."

With that said, Jiang Han pulled Hui Ye and the girls to leave, without any intention of saying anything.

"Jiang Han, he has changed a lot in seven years."

Makarov's eyes were calm, he looked at the stunning beauty behind Jiang Han, and couldn't stop praising: "Only in this way can our guild grow and develop, Jiang Han, come on!"

Regarding the growth of the guild, Makarov was happy to see that Jiang Han was able to find so many wives, which was also his ability.

“So eccentric!”

In an instant, the members, including Gray, were repeating these words, treating them so harshly and treating Jiang Han so happily.

Makarov looked at the jealous members and pouted his lips disdainfully: "If you can have the strength of Jiang Han, then what you want to do, I will not stop you!"


Gray smacked his mouth, Jiang Han could easily crush them since he was a child, and now he can even challenge the Holy Ten.

In the future, they will definitely be even stronger, and they want to have the strength of Jiang Han, it is really over their own strength.

Looking at the discouraged crowd, Makarov sighed softly: "Cultivation well, the future is not static, who knows if you will catch up with Jiang Han."

"Catch up with Jiang Han"

Mira's eyes were lost, the only thing that had something to do with her was Jiang Han, she didn't want to give up.

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